My eyes squinted as the sharp rays of sun hovered over my eyes. My neck ached, causing me to grunt in pain.

Once again I fell asleep on my study table. I got up from my sitting position, stretching my back and doing a few stretch ups. I loved the mornings, they were beautiful. But I absolutely detested the part where I had to wake up and drag my butt out.

Well, that's just starters. The next part is even more loathful.

Time- 7:32 A.m

Oh, trash! I'm gonna be late. There goes my clean record. Yep, you got me right. Never in my life have I got a late pass or a detention to be precise. Ever heard of the cliche nerd-freaky geek?

Well, that's me. I'm saving both, mine and your time from the cliche boring introduction of my insubstantial personality.

After enduring the "Majnu" level of torture, I had made it into my senior year. Well, in case you aren't aware of who Majnu is, try going for the historic love stories of India. Their tales go by the title of "Laila and Majnu".

Giving myself a quick shower, I pull the light weigh hoodie over my lean, impotent body along with grey jeans over my dead scrawny legs. Sweeping my chocolate brown hair to one side, I spare myself one final glance. My grey/forest-green eyes roam around my body in dissatisfaction. It held annoyance and grudge. Not against someone else, but for me. Shaking my head at no one in particular, I sprint my way towards my slow dead trip.

That's a synonym for school. Whilst most people considered love, cigarettes and alcohol as slow dead, I considered school as one.

Let me affirm you, the sprint wasn't successful. I had absent-mindedly collided with a hurdle.

"Notice where the fuck your walking battery." My brother, Colton spat on the face whilst I did what I always do. Stood there like a statue, staring at the polished floor. Did I mention he was my elder brother? Technically, he was supposed to be my guardian angel, but you see, certain people tend to overlook their responsibilities.

Colton Romero Gonzales. The striking image of Dylan O'Brien. He was a spitting image of the famous actor, girls usually loved to giggle about. He was often mistaken as Dylan himself, which gave him more liberty to misuse the power.

He claimed it as "God's gift".

And the nickname, well that came free with my spectacles. The technical scheme in the markets were buying one, get one free and that scheme worked well in my life too. I buy an item, I get a nickname or mock name for free.

My brother was the complete contrast of me if that's not obvious by now. He was the wild party man-Mr. extrovert, whilst me, I loved the company of fewer and selected people. He was the sex animal and well get the drift. To sum it up, he is your typical rugged, handsome and hot bad boy and I, I'm your everyday four-eyed goodies two shoes.

I drove toward my school. It was already 7 55 which meant 5 more minutes to bell and I had to get class before I come across the nincompoops who lived on others misery. I pity their lives, along with mine.

My parents are one of the richest people in town and workaholics. They barely gave us the parental support me and Colton ever needed and they did the same with my youngest brother Fate, who is studying in a boarding school at the moment. This is the main reason Colton turned himself into a manwhore. Colton wasn't a bad guy, he just chose to sleep around, partying and negligence as his evasion from reality.

I know, deep down he cares.


I mean, deep deep deep down.

I walk towards my locker. Okay fine, not walk, dash towards my locker. The first bell had already rung which means I had just two minutes to spare before my class began.

"Finally you're here! Where the fuck were you??" Nath startled me, his dazzling aqua blue eyes twinkling like the ocean on a dark night. My height towered over his by a few inches, which was always an advantage to the fact, how I loved ruffling his dark chocolate hair. He loved his hair more than his family name, no kidding.

I responded nonchalantly. "Woke up late with a sprain over my neck."

"You slept over the study table again, didn't ya Trys?" Mine attached to hip ever since a birth best friend, Ivan guessed. Ivanhoe Henderson, the prank master of Cambridgeshire High school. Both me and Ivan were born on the very same day, on the very same time, in the very same hospital, next to each other. Yep, I literally meant when I exclaimed, we were attached to hip since birth. Ivan was the son of my dad's business associates. He hated his name ever since he discovered the meaning of the latter part of his name initial name. Coincidentally, we had the exact same eye colour and height too. I was just 2cm taller. Our hairs were a complete contrast though, just like our personalities. He was a typical dirty blonde, with cute freckles under his eyes. In short, a total yummy delicious dish.

