Chapter 3

Noah pov

I was busy reading through the business file I had stacked on my office table of a potentially new business deal, when my work phone rang. Without checking the name, I bought it to my ears.

“Noah Jacobs speaking" I said in my usual tone. Only to be greeted by my mother's squeaking voice annoyingly ringing through my ears

“Yes! Finally, I can get to speak to the man who's so busy to talk to the lady who gave birth to him, his very own mother"

And that was the start of my mother’s melodrama.

I bought my hands to massage my temples as I put the phone on speaker and turned the page of the building contract.

"You Noah Dimitri Axl Jacobs are in trouble! You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago.

Ahhh! Today is Friday. I was meant to have dinner with my parents’ who I must say was a 45 minute drive from the office.

“If I don't see you, so help me Jesus that Nicon deal flops" she screamed into the phone.

Coming back to my squealing mother, who continues her “oh so scary threatening”

I made the final signature on the Nicon Development Project.

Not being like my father who got affected by her false words, spirals her anger even further.

Although I know she can jeopardize this deal,

"I'd like to see you try mother" I said nonchalantly as I continued reading the contract of the next head of production.

I’m her only child for heavens sake. She wouldn’t dare.

"What! What did you just say to me young man? The audacity that this little boy has” I hear her pout to my father.

“Can you believe it Alexander? He wants to deprive his own mother from seeing him!" I sighed as I heard her continue to complain.

No doubt she was clever to call from my father’s phone definitely knowing I would answer him. But my father never calls before 10 and it was going on 7pm.

"Honey, Tell him to leave the office this instant, won’t you.

I’m not eating until he steps foot in this house"

Fully knowing what her stubbornness did to my father. I wondered how a 48 year old could act like 15.

I heard my mother whining as she continued ranting to my father.

“Noah" grunted my father. OH so she forced my father to talk to me. Knowing how awkward he might be feeling, I sat up straight and took the phone to my ear.

"Dad I can't make it to dinner, there's a meeting in ten with the Marketing department managers for the companies new extension project, it'll take a while before I could finish."

That's all I had to tell him before I knew he'd convey to my mother that I was not coming. I'd rather let him speak to his wife than I, after all no amount of reasons would convince my stubborn mother that I could not come and my father would rather me die then miss a meeting . Hearing his silent breathing, I knew he had nothing else to say and he was getting impatient, so I quickly put the phone down and put it on silent because it will just lead to more distractions.

Freshening a bit by washing my face and fixing my suit adding a spritz of cologne, I walked out of my office into the meeting room to be greeted by the managers of the marketing departments and their secretaries and the head of the accounting department. After hours of discussion and calculation, a decision was finally made.

Looking at the huge clock on the wall, it was quarter past 10 and they all looked like they'd fall asleep any moment, whilst the others were busy fidgeting in their chairs thinking I hadn't noticed. It was irritating to know if I could stay awake till midnight, then why my employees can’t do the same. I opened the file in front of me to make some final signing

I gave them a small nod as they thanked me a dozen times, but their gratitude was only going to be in vain because in the near future their presence will be needed for the development process, which will cause many all nighters. I hope they prepare themselves, because if not, many will get fired and others demoted.

I waited till everyone was gone before heading to my office to finish signing some documents I had remaining before heading home.

Ten minutes later I was walking in my front door, I lifted my vibrating phone only to see the one person that’s been blowing up my phone for the past 2 hours “Hey man what took you so long" Liam asked.

"I had a business meeting for the marketing department expansion" I said as I waited for him to continue but I was called away by my door bell ringing.

Quickly throwing my jacket on the living room couch before heading to the door.

Opening the door, I came into view with my father’s chauffeur Azrel, standing with a food box and a note in his hand. I raised an eyebrow at him as he smiled and handed me the box saying my mother sent it.

Thanking him, I placed the box on the table and put the phone back on my ear but only to hear moaning and groaning.

“This little minion” I groaned while cutting the line.

Looking from the balcony door I caught a glimpse of my father’s silhouette as Azrel drove away. So much for family dinners.