Chapter 2

Terry POV:

I frown as I look in drawers, trying to find the outfit I had been planning on wearing to my new school. My family are werewolves and we had recently changed packs when my parents got new jobs in the area. My mother is this pack's new doctor as the last doctor had been brutally murdered in order to get revenge on their mate, or so I've heard. I'm not sure what to think of the Black moon pack just yet. The alpha was distant and rarely talked to anyone in the pack and none of the other teenagers wanted anything to do with me. They claimed I'm weird, all because I'm shy.

I grumble loudly as I can't find the outfit, going to my closet and opening the last box and rummaging through it before finding the allusive outfit. I smile as I look at myself in the mirror, frowning at my short body that just barely reached 5'3. My sweater is an ombre blue with white at the top that gradually turns into a navy blue at the bottom matched with black skinny jeans and vans.

I slip my earbuds in as I hear the car horn outside, jogging down the stairs and to my mom's car.

"Hey sweetie! How are you doing?"

I shrug my shoulders, not sure how to answer.

Mom sighs, "Look I know this is all new and everything but look on the bright side. Maybe your mate will be at the school."

I cringe at the thought, my wolf Silver whimpering in the back of my mind.

"Mom we both know my mate isn't going to want me." I mumble.

No self respecting wolf would ever want such a shy weakling like me.

Mom glares at me, "Don't think like that! Mates are given to each other for a reason. No matter who he or she is, they'll love you no matter what."

I scoff, glad to see the school building as it meant the end to this conversation. I open the door as mom rolls to a stop.

"Hey, just try to keep an open mind please?" Mom calls after me.

"Whatever." I mumble with a weak wave of my hand.

I walk into the building and down the hallway. A strong smell of Axe soap suddenly hitting me as I find my first class. My mouth almost watered as I open the door and walk in. My eyes snap to the strapping young woman in the back as silver whines, wagging her tail weakly.


I gulp as the girl watches me. I rush to my seat and sat down, covering my face with my arms as I blush deeply.

Our mate is a girl! I exclaim to my wolf. There's no way she'll want us. She looks like the traditional cool kid of the school. If it slips out that her mate is a female then her rep will be ruined. I'm sure she's going to reject me as soon as she gets me alone. We can't let that happen. I don't think I could handle being rejected.

Silver whined at the thought as the teacher clapped her hands for everyone's attention.

"Good morning students! We have a new student joining us today from the Black moon pack. Terry would you like to come say a couple things about yourself?"

I gulp, standing up and walking to the front of the class as my knees wobble. " name is..t.. Terry Gl.. Glade. I... I'm a Senior and I enjoy re..reading" I stammer nervously, my face turning bright red and I look at the ground as everyone snickers. A deep snarl from the back of the class shuts everyone up and my head snaps back up as I look towards the sound.

The girl in the back is glaring at the kids in class as they duck their heads, evading her gaze. I shoot her a small smile before I sit down and listen as the teacher begins class.

As soon as the bell rings, I'm out of my seat and through the door. I can't face that girl, not yet...