Did I just...

I'm so gay!!

Both my best friends are immensely popular, both in school and bed. If it wasn't for our kindergarten hits or attached to hip thingy, I'm sure they wouldn't have spared a glance at me. Despite the prodigious popularity and proposals to join the popular table, these guys always stuck by me. We were a complete contrast, just like Earth and Venus.

"Down to Earth Trys." Nath snaps me out my trance.

"Good morning everybody. Please settle down." Mrs.Donnell requests us. Mrs.Donnell was the greek beauty of our school. She was as beautiful as aphrodite and the most down to earth person. There was never a time I have seen her class empty. Boys eagerly listened to her with full concentration, despite the fact that she was married.

Now, all of you must be waiting for the cliche scene, ain't you?

8:14:55 A.m

Well, let's count down from 5.


The door swung open, hitting the pale peach wall in slow motion, banging back and forth, as she stood in the entrance, in all her glory. If you ever see aphrodite, then tell her that she has very tight competition, with a 99.9% chance to lose.

Yes, she was absolutely, undeniably, unbelievably, gorgeously beautiful. God had taken the utmost effort and time to create her. She was more beautiful than the Angel's described in fairytales. Even Cinderella would look dull beside her. Without any more anticipation and dramatic explanation, I introduce to you,


The most beautiful, dangerously- smoking hot and most popular girl of our school. She looked at the teacher with the widest smile possible by humankind and bam, there goes all the anger. Her teeth were whiter than pearl and her smile would put a newborn baby to shame. What people called a heart-stopping, striking and accentuating smile, she called it her weapon. If you think holding breathe is the toughest job on earth, then surely you haven't met Abigail yet. Resisting her angelic and innocent smile was the toughest task on earth. Her blue-grey eyes shined under the light, as she moulds them into cute puppy eyes. Every single guy and girl looked at her with so much awe, as if they had discovered the lost treasure of Dora. She wore nothing. Yes, nothing. If you considered a translucent bikini top and short shorts as an item of clothing to school, then yes she was wearing clothes. Her long milky white legs were on full show and with her perfect plump butt. The bikini top perfectly complimented her round breast, curved and crafted perfectly for mankind. Her tan was on full view, the perfect curves on her stomach that ended with a ring over the belly button and her Godly Victoria secret figure.

I might sound like a pervert, but trust me, she was as heavenly as chocolate. But you know what people say? Looks can be deceiving. She was an angel with the personality worst than Lucifer. She wasn't the devil's spouse, she was the devil in disguise. Her striking blue eyes can blare fire, the beautiful curve over her lips could destroy you and her white wings could capture you and throw you into a death pit of everlasting torment. She was what people claimed to be, sweetly dangerous, although nothing was sweet about her. She had surpassed the record of her last high school queen in sleeping with guys. She had slept with each and every guy of the football team, baseball team, swimming team and basketball team. Like the cliche description, girls were always envious of her and boys literally kissed the floor she walked on. She never earned anything, she snatched what she wanted, by hook or by crook. Usually, a school was ruled by a male, but she was the domineering one in CXHS. Her favourite hobby consisted of using boys like new trends that changed every minute. She had never purchased a dictionary that consisted of the word "consistency and long term relationship" and even if she had one with those words, I bet she scribbled over them long ago. In every school where the queen bee walks around the most popular guy like a lost puppy, the river was flowing quite the opposite at CXHS. She wore her tiara so perfectly that even the strongest man couldn't throw her off her throne.

Even though she had no competition, her dearest friends didn't leave a chance to match her, oh so greatly loved qualities.

Her minions aka, London Washington, Elizabeth Taylor and Sasha Peterson. The xerox copies of Abigail McCarthy. Not half as beautiful as her but nothing less either. Now, please tell me that the first name actually baffled you. A kind request to all the parents out there, you can actually name your child Pheebo but never punish him or her by naming them after capitals of two different countries in entirely two different continents.

There are still two introductions left. The two adored gay couple of our school. Loved by the popular, despised by every other non-popular specie. They were too cool to actually acknowledge anyone else, that's what they believed. Reece Brown and Jay Rodriguez. The third in command of the cliche bad boy.

