{Queen Myrrah POV}
'Is it disappointing that I actually had fun playing that game that Kyle called Minecraft? Still... who claims to be a God?'
While I thought this, I was causally watching Kyle single-handedly decimate all of the Locust that stormed into the hall. I would have been ferocious but I quickly noticed that he hasn't killed any of them so I was still calm.
'How is he so powerful? He is not even attacking them seriously and only smacking them... Even when one of my Locust gets a clear shot the bullets didn't do anything to his body...'
I watched this continued on for a couple minutes and I originally planned on saving him so that he could invent new technology for my Locust but that plan failed. With no other choice I spoke.
"Enough! Stop fighting!"
Naturally the Locust Drones stopped and luckily so did Kyle and he looked towards me with a bored expression on his face.
"Take the wounded and do not return unless I command it!"
I went to look towards Kyle but instead of finding him surrounded by my downed Locust I instead found him sitting on his chair while powering down his computer.
'When did he move? I didn't even see or hear him...'
After having all of the Locust leave my palace I sat down once again and looked towards Kyle who in turn did the exact same thing.
"Why did you not kill my Locust when it would have been much easier after watching you fight? You held back."
I waited for in answer and once he responded I became truly surprised.
"Why should I? It was just a misunderstanding so why take away their life that they are entitled to? I also believed that you would have been upset by me killing them so I only knocked them out."
I never expected another person tell me that the Locust didn't deserve to die as if they are mindless monsters.
"So you spared them just because you thought I would have been upset?"
His next words made me want to hit him again... One moment he seems caring while the next he is being ridiculous!
"Of course! I can't have my future wife hate me because I killed her Locust now could I?"
I wondered if I should have ignored him the moment he arrived... Maybe he would have left eventually...
His next words made me want to question my own sanity while also causing me to feel anger.
"Can I move in? The COG are starting to annoy me because Prescott always asking me to do stuff for him. This lady named Anya even demanded I should give them their own internet!"
I could not help it feel anger when I heard Prescott's name. How could I not know about him? He was the Chairman of the COG which I was trying to kill off! But I had a thought after hearing his request.
'If Kyle is living with the COG then they will likely use him against me... He knows where my Capital is so I can't let him leave... I can't kill him because bullets are useless against him... I can't even lock him up because he would break out with his abnormal strength...'
I wanted to sigh, why did this man have to appear?
"You know I can't let you leave here right? You said your living with the damnable COG so who knows what you'll say if I made you leave."
I expected him to frown by me telling him that I wanted to keep him as a prisoner of sorts but he just smiled?
"Woo! I'll need to bring Sushi Roll so we can be a large family haha. I'll be the Husband and you will be my Wife and Sushi Roll will be are Cat since he is lazy!"
Sushi Roll? What even is a Sushi Roll? I wanted to say something but I watched Kyle snap his fingers and suddenly I saw what appeared to be a ticker but I could not feel my connection to it.
This naturally confused me as I have a sort of connection to all of my Locust but this creature doesn't have it but I can tell it did before. I could not help but ask Kyle about it.
"This was a Ticker right? What happened to it?"
I looked away from Kyle and looked at the creature who was examining its new surroundings. I watched as it began ticking towards Kyle as if it was trying to say something.
"Your probably confused as to what's happening Sushi Roll but this will be are new home! I'll be able to finally relax while you can live up to your birth right and become the king of tickers!"
I was about to speak up as he clearly ignored my words but he looked towards me and spoke.
"This is Sushi Roll and Sushi Roll this is Big Titty Lady. Anyways yeah he was a normal wild ticker but after keeping him on a diet he became a Royal Ticker."
I was starting to get annoyed by Kyle always mentioning my breast's so I interrupted him before he could say anything else.
"My name is Myrrah, so stop calling me 'big titty lady'!"
I still don't understand how a man could use such vulgar words towards a lady such as myself! I would have personally killed anyone else but Kyle... Is a complicated case...
I quickly realized that my time of creating plans against the COG has long been interrupted as I cursed at myself for making such a mistake.
"I need to meet with my General as you interrupted our council earlier. Remain here until I return or I'll find you and figure out a way to punish you."
That was a empty threat as I had no idea on how to stop him from leaving whenever he wanted. All I could do was give him reasons to remain in my throne room but...
"Yeah sure thing, I'll just work on new games until you get back. Oh by the way where is our room? I'm sure you'll show me to it later, have fun!"
Hearing his words made me leave my throne room and follow my connection I have with my General to locate his position. I hade a slight frown but I wasn't angry.
'How can a person be so annoying yet likable at the same time?! How do I deal with someone who has no care in the world about who or what's in front of him!!'