Nick’s pov

After I made Stephen eat and prepare him for sleep, I asked my neighbor to look after Stephen. I prepared myself to go out before going to the place we decide to have our meeting.

I chose a light blue button up and cream colored slacks to pair my fair skin tone. As for the hair I just combed it and let it flow.

As the breeze was blowing, I felt cold as my clothes was also light.

Arriving to the place where we decided to held our meeting, I didn’t expect it to be held in a expensive restaurant. And no people?

No way. I did come to the right restaurant right? Or was I mistaken?

“Mr. Jang?” a waitress called my name.

“yes? That’s me.”

“This way sir please.”

I followed the waitress and my eyes wandered around the area if I’m really on the right restaurant. The restaurant looks very expensive. From the chairs to tables and from the lights to the chandeliers. I’m sure I can’t even afford even one simple dish. It would cost me two months of my salary as a secretary.

“This way sir.” The waitress showed me the way where I should go to.


Upon entering the place I saw two chairs and a table covered in white fabric. Lights surrounding the place.

“Hello? Anyone here?”

“Hey there!” Sir Cristopher who was in his formal business attire offered me a sit.

“Thanks, sir”

“Cut the ‘sir’. Just call me Cris.”

“But it’s too inappropriate. You’re a potential investor to our company. We should call you appropriately.”

“Just do it for me, okay?”

“Okay, Cris.” I said with hesitation in it.

“That’s more like it.” He smiles.

Then a waiter comes up to us and pours wine into our glasses.

“Cheers.” He raises his glasses.

Minutes later the foods were served. There were steak, some appetizer, and juice.

“Help yourself.” Then we start to dig in to our food.

The moment we dig in to the food we were silent. No one were talking. It’s probably because of the food. It was the best food I’ve ever had in my life. Though home food is the best food for life.

Minutes later Cris broke the silence we had between us.

“How’s work?”

“Stressed but I’m fine.” He nods.

“I heard you’re one of the best in your field.”

I choked a bit then drank some water. “No, I’m not but thanks for that.”

“Actually this isn’t about me partnering with the company.”

I looked up to him to pay focus to what he is saying.

‘If this isn’t about him partnering with the company, then what is this meeting for?’

“I actually want to know you more.” I choked on what I was eating.

“Are you okay?” he stood up and come near me to hand me the water. I nodded.

“I’m fine. But why?”

“I don’t know but you seem interesting.” I nodded to his response.

“Okay. By the way your meeting with my boss was very short. Why was it like that?”

“Oh I guess he didn’t tell you. We’re cousins.” I nodded.

“But still you should have discussed matters about it.”

“I guess it’s a mutual understanding between us two.”

“Are you very close with each other?”

“Not just vey close with each other but we each other as brothers. That’s how close we are.” He bragged.

“But you just appeared today. In my 7 years of working for him, I’ve just seen you today.” I said.

“It’s because before college we migrated to US to have my studies there while he was here. And now that I’ve taken over dad’s company, I’ve moved here.” I nodded. That’s how our ‘meeting’ have gone. Asking each other but it was mostly him asking about me cause I was still to shy to ask him about personal matters.

“There’s no transportation already this time. Let me drive you home.” I didn’t want to accept his offer but he’s right that I’ll have to wait ‘til morning before I get home if I choose to go on public transportation so I accepted his offer to let him drive me home.

“Thanks for the ride sir… uh I mean Cris.” I smiled.

“Your welcome, Nick. Till next time.” Then he left after I got to door.

Then my phone ringed.

“Are you sleeping?” it was Jay who texted.

“Not yet. But I’m already in bed getting ready to sleep.” I replied.


“Don’t you believe me? What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing. Goodnight then.”

“Goodnight.” Then I got ready to sleep but I had to check first on Stephen.

“Sorry Stephen if Kuya had to leave you alone this night. I promise to make up to you, okay?” then I gently pat his head and just that my eyelids started to go down making me fell asleep beside Stephen.

Jay’s POV

After I got home, I decide to go to Nick’s house without him knowing. To my surprise, minutes later when I arrive near their house I saw him leaving.

‘Leaving your house at this time add leaving Stephen alone in your house? How irresponsible.’

After he got out of my sight, I decided to enter their house thankfully the caretaker recognized me and let me enter.

“Where’s Nick?” I asked thee caretaker.

“I don’t exactly know sir but he said he’s going to a meeting.”

“Meeting? But we didn’t have anyone to do a meeting without my permission.” I said in a muffled voice.

“oh okay. Just go home, I can take care of Stephen.”

“Okay, sir.”

“Stephen?” I called the boy.

“Kuya Jay?!” the boy replied with so much excitement in his tone.

“Yes, it is me. Where are you?”


Then after Stephen got ready for bed, he told me to tell him a bed time story. Then just like that the boy fell asleep.

After Stephen fell asleep, I decided to wait for Nick in my car.

An hour later, they arrived. With my cousin. With my blood boiling and I don’t know why, I just decided to watch them in my car.

“Are you sleeping?” I texted him knowing they’re still outside of his house.

“Not yet. But I’m already in bed getting ready to sleep.” He lied.


“Don’t you believe me? What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing. Goodnight then.” Then I left after my cousin’s car left. I’m sure he doesn’t recognize my car since he’s still new here.