"Ooh, its soo great of you five to honour us with your presence. Please take your seat." Mrs.Donnell requested, with sarcasm dripping down. Oops, it looks like someone failed to charm the professor.

Abigail just snorted and looked around for a seat. She doesn't wear a lot of makeup like her overly decorated caked human dolls but doesn't forget to wear her signature red lipstick ever, along with her usual smoky eye makeup. It complimented her electrifying eyes, even more, accentuating people's attention.

I was taken aback when our eyes met for a split second and she smirked. My heart gracefully flips into a somersault, thudding hard against my chest. She noticed me for the first time and let's say, that wasn't a good thing. She gave me an 'I know you're checking me out nerdy' look, before throwing her hair over her shoulders dramatically. I broke my eye contact with her immediately. The last thing I wanted is to have the school's queen glitch behind my poor butt. Yep, I don't cuss. I don't even use the word A-S-S!!

I flounder uncomfortably, feeling the sensation of being watched as if my every move was studied scrupulously.

You're not turning back! Your not gonna look back!

That woman will drill a hole with her piercing blue eyes into my body if I don't.

Have some will power. My conscience taunted.

You know what, will power could go to purgatory.

I pirouette around, Abigail smirking with triumph. She studied me under her scrutinizing stare whilst I just gawked at her. I gulped down at my own saliva and luckily since God was on my side the bell rang signalling the end of the first period. I quickly ran out of the class trying my level best to not meet her gaze ever again. Her smirk was imprinted at the back of my mind. It wasn't just any smirk, it was the typical 'You're going down's kind of smirk. Well since the sherlock in me has figured that out, I need to plan out my strategy.

One, what on earth had I done to her. Two, what is actually going on in her head. And three, how the trash on Earth do I escape??

Coward much? I know!

Parting ways with the guys, I leaned against my locker for a couple of seconds longer. A small tip, when you are prone to bullying, never ever let yourself wander in an empty corridor alone.

As I professed earlier, I'm the typical cliche of a nerd from the most cliche book of Wattpad; don't give me that look, I read it too. It ain't meant only for girls. I was often bullied by the not so cool yet considered, bad boys.

My relaxed posture was soon overhauled by an insuppressible groan. I didn't have the desire to be redecorated into a blue-black starched potato on the very first day of my senior year. And if anyone thinks I was going to sit around and pray to God for going unnoticed, let me tell you one thing.

Me and God, not really on good terms. Last time I had asked him to help me through my pre-semester calculus class arranged before the start of senior year; since I completely forgot about the test, he threw me into a manhole to get me out of it.

Yes, that was "God's" way to help me out.

Not only did I manage to break my hip but also stunk like a mixture of poop, pee, gas, vomit, alcohol, weed and whatnot for a week long.

"Oh look, who's here, Mr.know it all."

I suppressed another groan, along with the desire to kill myself.

Meet Chase Reynolds and his best friend Josh Hardings.

Chase Reynolds, your typical star quarterback and the captain of the football team. And also the heavily worshipped guy of my school. Also, did I mention, Abigail's bed partner and trophy boyfriend? Well, she did have a choice similar to that of trash cans, then again, everyone got different perspectives. He is your dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect jawline and enlarged chest kinda guy. Aka, the wet dream of every girl.

Cue the eye rolls

Cough jealous cough, cough.

And as for Josh Hardings, he is the xerox copy of Chase. Apart from the looks, if God had got lazy and decided to make two people with the same potion and ingredients, voila, here was the perfect example. Josh was in complete contrast when it came to looks. He was your green eyes, messy yet perfectly balanced brown hair, with stoned body kind of man.

"I- I'm just heading to my class." I squeaked. Every time I saw them, I had the urge to answer back, but I was well aware of the results. I didn't need any more dramas in my life and I had a younger brother to take care off.

Chase grabs me by the collar, pushing me to the cold metal locker. I refrain from giving him the pleasure of satisfaction, resisting a painful moan. My back sure did hurt.

"Oh my my, someone's developed a backbone there haah. The ugly nerd can speak."

He swung his arm back, obviously to hit me, but for once God granted mercy on me. And hallelujah, I didn't even ask for it.

"Who's there?" A voice echoed from the end of the corridor.

