Noah pov
Just when I thought I got away from her at dinner, she decided to come all the way to my office. Now here I am listening to her rant about me getting married.
"Noah, it's time for you to settle down with someone. You know I’m not getting younger. My unborn grandkids would like to see me before I die you know."
I glanced up from my computer to where my mother was sitting. It’s funny how mother always says that one line to make me feel guilty. What she doesn’t realize is it no longer worked.
I shift in my chair looking directly at her who was giving me the most disapproving look I’d ever seen.
You’d think I got someone pregnant and abandoned her with the stare she was giving me.
Her expression was the definition of disappointment. The act that she loved to use on everyone. But an actress will always be an actress. Yet she only used her talent to make everyone bend to her needs.
Slim nose upturned, devil red lips twitching. I already knew where this conversation was heading and truthfully I hated it.
"This again?" I signed
"You're almost thirty, Noah," she said folding her arms across her chest, ready to unleash her thousand army men for battle giving her an all-around stern aura.
I raised an eyebrow at her.
"Mom I'm only twenty-four. I don't really think that's close to thirty and besides I don’t have plans of marriage."
"Your father and I married when we were twenty-two," she said. "It's time for you to stop fooling around and creating scandals, making our family look bad—
"I don't make our family look bad—"
"—and it's time for you to start your own damn family so we can get a head start with a new successor” she pressed on.
I pushed myself up from my sitting position, making my way to the mini bar I have in my office, giving her time to find something else to complain about.
"So, you expect me to meet someone today and fall in “love”, get married, and have children, am I right? I asked my mother who had a rather pleased look at the thought. “I don’t think it works like that. Well, maybe it does nowadays with all the dating apps going around, but I'm not interested."
"There are plenty of young women interested in you. The CEO of that Metro Company’s daughter has been asking for a date with you, but you are always too busy and she's very beautiful, too."
I looked at my mother with an emotionless expression before I stated. "Legal arranged marriages aren't a thing anymore; we’re in the 21st century.
“But Noah I don't want you to marry someone just because it helps our business. I want you to have a marriage made out of love?" she said, her voice taking on a hard edge. "Rich families marry into other rich families to keep their wealth. Yes but love is what will make a marriage stay”
Arguing with her was useless. "I'm not interested in marriage, okay”
She closed the little distance between us, looking up at me intimidatingly. “I’ve given you twenty-four years of freedom. I've given you everything you've ever wanted. All I ask is for you to grant me one thing and you can’t do that for me."
"And I will give you anything, but this I certainly can’t make any promises " I responded firmly. “I wont allow my business to be affected by “love” and “marriage”.
"You have no more choice in this matter. I already found a candidate that you will be meeting at that coffee shop for brunch. No excuses"
“But ma-“I started but was cut off by her
“No buts, its final. Have a good day son” she said as she left
I groaned knowing well that I have a meeting at that time.
“I thought you said you loved me” I yelled as she closed the door.
Lliyah pov
I woke up relaxed and excited for once in my life.
Mainly because today is the day I get a day off after so many months. Being a business woman is very hard.
My home doesn’t see me for days and meetings upon meetings. I think planes see me more than my grandpa. My body probably hates me even more because of my unstable diet.
It was now brunch; I got dressed and made my way to my favorite coffee shop.
The door always gives a weird bell sound when someone entered. I headed over to the counter where I ordered a cherry and chocolate mini cake with a cup of chocolate coffee and an ice coffee.
“Ma’am” I was snapped out of my daze when the cashier touches my hands.
“Oh yes sorry, what were you saying” I asked completely clueless
“Your bill, please have a seat and your order will be with you in a minute” I collected my bill and headed to a table near the window.
A few minutes later the young waitress came with a tray containing my order.
“Thanks” I smiled before wrapping my slender fingers around my mug of hot coffee, blowing on the surface before taking a long, slow sip.
The bitter sweet taste of coffee overwhelms my taste buds every time. The steam from the coffee twirled above the mug making its way to the coffee shop window.
I watched the fine drizzle of snow fall from the grey clouds that always shadowed the bustling city. With my head down balancing my phone on my lap.
Opening my phone to the last unread message. I wanted to throw my phone across the coffee shop and scream; at the fact that my happiness just went away leaving me with annoyance.
Staring at my phone screen with dull orbs, I held back the anger and tears that brewed inside of me.
On the side line of my vision I saw a pair of legs walk past the coffee shop window making loud chatter with his arrogant voice. The urge to look at the owner of the legs was strong, just to silence his continuous ranting from outside the glass, yet I couldn’t upset my mood anymore because of one person.
But within minutes the loud ranting and raging slowly became distanced and the bell for the café shop rang only to come eye to eye with the ranting man.
He spoke to the cashier and pointed at the table I was sitting. He slowly approached me and sat at my table. Before he began talking.
"Hello!" The man said in a rather deep voice. I turned my head to look at him with a frown. "My name is Noah." He introduced, holding out his large hand for me to shake