Chapter 2- Rejection

How would you feel if a cockroach climbs over you?? If you're afraid of one, then that is how I was feeling. And the rest, you can imagine yourself trapped with Annabelle, nun, Chucky and the other bunch of ghosts.

We were standing close, too close for my liking. Our proximity filling the air. Her hand grazed over my torso, causing a light flutter in my heart. You know the hitch when you see a bear looking at you hungrily? No? I felt my breath stuck in my throat just like that.

Yes, a lot of metaphors.

My heart wasn't helping either, I deliberately needed a CPR or an electric shock by a defibrillator, as it was almost at the verge of dying out. I know, I am behaving like a total sissy. Any other guy would have used her for his own advantage. And there's where I knew the difference. I ain't any guy.

Our bodies pressed against each other, heat radiating and filling the atmosphere. I don't know about her, but sparks were flying everywhere for me. I bet the temperature here was more than Jhonny's from fantastic 4.

She's the whore. She's the slut. Get a grip on your fudging hormones.

If you push her away, then trust me you don't have any.

I didn't ask for ya suggestion.

I know I was being judgemental, but I wasn't willing to toss my heart in a hungry shark's mouth.

I backed away; our lips 2cm away before colliding against one another. Pushing open the door, I stride my way inside. I was proud of my decision, but I guess someone wasn't.

I peek a glance at the now stunned woman. Her lips slightly apart, her face resembled the colour of a sick patient; completely drained and pale. But that wasn't what caught me indiscreet, it was the single tear that rolled down her cheek.

I didn't like the ache, the pull my heartfelt at that very tear, but I knew I was better off away from her.

But why would she tear up, because I didn't let her kiss me or is it because she never faced rejection? My head clouded with questions.

I shook my head warily, not ready to deal with chaos God had pushed me into and settled my mind with the latter, I was probably overthinking. I felt sympathetic but I wouldn't devote myself to a woman who couldn't respect herself.

Lunch rolled by, and I couldn't get my mind off the scenario, yet.

The first day of senior year and I'm already confident it is just the starting of chaos.

This is the last favor I'm asking you for. Do me a favor that you will never do me favor ever again.

If you're confused, then I'm communicating with God.

"Bro, are you here?" Ivan broke me out of my deal with God.

"Umm yeah. So what's up, guys?"

"Guess what? London chose to sleep with me tonight." Nath announced, proudly. His smirk was bigger than the perimeter of Russia.

"And Sasha decided to hook up with me. Oh mahn we are definitely gonna have an awesome night." Ivan added, sighing dreamily.

If I wanted to bang my head at Nath's declaration earlier, then you have no idea how badly I want to chop my ears off at Ivan's.

So I decided to settle for the middle option. I let an unsatisfactory groan, completely displeased with their choices. And to my misery, they laughed.

"Nath, aren't you going to carry the legacy?" Nath furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What are you planning to name your children next, Australiana Bangladeshia?"

To this Nathan's smile immediately fell off as his lips immediately changed into a scowl. Ivan burst into a full-on laughter session though, oblivious of the fact, I wasn't leaving him out of the sarcasm session either.

"And what are you going to do when your and Sasha's kids get blessed with her original nose? Exchange it for Scarlett Johansson's nose?"

This definitely shut up Ivan as well. Sasha often flaunted how she got her nose fixed into a one similar to Scarlett Johansson's. Yeah, right! When pigs start pooping upside down.

This time it was definitely my turn to laugh at the two grumpy faces. Do you know the part where your happiness is always short-lived? Yeah, I know, relatable. Mine was too. I don't know why, but someone apparently thought that flavored fluids were for bathing rather than drinking.

A cold shiver washed down my body when a sticky pink liquid was dumped over my head. Let's say I wouldn't require any extra fragrant liquid for my hoodie as it would smell like a strawberry milkshake for weeks.

I shriek in surprise as the entire cafeteria burst in a chorus of laughter. Every single person was laughing other than my two best friends. They were drilling holes at the culprit. I was literally shivering under the liquid that made my hoodie stick to my body. My eyes involuntarily fell on Abigail who was laughing her butt too. I don't know why, but I felt a pang of pain on seeing the sight, but brush it off. It was my mistake that I thought any better of her.

Being hypocritic much?

One side you call her slut and another side claim to think better of her?

My mind taunts me.

"What the actual fuck Chase??" Ivan yelled out first.

''Are you both bastards fucking insane??" Nath snapped, right after.

Chase and Josh just roll their eyes as they continue to laugh on my face.

And again, the oh so moment of joy was short-lived. Not for me, but the other two sadistic grass holes.

I saw liquid dripping down Chase and Josh's fuming faces from my peripheral vision, which I assume is done by my only best friends.

I stride my way out of the cafeteria. A small amount of water gathering in the brim of my eyes which I definitely didn't allow to rush down. I was used to it, although I wished things were different.

I take a quick shower and change my clothes. It's not the first time I have come across something like this. It's a usual routine of them bullying me. I can't even defend myself. Not because I can't. But because I don't want to. Why?? Because apparently, I'm a huge coward. I don't have a build-up body like them and neither I have the guts to fight against them because they are soo many. They would punish me the same way that man punished her. I wasn't willing to take the risk. I had a small sibling to look after, well aware no one cared about his existence any longer.

One accident, all 4 of us had been affected. But the impact was different. My parents drifted apart even further, drowning their heads into lots of work. Sure enough, they were never the perfect entitled parents, but definitely a better version of what they were now. Whilst I became a coward and isolated myself even further, Colton; he turned into a monster to avoid pain. Unlike my parents, he was the perfect model of an elder brother. The one they speak off in books. We were happy until his shadow destroyed my family.