"This isn't over Specy." Josh pats my cheek and walks away with Chase. I glance at the oldest but expensive edition of Rolex watch. I had already missed most of the period, and making an entry now would lead to nothing but detention.

The library was where I found peace, but unfortunately to my dismay, the library was locked which made me walk to the backyard of the school.

Taking a seat on the wooden white benches, I take in the fresh air. The smell of freshly cut grass hypnotised the atmosphere. I closed my eyes, taking in all the serenity I could, only to be disrupted again. Curiosity seeking the best out of me, I take a peek at the intruder. The backyard was never occupied, it was always considered as the filthiest and unhygienic part of the school. To me, it was where I could enjoy nature.

I was taken off guard when I find a thin, perfectly crafted specimen.

Really Trys, that's what you could come up with? I ask myself.

Sat on the threshold of the back door of the kitchen was Abigail, one leg crossed over the other, smoking absentmindedly.

She hadn't noticed me yet. Her eyes staring into space, so I keep on staring at her. She was like the breathtaking beauty that was not easy to believe. Her beauty was captivating, mind-boggling and admirable. Her eyes were void of her usual confidence she wore like a queen. She was thinking about something so deep, that she was completely unaware of my examining stares.

She didn't seem like the girl who had a reputation to hold on, She didn't look like the girl who just sleeps around but never loves, she didn't look like a female dog. She looked like a normal, innocent girl who had fallen into the wings of the wrong world. She looked like the girl who loves to sings and dance, not hump and dump. She seemed like an entangled mystery, who performed as someone else to the world but unravelled into a completely different person elsewhere.

Well, trust me, I was going to stare and ramble about her even more like a creep, if I didn't feel the tug in the middle of my heart.

I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill

I threw the day old tea from the cup

Packed up the photo album Matthew had made

Memories of a life that's been loved.

Holy bamboozled, she got a voice better than Rapunzel or Cinderella.

Can she be any more perfect?

Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals

Poured the old ginger beer down the sink

Dad always told me, "don't you cry when you're down"

But mum, there's a tear every time that I blink

Her voice broke as she sung lines. It reflected pain, restlessness and the built-up emotion that had been bottled up for long.

Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know

A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved

So I'll sing Hallelujah

You were an angel in the shape of my mum

When I fell down you'd be there holding me up

Spread your wings as you go

And when God takes you back we'll say Hallelujah

You're home

I fluffed the pillows, made the beds, stacked the chairs up

Folded your nightgowns neatly in a case

John says he'd drive then put his hand on my cheek

And wiped a tear from the side of my face

The tears glistening in the corner of her eye didn't go unnoticed. She wiped it off hastily, refusing to shed a tear.

I could see the determination behind those sparkling glassy tears.

I hope that I see the world as you did cause I know

A life with love is a life that's been lived

Her voice was beautiful and mesmerising. It was captivating just like her natural exquisiteness. Anyone could say she was singing it from her heart as if she knew the pain behind every line that she sang. I took out my phone to record her voice, while she continued singing, oblivious of the creepy audience.

So I'll sing Hallelujah

You were an angel in the shape of my mum

When I fell down you'd be there holding me up

Spread your wings as you go

And when God takes you back we'll say Hallelujah

You're home


You were an angel in the shape of my mum

You got to see the person that I have become

Spread your wing

And I know that when God took you back he said Hallelujah

You're home.

She ends the song on a beautiful note, exhaling deeply. A small smile tugged at the end of her. I took that as my cue to leave.

Completely aware of the fact that I was prying into her personal space.

Congratulations, you've just been awarded the title of the biggest creep. And also congratulation on the quick realisation. You're really faster than the government.

Give my conscience a chance, and bam, they start on with their unwanted lecture.

Well, remember how I celebrated my joyous moment when God granted mercy on me without me even asking for it. You see, it wasn't God blessing me with his mercy or rectifying his prior mistake, it was him tossing me into a bigger pit of trouble.

"Ouch, the mother of goat cheese."I wince in pain, clutching my shoulder. I drill holes into the half-broken cupboard, hypothetically obviously.

Guess who I gave another chance to mock me?

If only it was a living object, it would be pissing off right now on the ground.

