[She's wants revenge ]
~Falling for her enemy's son ~
Neche Ibe Favour
Episode 24
Mara's pov's
"I need to find out what kind of shipment they are receiving tommorow" I thought deeply...
"Who can get me information on this?" I asked myself still in deep thought.
"Should I asked stone or Mike to get information for me"
No!!! I don't think they can get every details in full, I need to think fast.
"Who can be if help then" I thought again as I began to pace round the sitting room.
"Ali" I thought as the name rang a bell in my head.
"Why didn't I think of it?" his the only one who can be of any assistance to me.
"F**k" I cussed ruffling my hair due to my forgetfulness
"I need to call him" now I concluded and quickly brought out my phone dialing his number.
He phone rang but he didn't pick his call.
"Come on pick up your phone" I said and dialed his number again quickly.
It kept ringing and on the Fourth ring he picked his call.
~ Hello he said over the phone
~ Ali I called breathlessly as I heard his voice.
~ Boss he said over the phone
~ "I need you to do something for me and I need you to do it fast" I said in a commanding tone.
~ Alright boss, what can I do for you?"
~ Get Evey information you can get on the shipment that would be arriving tommorow
~ Shipment he repeated
~ There's a shipment the Russians are to receive tommorow get every information you can about it.
~ Okay boss, would call you back shortly he said and I cut the call.
I pray Ali gets me the information am looking for before tommorow.
**In the Russians camp**
Mavis pov's
I sighed deeply after making the call with the queen, I rest my head on the wall beside me as I thought of what shipment the Russians could be receiving tommorow.
I need to dig more and find out what can of goods they would be receiving tommorow.
I walked out of the abandoned place and head straight to my room making sure no body noticed my movement.
When I got to my room I sat on the bed for a while before deciding to go have my bathe.
After I did that, I dressed up in a neat cloth and lay on the bed facing the ceiling just looking at random stop without putting them into much consideration.
I head noise like people walking in groups to a particular direction as they stomp their foot on the group.
"What could be happening outside" I thought to myself wondering why there was so much noise outside.
"Maybe I should go check out what's happening outside" I said to myself getting up from the bed slowly.
I got up and open the door of my room only to see that every one was moving out in groups going in one direction.
"Where are they all heading too" I thought as I decided to follow them.
"Where are you all heading too?" I asked one of the boys who was also marching with the others to the same direction.
"The boss sent for us" he replied and kept walking with the others.
"The boss sent for them without me" I asked myself watching them move .
Why wasn't I involved in this meeting of theirs or is the boss suspicious of me now.
Did I do anything that made him suspicious of me I thought again.
"I need to know what's happening but how do I do that?"
I thought for a while on how to know why the whole boys are going to see the boss.
"I can follow them and hide in the midst of the other boys and received the information" I concluded in my thoughts and moved out with them.
I got in to the hall to see that they were all left standing and only the boss and his right hand man where in a different podium which was higher than ours.
I squeezed myself into the crowd and luckily enough I was putting on a hoodie so I used it cover my face properly.
"Listen up" Dan yelled and everywhere became silent.
*Clears throat*
"You all know how important it is for us to receive this shipment" the boss started.
"And you also know the walls has ears" he said walking around the podium.
I have gotten information from a reliable source that other Mafia's are also coming for the shipment we already ordered.
"So I called you all here to get ready cause tommorow might be war"
"I want you all to be on guard and also be watchful cause the enemies might be very close"
"We will be moving out in groups and remember that that shipment belongs to us"
"The drugs and diamond shouldn't be taken by any other gang"
"I repeat it shouldn't be taken by any other gang, am I clear" he asked in a hard tone clearing his throats once more.
"Yes boss" they all chorused.
"Go and have enough rest, cause tommorow is a big day" Dan chimed in.
"Alright you all may leave" the boss stated and everyone began to move out murmuring words to themselves.
So they are actually going to receive drugs and diamond tommorow.
That's the reason why it was so important to him and he was getting furious about other gangs .
I need to speak to the queen quickly but first I need to find a way to get into my room without anyone knowing I left the room.
"Am still wondering why I wasn't informed or was this a trap or something else" I wave the though out of my mind.
I quietly walked in the midst of the crowd with my hoodie still on and when I got to my room I entered slowly without making any cracking sounds..
"I guess it time I call the queen she needs to be inform" I concluded in my mind bringing out my phone to dial her number.
What do you think of this one episode??