Just one more year. Just one more year. I kept chanting inside my head.

The bell rang signaling the start of next period and I immediately rush for it without any further delay. I wouldn't lie that I didn't have the urge to skip, but when you weigh two circumstances,

"Mocking" or "bullying", what would you pick?

I think I prefer mocking.

I step in the class, all eyes directed right on me. As usual snickering and giggling at the recently unfolded stupidity by the popular version of a human scum bag.

Scum bag isn't a curse word for anyone going hu-ha.

I felt self-conscious, as my grip tightened around my books.

"Such a useless pussy." Someone threw a comment at me.

"Oh please. Pussy's are not as useless bro." Some guy made another snide comment.

Everyone kept on laughing and cracking jokes at me, well at least I was existent.

If you didn't understand, then I was trying to make myself feel better.

Rest of the classes went in a blur without any further dramas. I decide to leave a bit later in order to escape Chase and Josh. And also the rest of the popular population who found it amazingly entertaining on humiliating me.

I know she wouldn't want to see me behave like a coward. She would want me to stand up for myself. But I couldn't make the mistake, I couldn't be selfless like her. I ain't no Mother Teresa.

Its already 2 20 and school got over 20 minutes ago. Everyone had left and so I took that as my cue to leave too. I was exhausted and drained out of all the energy with the drama-free day. Not to be stereotypical, but isn't drama reserved for girls.

As I take all my belongings out of my locker, I hear loud clicks of sandal echoing in the corridor. I freeze in my position, groaning internally. I already knew who it could be. I knew it very well. Why the frik was she here?

I did not sign up for your friking games.

Yep, again conversating with God.

'Abigail McCarthy. '

I don't bother sparing a glance at her and continue doing my chore, expecting for her to walk past me but that's not how the game works.

"Hey, strawberry guy." She greets me, mocking me about the previous show obviously.

Anger boils in me but I refrain it.

"What do you want now??" I snap at her. Okay, not so much refraining there.

"Your boyfriend humiliating me wasn't enough that you have come along too?? You know it's of no use right now, everyone has left. So you can fulfil the task to embarrass me tomorrow when everyone is around to make fun of me." I exclaim, without allowing her to speak. Anger getting the best of me. For a second I felt it was her spirit speaking, not me.

Abigail was obviously taken aback at my sudden outburst.

"Pissed huh? Anyways, I haven't come here to rub salt on your wounds. I came to heal those. I have come to finish the pending work that we left back in the cupboard." She asseverates, seductively. I back away against my locker whilst she does quite the opposite.

Is raping a guy a criminal offence??

Returning back to my senses, I see her lips just a few millimeters away from mine. Just one more step closer and bam, our lips would be moving in sync.

Not like I intend to kiss her back.

I jerk her away from me with a light push. I'm not her play toy who she could use for her own pleasure and just throw away. I'm never giving away my first kiss to her.

Sucks to admit it, but as if you hadn't seen it coming.

She appeared to be under complete shock due to my actions. She scrunches her eyebrows in confusion.

"What's wrong, God damn it! Any guy would literally die to be in your place and here I'm literally throwing myself at you without you asking for it and all you do is push me away." She outbursts.

"Or do you want to go somewhere more comfortable babe?" She wraps her arms around me.

I unwrap her hands and push her back again. She looked beyond pissed this time. Her face red due to anger, embarrassment but no shame.

"What's your fucking problem?" She screams.

"You! Do you hear even yourself? You're literally throwing yourself at me and you ask, what's my problem? You're my freaking problem, Abigail. I don't want to kiss a freak like you, who throws herself at any guy. I'm not your play toy who would get used by you as per your wish. I'm not one of those guys who likes to hook up with girls. I don't even fucking understand why are you hell-bent on kissing me! See Abigail, I'm a nobody. A boring geek, a book worm, a freaky useless person okay. You're beautiful, hot and definitely the best girl on the bed as per people say, but I'm sorry, I'm not that type of a guy. I'm a one-woman type of man. Sounds funny I know. I don't understand, don't you see your worth?? Don't you have self-respect?? Is this really who you're? How can a girl find pleasure in sleeping around?? Are you really the girl who I saw singing in the school backyard? Because the girl I saw singing did not seem like a worthless bitch like how you are one or how you tend to be one. She didn't seem like a person who is known as the whore of Cambridgeshire High. She gave the impression of a simple, innocent girl; who she was back then 6 years ago when she joined. She looked like an everyday girl trapped on the wrong side of the world. I don't know what are you. But I don't want to do anything with a fucking whore who can't even do justice to her own self and readily sold the only thing that was her own. Your dignity is yours to keep, it's not for sale. I can't be with someone who can't respect her dignity. Do you get me? I'm sorry for this lecture. But I'm not into you. Never was, never will be." I spat with the utmost disgust. I see her retreat a few steps back, as I take that as my cue to leave.

I take my belongings and rush out of the school but not before sneaking one last look at her. And there she was, on the floor, kneeling down on her knees. Tears on a race to roll down her rosy pink cheeks.

Did I do the right thing??


Okaaaaayy!! An interesting chapter I suppose? By the way, did you guys noticed Trys actually cussed?

So what do ya think of the chapter tho?? Did Trys do the right thingy?? Or do you think he should have given in to Abby's offer??

Why do you think she was crying? Do you think Abby is gonna take this lightly?? Or is she gonna turn Trys's life to a fucking hell??

I know this is a short chapter. But sometimes I feel long chapters are pretty much boring.

Adios bitchachos!!❤