"What are you doing here??"

I shrieked, completely oblivious to the Goddess standing beside me.

Great! Welcome to trouble land.

"No-nothing." I reply, in an attempt to slip away.

Haah, like my life, was that easy.

A hand encircle around the arm, holding my arm in a tight grip. Daym, she's strong for a woman.

I am not sexist!

"What's your name?" She asked, sternly. Her gentle, innocent, calm exterior long gone, replaced by the loathful queen bee that she was.

"I don't fucking have the entire day to wait for your reply." She spats on my face, making me jump slightly.

Great! Even a woman can scare me off. Should have obeyed dad when I had the time.

"Trystan Gonzalez ."

"Trystan, don't you dare open your mouth about any of this. Me smoking and shit. It's not like I'm scared of the fucking morons here, but I don't welcome unnecessary drama. Wait,- she cut herself off as her eyes widen at some sudden realisation.

Is this the time where I actually use the sentence, "I'm screwed" without making it sound like a swear word?

-yo-you, did you hear me sing?!?" She baffles, nervousness evident in her tone.

Have you ever seen the white whipped cream over cakes? Well, that's how guilt was decorated over mine.


Now is not the time. Continue your mocking session late at night when I sit and curse myself.

I reply with a slow, tiny nod to which she inhales and exhales loudly.

Again I'm not being a sexist, but for a girl that is so tiny and petite, she got the strength of a hulk. Pushing me against the rough cupboard, she warns me.

It's called a threatening, genius!

It's not night yet, don't disturb until then.

"If you dare open your mouth to anyone, I'll make sure your survival in Cambridgeshire High resembles the synonym of a nightmare, Trystan, and I mean each and every word."

Not a single sign of joke, not like I was expecting.

"But your voice is really mesmerising. It's beautiful. Everyone should know about your hidden talent. You should definitely try for the upcoming talent hunt." I ramble off, not realising that I was speaking to the Queen Bee of school.

I got to shut up at times.

"It's none of your fucking business, do you get me! Just shut that mouth of yours and stay within your limits." Rage and wrath painted over her snow-white skin tone.

I just nod reluctantly, not wanting to cross any more limits than I already have. I take my cue to walk away until Abigail discovered it would be a great opportunity to drag me into the filthy tiny little cupboard.

"What the fish?" I yell out.

"Sssh. What the fuck is what the fish?? Are you five or what?" She scolds.

"I heard someone's voice here. I'm sure that son of a bitch is here. Trystan comes out where ever the fuck you're." Chase's voice echo in the garden. In my head to be precise.

I quiver a little.

"Oh Gawd, I'm so fudging dead," I state to no one practically.

"Just shut up and stand here. He won't find you." Abigail shushes me down.

"Isn't he your boyfriend?? Shouldn't you be helping him?"

"Boyfriend my ass. He's just a fucking asshole who thinks high of himself and nothing more. I'm just with him to keep up my reputation." Abigail replies casually like we are long lost best friends.

"You know right I can actually disclose all these things which you just told me."

Trying to blackmail the mistress of evil, not a good idea.

"Oh babe, do you think anyone would believe you? You would rather get fucked up. And getting this pretty face fucked up for no reason isn't a wise choice. Is it?" She smiled triumphantly.

Did she call me pretty?

Is it okay to giggle like a girl?

"Where did that motherfucker run away?" Josh yells.

I wince at his choice of words.

"I guess he is in the library. It's okay, we'll catch him another time. We got one final year to play with him." Chase replies, their footsteps finally fading away.

I turn to Abigail as she does the same. That's when I realise how close we were. The proximity is a bit too heart-stopping. Her breathe fans over me, making my heart quiver beneath her touch. I never came across such a situation, and to be honest, I got no clue what the fish to do.


Hey everyone, so this is my book number 3.

For the new readers,

Assalam Alaikum,adaab,hii,ciao,



Welcome to a refreshing journey and madness of Abigail and Trystan. And also in my world of crappy mistakes, shitty ass plot holes, a pool of grammar errors and stupidities. They are my middle names.

I sincerely appreciate every chance and support you guys give me.

Don't forget to VOTE.COMMENT.SHARE

