Chapter 3

Chapter 3

As we walked out of the building, sime employees looking us, from the time we entered and exited the elevator, the man was quietly watching the two of us, there was a group talking and they suddenly stopped when they saw us together.

As we were leaving the building, suddenly someone parked the Car in front of me, if I wasn't mistaken. This is a Lamborghini.

"Thank you Zarriel." the person next to me shouted at the man who came out of Lamborghini.

"Best of friends pre." said Zarriel and patted Raille's shoulder slightly before handing over the key to him. But before Zarriel left he whispered something to Raille.

All I heard was 'date' and I was not sure if what I heard was correct.

"Stupid !!!" Raille shouted at the friend who had already left.

He looked up at me. "let's go." he said and opened the front seat door and imitated me.

"Thanks." I said as I entered.

He turned around and went to the driver's seat and started the car.

"Did you know You were the first to refuse my hand, you're so unbelievable." said Raille frowning as he looked at me.

I smirk to him. "So! Do not compare me in them, who will just wrap their arms around your arms even if they didn't know you."

He laugh, what's so funny about what I said?

"Why are you laughing, is there anything funny about what I said?" I frowned at the question.

"Nothing, it's just my first time to saw someone like you who would rather be alone than with someone." He laughed again.

"Wait, where are we, after lunch I haven't eaten yet."

He just driving for a minutes and I'm so hungry.

"Let's have lunch at home." said Raille and accelerated the car.

I didn't complain anymore because I knew I couldn't do anything, I have no choice though . The flight was long before we went to hus house, the time was calculated maybe 2 hours before we could come here.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked as we were in front of the gate that opened automatically even though no one was opening, in short its high-tech.

"It really shouldn't be here, because it should be at a restaurant near the company in case Mommy suddenly called so I just decided to have dinner here with my family" Raille said and went downstairs.

I would have opened the door when Raille opened it. "please let me hold your hand a sign of being gentleman."

I did not answer, I just put my hand on his hand

When we entered the house, I was just amazed at the beauty, there are antiques, maybe here is Raille's grandmother's house.

I lost the smile on my lips when I saw his Mother, if before it was fun that prevailed in my personality now it seems to be swallowed up by fear, because based on her aura, the woman is sophisticated, it's beautiful madam and her eyes are the same as Raille's.

"Iho! Apo!" I was even more nervous when this lady came out, Raille's grandmother, I squeezed myself with Raille in the back as if I and the ladies had hidden the bet and needed to find me.

"Hi Mom!" I saw him kiss his Mother. "Hi grandma" he greeted and kissed her too. "Where is my father?"

"There in the garage with Dave and your cousin Zarriel" the lady replied and looked slightly at where I was.

"Hmm ... Raille you have no intention of introducing your new one." its Mother's persistent Question.

"Mom! She's not! She is my new secretary and I'm just recovering, because I made her suffer right away" I bowed even more in shame.

"Really ?, Hmmm ... what kind of hardship did my son give you ... Dogstyle, lying down or what else, huh?" The lady asked him while raising an eyebrow.

"Ma!" Raille shouted at her Mother. "Preciousse is not like what you think, Change what's you thinking about her and can you please shout up if you are talking nonsense."

Despite Raille's Mother's mockery, I was still able to smile because of the passion, I was feeling and there I spoke with courage to face in his Mother.

"Ma'am, My name is Preciousse Almonte ... and nice to meet you." even though I was nervous, I turned to face it to prove that the accusation was false.

The lady looked at me From head to toe, as if she couldn't believe there was garbage in her house ... Raille's Mother raised an eyebrow as she looked into my eyes and after a second ... pop !!! .. .she Roll her eye on me, it only means one thing she don't like me, I thought it was nice but it wasn't ... I turned to Raille's grandmother and I smile at her, thanks god! She smiled too.

"Esmeralda, your son is a young man so he should bring a woman here." said Raille's grandmother and then she turned to me. "You are the first woman my grandson brought here."

"Uhmm ... grandma, we're leaving, we'll just eat outside ... I just visited you." said Raille and pulled me by the arm.

As soon as I got in the car, I immediately got on the Raille and was pulled over.

We stopped at an expensive restaurant, I looked at the purse, just one hundred is enough for the taxi, maybe I'll just drunk ju-juice.

And Raille seems to have noticed my problem.

"Don't worry, it's my treat."

With what he said, my blood was revived.

We looked for a vacant seat and found, immediately a waiter went and based on the treatment of the two as if it were a friend.

"Bro ... fruit salad, beef steak, green salad, leche plan at _." Raille did not continue to say when the waiter spoke ... Wait, is this really a waiter?

"You're a favorite, jack Daniels." It answered.

"Nope! I have a car with me and I have someone with me ... I only have wine and orange juice for her."

"All right ... bro within 5 minutes your order will be delivered." he said and patted Raille on the shoulder.

