
So I just remembered something super important. Like really, really important. Like so unbelievably important that it will change the world kind of important.

Do you want to know? I'm sure you do voice in my head and just because you have been quiet lately I'll tell you!

The queen of the Locust was human! I can give her a PC and in the future I can play video games with her! Isn't that important?!

"That's it! I'm going to go find her and play video games with her! Luckily I managed to create a game we could play together and who doesn't like Minecraft? It's fun right? Voice? Hello?"

Well since it's not going to respond then I'll go ahead and take a break from work, I'm sure they would not mind me taking a few days off. I looked around my home and found a piece of paper and wrote a note on it.

After writing down the note I changed my body's cells similar to a chameleon just better. Much better, I'm practically invisible so that's nice.

Before leaving I decided to give Sushi Roll a couple days worth of 'food' and then jumped out my window as my guards were doing such a fantastic job of guarding my door.

I began running towards a building that had a helipad and you might be wondering why.


Awhile back when Prescott gave me those five individuals with a large amount of fear within them I got a couple interesting abilities.

Oh! I also Leary's something new and it helps keep track of all my abilities! Apparently I have a message page similar to when mother contacted to me when I first arrived here!

[> Abilities

1: Hammer Of Dawn

2: King Raven

3: Lancer

4: Imulsion

5: Spider Swarm

6: Water <]

Honestly the abilities are strange but still useful. Apparently someone saw their friend being decapitated by the blades of a King Raven causing him to fear helicopters.

Another was scared by getting chainsawed in half by a Locust using a Lancer.

Someone else was afraid of Imulsion because they saw what happens when you drink it.

Some guy watched hundreds of Spiders appearing out of a cracked wall underground while he was on a mission.

Then water... Who gets scared of water? It's not like sharks but water... maybe the person almost drowned and I didn't notice?

Anyways I am able to summon a King Raven whenever I want! Do you know how useful this ability is? Imagine if Prescott learned that I could will an unlimited amount of helicopters... No thanks bud.

Once I reached the rooftop I walked over to an empty Helipad I simply willed a King Raven to appear and not even a second later a helicopter started appearing out of thin air.

"Luckily I 'borrowed' the knowledge on how to fly them from some random pilot. Otherwise I would have to kidnap someone to fly for me... Can't be that bad can it?"

I quickly got in and started flipping switches and I felt the King Raven propeller starting to power up. It didn't take long before I was lifting up into the air and taking a quick one eighty and flying off into the distance.

Then I realized I made a error in my plan... I don't know where the Queen is... Easy solution to it haha.

I willed myself to know her location and soon it appeared within my Mind. Unfortunately I ran into another problem...

"How the hell am I supposed to reach the Nexus when it's deep underground?! Screw it I'll dig down if I have to! Nothing will stop me from playing games with the Queen!"

I eventually started humming while thinking out loud out of boredom.

"How come I can will specific knowledge and not other things? I'm able to will myself the location of someone but I can't will myself to learn how to fly? I had to borrow it from someone else... Am I just bad at it or is it something else?"

Eventually I got tired of flying myself and turned on the auto pilot to fly for me. I got up from my seat and moved to the back where I had my luggage. Can't forget clothes and my computer now can I?

After checking to make sure I didn't forget anything I closed my eyes and simply waited.

I don't know when but I soon started feeling calm. Very calm.

"What am I even doing? Running away from reality just because I miss my parents... I claim myself to be a God but deep down I know I'm not... I'm just a mortal who still holds attachment to my long dead family..."

Suddenly I felt things become foggy as I looked around the interior of the Helicopter.

"What was I saying again? Probably a brain fart."

I suddenly willed a lancer to appear and began examining it but the voice started yelling at me for no reason! Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?

While my uninvited guest continued to scream within my hand I noticed that the Lancer only has one mag.

"Well that's disappointing, I wished it had unlimited ammo but life decided to say no and kick me in the face..."

Eventually I made my way back into the cockpit and noticed my surroundings were much different than before. During my time on this planet I've been in a Desert and on a Island but now I'm surrounded my mountains.

"I should be arriving in about a day or two then again I'm not really the best at determining how long it will take me but who cares anyway? What was the Queens name again? Meh I'll learn it eventually. Just got to find a human who is not being tortured and if she is fine then it's likely he queen! But the question is what do I do now?"

{Richard Prescott POV}

"Sup dude, I'm going to take a few days off work and go find someone. I'm ditching those guards so feel free to call them back whenever you need to. P.S I'm still waiting for my own blacked out armor..."

When I heard one of my Onyx Guards telling me what the note said I wanted to shoot somebody. How could you lose such an annoying person!?!

"I want you to listen to me very carefully... Find him immediately and if I don't see him within my office in the next five days then someone is getting court marshaled..."

As I watched my guards leaving I could not help but rub my head.

'I hate how invaluable he is... He has otherworldly knowledge and I've yet to learn anything about it! I can't take it from him as he could annihilate what's left of humanity in matter of seconds... Anya has been speaking highly of Delta squad so perhaps I should order them to locate him as well...'