Jay’s POV

Nick was so sexy in his clothes although he’s much older than me he didn’t had any hair on his legs, it was all white. It didn’t also had any scars on them it was like a porcelain white skin.

When I got a little bored waiting on the living space, I went to the kitchen where was doing their dishes. Nick was facing back on me. His shirt didn’t reach to cover his butt and his boxers were loose and was short for him. His legs were bare. Although he was a little skinny for his age, he did have good butt shape not like the typical men’s butt. My friend down there immediately came to life after seeing such a good sight of my secretary.

‘Why am I feeling this? I’ve been with different girls but Nick was the only one who can do this to me.’

I tiptoed a little to reach him without him knowing.

When I got to his back, I wrapped my arms around him and pull my body into his. I liked his smell in the morning even if he didn’t washed yet.

“What are you doing?” he asked, “the kid might see us.” He said unbothered.

“He’s on his room doing things.” I put my head on his shoulders while I sniff his neck while my hands were travelling on his body.

“Don’t do that. I didn’t wash yet.” He said but I know he likes it based on his reactions. He head was tilted a bit giving me more access on his neck. I jock my hard member on his butt.

“You smell so good.” I kissed his neck.

“Stop it, your suit might be wet.”

I kissed his shoulder this time while my hands found its way to his man boobs squeezing it a little. He whimpered but just enough for us two to hear it.


“Kuya Nick!” the kid called.

“I’ll go to Stephen.” I said to him before things go out of hands.

Nick’s POV

While I was washing the dishes, Jay suddenly back hugged me. He was sniffing and kissing me all over. I wanted him to stop but my body seems to like it. I don’t know what’s really happening to me.

When I was done washing the dishes, I checked the two on what they were doing. When I saw them, there was Jay fixing Stephen’s hair and Stephen was all smiling. The two were very alike. I left the two alone and wash myself.

Jay’s POV

I knocked on Stephen’s door to see if he was there. I knocked a few more times but no one’s answering. I got a little panic cause I don’t know if he was on a emergency. Thankfully the door was not locked.

“Stephen? Where are you?” I called him.

“Kuya Jay? I’m here under the bed.” I sat on the floor bend to see what he was doing.

“What are you doing?” I pull from under.

“Can you get my shoes please?” he asked me. I went under the bed to get the shoes although I am on my suit. But it's okay, I got another one on my car.

When I got the shoes, I sat on his bed and make him stand in front of me. I first fix his clothes. The shirt was a little crumbled now and some buttons were not buttoned. Then I fixed his shorts. The zipper was not zipped well.

“How come you still don't know how to zip your zipper?”

“But you’ll do it for me Kuya Jay, right?” I pinched his cheek lightly. Then after putting on his shoes I make him stand In front of the mirror. Then I fixed his hair. Since his hair was long enough I put it into back sleek.

“Give Kuya a kiss.” I said when I finished fixing his hair. Then I grabbed his little bag that was just full of snacks his pencils and paper. On the other hand I grabbed him and put him on the car.

“Wait for us okay? The Ipad's there if you want to play.” The I kissed his cheeks

“Are you also going to help Kuya Nick dress up?" the innocent boy asked.

"I don't know if he lets me.”

Nick's POV

After washing myself, I rushed into my room to get dressed.

I was picking my clothes when someone kissed the back of my neck that gave me chills down the spine.

"Jay?" I asked then he made me face him then he made me face him and pull my body into body.

He didn't reply at all but then he crushed our lips together and started to pick each others rhythms.

His hands started to travel to my spine down to my butt that was just covered with a piece of towel and nothing underneath it then without my consent, my hands wrapped his neck and push him against deepening our kiss.

His lips then travelled to my neck. Biting and sucking my neck all over. I didn't care now if I got hickeys but one thing's for sure, the employees will look at me one second and gossip about me to see who's the one that gave me those.

His hands were still squeezing my butt as if something's going to come out of those.

He then pushed me into my bed, he then stared at my half naked body like he was ripping the piece of towel that covers my genitals and seeing me fully naked before my eyes.

He topped me and start kissing me with passion, lust, and love?

I still don't know who am I on his life. I don't know where I place my life on his. I don't even know if there's a place foe me to stay beside him. If I was his secretary or his special someone. But there's one thing that I know and that is I'm going to cherish what we have now. The relationship that we have is important for me.