AFTER the lunch, everyone got busy because of the emergency that happened in one of the factories of their company.

Different meetings were held at different locations. But that were the same time.

According to the manager of the factory, one worker have mistakenly put an oil to the gear of a broken machine and caused an explosion to the other machines. The explosion caused 5 casualties.

The place of the factory was in other province and after the meetings were held, he make sure that Stephen is in their home because no one had to look for his brother while they are in the province. Their visit in the province will only take hours, they just need to make sure that the other workers are safe. While his neighbor, looks after Stephen.

After he took Stephen home, he immediately go to the roof top of their building, which jay waited for him there while the pilot is warming up the engine.

“Come on! We’re going to Zambales, to hold the media there.” Jay shouted because of the loudness of the chopper.

Jay handed his hand at him, which he didn’t mind accepting it as they were already rushing.

The outside of the chopper as painted black and on the side, it’s written Jay signing that it’s owned by the young man. The interior of the chopper is soundproof which they hear themselves clearly except for the pilot and the co-pilot because the passengers side and the pilots side is separated by a soundproof wall. The seats were colored dirty white as it is a leather.

Jay put the seatbelt on him because he was still busy accepting the call from different departments of their company.

“Oh, thank you.” He said to jay after he’s done with another call from the security department.

“Mind yourself first, before others.” Jay said to him.

He just stare at Jay who was looking out the window. Though the young business man beside him is known as a ruthless king in business world, he can see that Jay is very responsible for every employee when a accident is happening.

‘It’s okay, Jay. I’ll help you get through this.’ He said in his mind before taking another call form the finance department.

After taking so many calls from different departments of their company, he stare at Jay, who was still looking out in the window with worry on it’s face.

Suddenly Jay held his hand as it’s hands were clearly shaking.

“Wha-What are you doing?” he said at Jay for the sudden action.

“Just let me hold your hand for a while.” Jay replied as it’s hand were shaking and also it’s legs.

“Calm down. Do you want water? It might help you calm down.”

“I’m calm.” Jay said irritated.

He just laugh at Jay. It’s clear that it’s shaking but it still refused. What a man. He shook his head.

He took out the bottled water in his bag and handed it to Jay and to his surprise Jay took it without much hesitation. It even drank the whole bottle in one straight drinking.

“Calm, huh?” He teased Jay who just glared at him. “Here,” he handed a handkerchief. “Wipe that.” He pointed the splatter of water on Jay’s lips.

“Where?” Jay asked.

“There.” He pointed again.

Jay gave him the handkerchief and let him wipe it.

“You wipe it.”

With trembling hands he wiped Jay’s lips with the handkerchief. Jay move even closer to him for more comfortable position.

Then the pilot talked through the intercom, “We are nearing the helipad, gentlemen. Please suit yourself.”

Then the two of them sit straight while he’s other is gripping at the handle at the door.

When the chopper landed at the helipad, Jay first stepped out and handed it’s hand to him.

It’s okay though he can barely touch the ground with his height.

When they got on the first floor, most of the media were outside. When it spotted Jay, The flashes of light coming from the cameras blinked rapidly and the hall became very noisy and bright.

“Hold my hand until we got out from here.” Jay handed again his hand for him.

“O-okay.” He hesitated first but then realized their situation. with his little body, he surely can’t go through the media unless he is guided with security, especially Jay and his big body. In the end, he gave his thrust to Jay.

The media were everywhere and the flashes of camera makes his head ache. So he looked down instead and let Jay take the lead.

As they go down from the escalator the media got loser to them but the body guards made sure that they have enough space for them to pass through. But the media keeps on battling with the security team and got him separated from Jay.

As Jay moves without noticing that he is separated form Jay, the media closed down the passage for him and immediately followed Jay.

Jay’s POV

As they got off from the escalator, the media neared them and the security team can’t handle tons of media with their bodies.

He offered Nick to hold his hand for them to get out fast of the building and because with Nick’s body, he’s sure that his bunny can’t handle the media.

Halfway through he felt that his hand got separated from Nick but he felt it again so heh just drag out Nick without making sure that the person he’s holding is Nick.

When he got out from the building, he immediately faced Nick who was in the moment not Nick and it was some staff at the branch.

His anger got him and instead of going inside the car he immediately left to find Nick.

“Sir! The media will surround you!” shouted one security.

But he didn’t listen. He go in to the building and the media surrounded him without security this time. His eyes wandered around and at the same time the flashes from cameras blurred his vision.

“Sir, did you already found out what happened to the factory?” asked one journalist.

“Sir according to the gossips, the explosion was intentional and not incident. Is it tue?” asked another.

“When the company was passed down to your father, this incident never happened. But when the company was handed to you, this happened. Do you think this is somewhat an incident or is someone targeting to make your company go down?” asked another while the other journalists were listening to the reporter.

The question hit him. When it was handed to his father, this kind of incident never happened to his father. He is very handle with their family company, he never misses out any data on their company, from the employees, to the most little expenses, and even the bills of their branches. He has seen that. Now that he is thinking of it, is someone targeting to make their company go down?

Nick suddenly popped into his mind, ‘oh my little bunny, I almost forgot you.’ He go through the media without thinking much about the question he heard earlier all he wanted to do now is to find Nick, his little bunny.