Hello their!

{A/N: Before the chapter starts I would like to give @stink_claw a special thanks for being the first person to leave a review on this novel!! I'll say this, something 'interesting' will happen in a few chapters! Until then... Enjoy :)}

So my King Raven eventually ran out of fuel and due to this I decided to exercise for a while. I know that I could simply bring forth another but I've barely moved around in my true form so that why I'm currently running on all fours like an animal.

I just find it more comfortable instead of running on two legs. While I'm in this form a started noticing a few things while the first was that I was limiting myself in my human form.

When I am in my true form I am able to will just about anything I want as long as I understand what I'm bringing into reality.

My human form had a low amount of divinity that could be safely used which was why I thought only specific things could be willed into existence at seemingly random.

I believe I have an explanation for this. If I use too much divinity in a weakened form then I risk destroying myself to my own divinity.

The second thing that I noticed was that the voice in my head became nonexistent. I guess this gives me another reason as to why I should stay within my true form.

The last thing was that I could turn off my 'aura'. I call it this because it's like an invisible field and those who cross into it will end up going insane.

Anyways now that I knew all of this I started speeding up because I could feel that I was close to my destination.

One of my perks of being a God allowed me to sense life forms nearby and let me tell you...

I feel a lot below me.

They are mostly in thin tunnels so I know I'm not above the Nexus but rather a corridor leading to the Locust Capital.

Even with knowing that I was above a tunnel that would have brought me to the Nexus, I decided to take a more 'direct' route.

After about an hour of nonstop running, I eventually arrived at a large mountain. Using my true form's strength I began digging downwards. I ended up willing the dirt and stone to disappear once I realized that I had nowhere to put it as it just fell back down to the earth.

So here I am now. Free-falling whiling looking at my surroundings as I must say...

"It's a beautiful city even though it's made out of stone. That and it's surrounded by Imulsion..."

I quickly returned to my human form as my body grew closer and closer until I slammed through the roof of a large tower-like structure.

"Honey I'm home..."

I tried to make a joke to seemingly no one and to my surprise, I found myself in some type of throne room after I examined my surroundings.

How did I know this? Well, I found a woman sitting on a throne while she was wearing a combination of leather and metal armor while a strange Locust was charging towards me with a stick with two chainsaws in each end.

I bitch slapped the Locust across the room.

Well, it's not my fault that he attacked first!

"Alright big titty lady I came a very long way and we are going to play Minecraft and it's not a request but a demand!"

I made sure to store enough divinity in my human form so that I could will my computers, monitors, generator, and so on as they appeared before me.

{Queen Myrrah POV}

I was currently creating plans on how to invade humanity's last stronghold with my trusted General.

To my absolute surprise, a man fell through the roof and spoke making me slightly laugh but it went unheard.

I watched as Skorge charged towards the unknown man and once again to my surprise my General was slapped across the hall causing him to crash into a wall.

"Alright big titty lady I came a very long way and we are going to play Minecraft and it's not a request but a demand!"

I could not help but raise my eyebrow.

'It sure is a first to being called 'Big titty lady' then again this man seems to know who I am and even knew how to find me... He doesn't appear to be COG and hasn't tried killing me... yet.'

I stood up and looked at the 'intruder' and spoke.

"Who are you and how did you get here. How many others arrived with you."

I carefully watched the man but he simply rolled his eyes and somehow brought a strange device along with a generator.

"You can call me husband or Kyle, up to you really and I dug until I started free falling. I'm also alone so yeah. Do you know how to use a computer or do I need to show you?"

I could not help but twitch my left eye as I continued to listen to the absurd words coming from this man's mouth.

"And why would I call you of all people 'husband'. Shouldn't I call you intruder, invader, enemy, or COG perhaps? Humor me, my Locust will be storming this hall in a few moments. Perhaps I'll let you be a jester as I'm a Queen since you love to joke around."

I studied the man closely as if looking for something but all I see from him is absolutely nothing. Not even caring that I told him the Locust will arrive soon.

"Hmm... How about I be your King instead? I can keep you company during the night if you would like but why do you think I'm apart of the COG?"

Hearing this made me want to both laugh and shoot this man. The COG should not have known about me but all I've been hearing was 'by your command' or 'yes your majesty'. No one has ever acted like this man before me.

"Well, your Human, and the COG are fighting against what rightfully belongs to me."

I continued to watch the man but I couldn't help but think.

'Well, that could be a partial truth. Yes, the Surface should belong to me but I'm fighting two wars at once. On one hand, I'm fighting the COG while on the other I'm fighting the lambent.

"Well, big titty lady I'm afraid your wrong about me being Human. Well, I'm done setting up the computers so come on before I drag you over here."

Again... He uses vulgar words... I also could not help but become curious.

'Not human you say? Did Humanity start experimenting again? Didn't they learn their lesson after me? The Locust are already bringing them to the edge of extinction but now they're trying it again? Foolish.'

I still ended up walking closer to the man and examined the black box. He called it a computer and looking over towards his I noticed his screen.

'It looks like a device similar to my terminals just more advanced...'

I didn't sit down but spoke because of his words earlier.

"You said that you were not Human earlier. What exactly are you then?"

His next words made me frown deeply.

{Kyle POV}

What am I? Lady you have no idea but I might as well tell her. If she doesn't believe me then oh well. Even then I still won't be doing anything to her even if the COG begged me to. Why?

She's sexy...

Anyways I spoke as I clicked on an Dirt Icon.

"I'm a God."