I looked up at Raille, as someone took it to the side, an empty bottle.

"Truth and dare." when it challenges me.

"Seriously !!! There's a lot of people."

He looked at the man around and looked at me again.

"Anyway, we'll just do it so we can get to know each other." He pouted.

"Okay, fine let's! Start."

When it started spinning the bottle, it immediately pointed to me.

"Okay! Truth or Dare?"

"Of course, Truth."

"Who is your first boyfriend." He asked me with a playful smile on his face.

"No, I did not have a boyfriend in short NBSB."

"So that means you still don't have a fist kiss, I am right?"

I looked sharply at it. "Yes!"

"Good." sabi nito.

"What did you say?" It's a bit weak so I didn't hear it well.

"I said I'm going to spin this bottle." he said, even though that was not what I heard.

He turned the bottle around again and pointed to it.

"Truth." Raille immediately told me.

"So exited, by the way ... my question is Who's your first and last sex?" I ask here.

"Hmm I don't know, I ask them about their name and then they give it and after a party I don't know them anymore." Raille replied laughing.

I just gasped for breath, that's how the man really is now after the farewell party.

"This is your order." said the waiter and surprisingly, the waiter, Raille's friend, no longer served.

"If you're wondering why someone else served because Titus is the owner of this restaurant." Raille said as if he had read the contents of my mind.

I just ignored it and started the food that Raille ordered, I would have eaten in case a woman asked me to turn my attention there.

"OMG !!! Raille dating my best friend."

I looked weirdly at Haille, what did she say. I'll just meet here and it looks like we're really close, I don't know maybe because it's friendly and there is no thrilling state.

"Haille ... What are you saying?" Kunot when Raille asked.

"Don't deny it Raille ... I saw the_."

Haille did not continue to say when Raille's best friend suddenly appeared if I did not know it took our order si titus ata ito.

And Haille seemed to be a statue when she heard titus speak.

"Bro ... We'll go first because we have more to go." said Titus to Raille and walked over to Haille ... I smell something.

"Where are you going_." Raille stopped talking when Haille suddenly pulled Titus out of the restaurant.

I looked again at the food on the table that had not been wet, alas ... While I was eating I suddenly rang my phone.

"How are you."

"You're a child !!! Where are you at five o'clock? Can't you also be out of work." aunt asked on the other line with mixed concern.

"Just a moment." I said and dropped the call.

I looked outside, it was a bit dark too, because since we left the building we hadn't finished lunch ... I looked in front of me.

"Hmm ... Sir Raille, thank you but I'm already a little dark ehh."

"I'll deliver it to you, I'm totally the one who took care of it and maybe the work you left behind will be finished tomorrow." he said and stood up.

I haven't seen it yet, I have no choice I need to save because I don't have a salary yet and then I got a plan to move which would be embarrassing to my aunt if I always live there.

While driving I could not help but glance at Raille and I always caught him looking at me as well.

"How many girls you..." I know my question is weird but I'm curious because I, how it feels to kiss it.

"Why so curious?" Smile at it.

"Ha! Nah! ... hmm ...." I lied.

"Will you ever meet Haille, you look so close." change its subject.

"Yes, the day I moved into your office."


I suddenly bit my lip as he stopped the car on the side.

"Don't bite your lip, I'm so attracted to you." said Raille and slightly approached him.

I backed away when I felt its fragrant breath hit my cheek ... It was moving around him, I became a statue because of his presence.

And I can feel the trembling of my knees.

When his hand rose I immediately closed my eyes waiting for his soft lips to touch my lips, but seconds later when I felt cold I opened my eyes and just saw that my seatbelt was gone.

"You're already here." she said with a playful smile on her lips.

I did not know what to do, very embarrassing what I did. I let out a deep breath that I had been holding back.

I immediately got out of the car. I can't show a face here ... My face is so red with shame, I looked at Raille and I saw that he was also looking at me and was still smiling foolishly.

I bent down and slightly peeked at the young man.

"T-thank you y-you and so-sorry a-about _."

I could not continue what I was about to say when it suddenly became a cause for our lips to touch, which surprised me. Raille gave me a shallow kiss.

"It's okay, bye good night." he said and started the car.

It was as if I was drenched in cold water at what happened ... I was an idiot walking into my aunt's house. My heart was beating so fast it was like there were horses racing at too fast.

I touched my lip and bit slightly.

Shit !!

I went straight to the bedroom, I could not get over what was already done.

I lay down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. My mind was cut off when my phone rang and I immediately picked it up and saw the unregistered number with my forehead frowning at the message.

Unregistered Number:

Good night!!! And sorry for what happened.

My phone rang again.


Save my Number ... And if you are wondering where I got your number on the resume.

Again !!! Good night .

Sweet Dreams.

I just smiled, maybe because he's so sweet I might get used to it and look for it.

'So it's easy Preciousse maybe this is how he really is to welcome her new secretary. 'I calmed myself.