Haha! You thought you could stop me? Never! I may have stolen a small area in the COG's research and development but I did it!
I could not help but look at my creation with absolute pride. I spent seven months 'borrowing' COG equipment until I finally created my Gaming PC!
I quickly lifted my computer and placed it within a large box. Luckily I found this box and it conveniently had wheels letting me roll it around.
I walked out of my 'office' and I nodded towards my 'guards' who were kind enough to wait outside.
"I'm going home now so feel free to do whatever. See you later Danny and Davey!"
Was that their name? I have no clue, they haven't said a word to me even after I tried making conversation! So rude! Naturally, I decided to name them with creative names!
Anyways I walked back towards my apartment as I could see multiple COG soldiers walking past me. I ignored them as who should care about side characters?
Time past quickly as I entered my apartment and started to plug all the wiring in. During the first few months I created better monitors that I could use but why stop at one? I built three!
With everything plugged in I booted up my PC as an image appeared. The image was ironically a frozen COG symbol with a skull within it. A few seconds passed as a blank background appeared whiched caused me to lift my hands up into the air as a sign of victory!
"I've done it! Just ignore the part were their is nothing to select yet and I have a working computer!"
Normally the next part would ruin any excitement. Why? Well I had to use the COG's 'Computer' to write my code but all I needed to add now was a program that let me write code within my own PC!
I've already made a keyboard and mouse and inputted those actions to register within my own computer so all I needed to do was import the code I make in the COG computer and I can throw this trash out the window!
It only took a few minutes as I made it quite simple. A spot to type in the code, a test feature, delete feature, and a import feature!
After I saved it, I then inputed it with my PC vita USB stick I had to create.
I watched as my PC powered down only for it to turn back on moments later with a single icon I named 'Code Pad'. I doubled clicked it as a white tab opened.
I checked everything and when I noticed everything was right I began writing more code.
Holy... I've been writing code for three years now! I thought that it would only take a few months but God... I've had to speed up my hand moved to the point that no one would be able to see my fingers move!
Even then it took me three years to complete my computer! I've even named my own OS! I call it Madden OS and I pretty sure it's on a supercomputer level at this point with all the upgrades I've added.
Want to know the part I hate the most? That was just writing the OS completely... Three years ago was just me being able to turn it on but now I have apps!
I may or may not have used well know site launchers such as Brave, Firefox, and so on. But now I had a MASSIVE problem... I need internet... To do that I needed help...
I needed a large space to hold servers, a place to hold the Internet, and a place to work on all of this... Hope Prescott is in the mood for a visit...
I walked out of my house and spoke to one of my guards.
"I need to talk to the chairman."
The guard nodded and good me to follow him as the second guard filled behind me. We walked for a bit and arrived at a Military communication building.
I ignored the person asking for my reason for the visit as I left that for my Onyx Guard and eventually found Prescott talking to a blond woman who looked very familiar.
"Oi Richard, I need some help! Like, drop whatever your doing kind of help!"
Prescott looked towards me and so did the blonde who raised an eyebrow.
{Anya Stroud POV}
I was talking to the 'Chairman' about needing to update our way of communication as its limiting our ability of sending messages to are soldiers within the field until suddenly I heard a loud voice
When the unfamiliar man finished speaking I could not help but raise an eyebrow.
'Who is this man and why is Prescott letting him use his first name? He hates when people call him that...'
I watched as Prescott spoke to him.
"Yes? What is it, Kyle?"
Oh? The Chairman is not getting angry? Now I know this man is not ordinary as he is not being yelled at.
"I need someone to help me find a place to build servers and a place to hold the internet! How can I play video games without the Internet!"
I suddenly spoke up as this is a field I work in every day.
"Why do we need another Server for the COG? We currently have enough room so why do we need to expand it? I don't believe I know what the 'Internet' is. So Prescott, care to inform me what this man is talking about? In fact, I don't believe this man even works under my division."
Prescott just sighed which I found amusing. Any day this man is having a bad day is a good day for the COG.
"That is because he doesn't work for you, Anya... He doesn't work for anyone and I have to ask him to do something when I need his area of specialty... Is it related to communication Kyle?"
I watched Kyle nod his head and I could already see where this is going...
"Great! Anya would you be so kind and help Kyle with whatever he needs? I got paperwork to do."
I knew it. Always pass down the work to other people.
I watched Prescott leave and was left with a man named Kyle.
"So Kyle was it? What exactly do you need my help with? I need to get back to work so please be quick."
{Kyle POV}
Be quick she said, oh this is not going to be quick at all! This is probably going to take days to finish haha.
"Hmm... Follow me and ill show you. The quickest way would be to let you see for yourself would it not?"
I didn't even wait for her to respond as I walked out of the building while Anya followed as she was ordered to help me. It's so nice being able to force someone to come with you haha. I normally have to kidnap someone to bring them with me...
I walked into my apartment while Anya was looking towards the guards stationed outside my home and I could already guess what she was thinking.
'Oh this handsome man is so important that he has guards stationed at his house twenty four house a day!'
Yeah I might have the ability to read minds now haha. Anyways I showed her my PC.
{Anya POV}
I have absolutely no idea what I'm even doing here. I was surprised to find out that this man has Onyx Guards outside his home but why? Eventually, I was brought into a room that had three large monitors with a black box near it.
"I need help storing data and memory with what I'm about to create and I need to create the Internet so that all this data can transfer into the cloud. What are your thoughts on this?"
What? I understand him talking about storing data and memory in a server but what does he mean about internet?
"Im a bit confused. What do you mean by the internet and the cloud?"
I saw him roll his eyes as he responded to my valid question.
"The internet lets someone connect to other servers without needing to manually connect with a wire. If I want to send data and memory to multiple servers at once I can use the Internet to do it for me without needed to connect wires with tens or even hundreds of servers. If I send the information to the cloud it can save whatever I sent and if the data gets damaged or deleted it will have another copy I can use."
This... That is simply amazing! We use drones to store all the information and once they get damaged all the information they stored gets corrupted! Are super terminals have a built-in server but it difficult to send that information to others but with the Internet, all my problems can be solved!
"How do you build it? The Internet would help the COG immensely by letting us send information quicker! What were you creating that would have given you this idea?"
While I looked at Kyle in amazement I saw him frowning. Why was he frowning?
"Why would I give this to the COG? I just want it so I can store the data on a server for a game I want to make. I'll run out of memory eventually so I need to make it so it automatically sends my saved data to a server so I can pick up where I left off."
What? All of this amazing technology and he is refusing to help the COG? All for a stupid game?!
"Are you an idiot? If we can spread the Internet then the COG will be able to extend our range of communication. If our Soldiers have a way of receiving reports on the spot then think about all the possible lives that could be saved!"
{Kyle POV}
I felt attacked! This woman called me an idiot and that just rude! Screw the COG! I just want to sit in my room and play video games! Is that so much to ask for? Sure I might eventually spread the internet out so that I can play multiplayer with others that I've given my computers to but I'm not there yet!
"Screw you lady I want to play games! I out rank you so shut up and help me!"
Did I out rank her? Nope I'm not even apart of this government so I'm less than a civilian but I'm still stronger than the entire government combined so I out rank her in my own way!
I saw her face turn red out of anger as she left my room and rudely slammed my door. Seconds later I could clearly hear her screaming.
Oh I understand now. It must be that time of month for her so that's why she was rude. All is forgive lady who I forgot your name.
Anyways back to work...