Episode 25



[She's wants revenge ]

~Falling for her enemy's son ~


Neche Ibe Favour

Episode 25


Mavis pov's

**Still in the Russians camp**

"I guess it time I call the queen she needs to be inform" I concluded in my mind bringing out my phone to dial her number.

I dial her number on my phone as it rang but she didn't pick her calls.

"Come on not now, where could she had gone to" I thought pacing around the room thinking of other ways I could reach to her immediately.

"I dialed her number again and there still wasn't response".

"What could she be doing now, I need to speak with her urgently before tommorow she needs to be aware" I thought pacing round the room.

"Maybe I should give it a last trial" I concluded in my thoughts and dial her number once more.

On the third ring she picked the call as I heard her voice from the background.

~ Mavis her voice boomed over the phone.

~ "Boss I have information" I said immediately.

~ Alright speak she said over the phone.

~ "The Russians are going to be receiving diamond and drugs" I said quickly.

~ Diamond that's interesting.

~ What kind of drugs she asked immediately.

~ "I have no idea I was able to get this when I evasdropped on their conversation" I said quickly.

~ I don't have much time, buy it also important you know that, there are others gang who are trying to take this shipment from the Russians.

~ Are you trying to say there might be some kind of war tommorow she asked

~ yes boss I replied and hung up quickly.

Mara's pov's

After I spoke with Ali hours ago, I went upstairs to my room. To get some paperwork so I left my phone in the kitchen counter forgetting to bring it along with me.

I got to my room and I began to search for the paperwork but I could not seems to phantom where I kept it before.

"This is going to be lot of stress because I have no clue of where it could be since it has been a long time I went through it".

"Maybe I should ask the maid to help me search for it" I concluded in my thoughts as I stood in akimbo staring at the room wondering where else I can search for it.

A knock came on my door and I wonder who it was, but as the knock came in again I decided to let the person in.

"Come in" said in my bossy tone and the door pushed open revealing a maid in her uniform.

"I didn't send for jet, why is she here?" I thought as I watched her.

"Sorry to disturb you ma'am" she started bowing her head in respect.

"What can I do for you?" I asked her nonchalantly...

"Your phone has been ringing for so e while so I decided to being it to you" she said lowly with her head bowed.

A call on my phone I repeated searching for my phone on the bed.

"Ma'am your phone is here I saw it on the kitchen counter, so I decided to bring it to you" she said handling the phone over to me.

"Oh damn!! I exclaimed as I remembered how I rushed to get my paperwork forgetting my phone"

"Alright you may leave" I said and collected the phone from her to see I received two missed calls from Mavis......

"Damn it" I could I be do careless, now I have to wait till he isn't been monitored before he can call me.

"What do u do now" I asked myself and threw the phone on the bed ruffling my hair in anger.

"Within a few seconds" he called again and I picked the call without hesitation.

After speaking to him I thought if what next to do.

"I need to teach the Russians a lesson and I think tommorow seems to be the best time" I thought pacing round my room.

"They will learn not to mess with the only female Mafia Queen" I thought with a smirk fully display on my face.

I took the landline and call Mike immediately.

~ "I need you in my room immediately" I said cutting the call.

I called stone also and passed the message to him as I waited for their arrival.

Mike pov's

I was in the training room with some men as I thought them some fighting skills when a maid rushed with the landline to my direction.

"The boss wishes to speak to you" she said and bowed her hands.

I picked the call mad placed it on my ear only to hear her speak in her bossy tone.

~ I need you in my room immediately she said cutting the call immediately.

What could be the matter I wonder and took a towel using it to dry the sweat from my body.

"Boys you guys just continue to practice would be with you guys shortly" I said to them and walked out if the training room.

I head out with a bottle of water when j bumped into a hard surface.

"Damn" I exclaimed and rubbed my head softly.

I raised my head up to see stone smirking as he looked at me while I chuckled.

"What should I have expected" I muttered and we both busted out into laughter.

"So where are you running off too in such a hurry" he asked as we both room the same direction.

"The boss send for me" I replied still waking.

"Whoa!! Same here" he said and halt.

"Well then let's get going" I said as we both kept moving.

Mara's pov's

I waited patiently for them as I sat on my reminiscing on my thought over and over.

A knock came on my door and I knew instantly it was with Mike or stone.

"Come in" I said immediately.

They walked in together and bowed their heads while I waved my hands at them.

"I need you both to gather the entire boys for a meeting because we are going for a mission tommorow" I said in a stern tone.

"Also make sure to select the best of my guys because it going to be hot" I added with a smirk on my face.

"Yes boss' they said walking out though I could see the confusion on their face.

"Well I would have loved to explain things to them but I want to say it when everyone is present".

Few minutes later, I was in the ha with so many men in front of me waiting to hear what I have to say.

I know you all are confused as to why I asked for an urgent meeting but let me clear your doubts.

"The Russians are the reason" I said and I could hear them murmur.

"Yes, the Russians has made me loose some on my mighty warrior and I think it time we take our revenge" I said.

"Don't you think we should have our revenge" I yelled and raised my hands up.

"Yes revenge" they yelled in agreement.

"They tried to steal from your queen what do we do to them" I asked again yelling

"We have revenge" they all yelled raising their hands up in support.

"Good we are going to have this revenge tomorrow who is ready" I yelled with my eyes bloodshot

"We are" they yelled in confirmation.

"Good, get prepare, get your weapons ready because tommorow is a big day" I said to them smiling while they begin to take their leave one after the other.

"The Russians wouldn't know what hit them tommorow" I thought with a smirk on my face.


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