Chapter Thirty-Seven

"Everything in order?" Aine asked when she met Bryan at the door, with Winslow behind her.

"yeah. Sold a horse, grieved a little, the usual." replied and made her smile, then turned to look at the officer that watched them.

"Everything okay, Winslow?" he nodded and placed his hands in his pocket.

There was a time, Simon remembered when he was ready to chase by the butt of his gun any man that so much as breathed the same air as his friend. Just to make sure she was never again traumatized in the name of love.

Now, he was going to do just about anything to see the love between the both of them bloom.

"aine's asked that I follow behind the both of you. Keep watch from a distance."

Something passed between the two men, that was lost on Aine.

Of course, she had no knowledge of the fact that Winslow had gotten people who did just that. And both n were of the mind to keep things as they were. Unknown to Aine