The video tape recordings rewinds back the teacher asked if anybody has any questions of how the reapers have came into the world one of the the school's popular girls raises her hand and without being called questions if the mother of the reapers created them 'how come she made them look ugly 'as all her friends laugh with her the teacher looked at them sternly Cordelia that is not funny it is not the purpose of her making them it's the fact that she had chosen life instead of the government gaining her power if the government had actually reached a power they could have created more of a powerful source than the reapers them selves. Cordelia looked at the teacher in a bored Manor and continue to taunt the first created reapers I decided to stand up for them and said 'well it's not their fault they look like that it's about the power source that they had plus you would pay attention in class more Cordelia you would probably understand that the reapers will probably take you out if they ever had a war so if I were you I would probably respect them in the way they look plus no one but the reaper hunters have ever seen a reaper out of its cloak no one even knows what their size or even holding on what power they have so if I were you I would stop calling them ugly!" Cordelia and all her friends just laughed at me saying that oh if you think they're so cute in a very taunting way why don't you just go over and marry one. her and her friends laughed and as did the class also laughs the teacher looks at them very very sternly and said all of you just hush and you know that can't happen cuz a rule in the rule book of the reapers states that they cannot date mortal because of a accident happening with one of the royal reapers but that is another story and we are not supposed to say nor tell it in class and it is true that's only reaper hunters has ever seen a reaper outside of its cloak but we do not count the grim reaper simply because he doesn't wear a cloak although his wife does now is there any actual questions needed to discuss of how reapers came into the world no anyone as the teacher was saying more about how reaper has had came into the world and what kind of power that their mother had on them the bell rings signaling that class was over everyone ran and screeched or even laugh talking to their friends as I was about to get up the teacher goes up to me you know there are a few things about reapers and their own rules some of the rules can be broken others can't at first I thought the teacher was talking to me till I realized she was already outside the door I frozen in fear as a female voice called out to me saying the same thing over and over some rules can be broken but others can't I was frozen not really knowing what was happening till a cold yet gentle hand touched me from behind. it was my friend lightning asking me what was wrong I said it was nothing I was just daydreaming she looked at me with a concerned look I don't think she really bought it but she said okay if you say so feather, lightning was one of my friends all the way back in kindergarten her mom was friends of mine when they were young but something brought me back to those words' some rules can be broken but others can't 'what did she mean by that I doubt that it was lightning trying to scare me because if it was her, she would have laughed and said that she got me after while I pack the rest of my things off and left out of the classroom and down the hallway where Cordelia and her know-it-all friends looked at me with a stare laughing quite slightly I quickly speed walk away from them not knowing what they would do last week they pranked me but it wasn't like some type of whoopee cushion prank no when I open my locker last time it wasn't shaving cream or Cool whip it was pig's blood that stuff got a hold over my project including my bag and my clothes I could see Cordelia and Jenny laughing at me I ended up having to go to the office and tell the principle of what happened Cordelia had suspension for a whole month that is until her mother came up to the school and started saying that I have been mean to her and that I bullying her which is why she did that harmless prank just to get back at me turns out it was all because I was her boyfriend's partner for a stupid science group and it wasn't even my fault because well the teacher put me as a partner for him and saying that I was the cause of him breaking up with her turns out Cordelia was actually cheating and just wanted to get someone back for it as I made my way out of school I always walk back home now that the reapers had actually moved up onto the surface which was like 100 years ago before I was even born my family wasn't really rich we were actually poor but we had money to keep us going anyway my father left me and my mother and I never really knew where he went my mother took care of me when I was a baby and I never seen my father really my mother told me that he was at war and never really came back she gets letters from him times to time but I never really get to see him my mother would let me see his letters and well let's just say some of them weren't good but either way it was nice to hear from them although the scenery from the reapers made it look really really pretty I actually live quite close to reaper territory it was the cheapest place that my mother could buy and it was the way that we lived no one really wanted to live at reaper territory because there is a point of where you can actually see reapers my mother told me not to look at them directly or in the physically don't look at them at all and she was kind of right at one point but I wondered would the reaper kill me if I looked at him at times there has been violence between humans and reapers if you looked at one the wrong way or spoke to one the wrong way there's a slight chance of actually getting swiped with there scythe but either way the new Grimm had made rules to wear that wouldn't happen he didn't really want to start a fight with us even knowing that he knows that he would win there was still a thought in his own head that fighting us would be wrong and that would just be more souls on his hands sighing as I hear the birds chirp and tweet this shy has gotten a lot darker since I've been walking home we all figured it was the reapers doing but in all honesty I don't think it was there was a book that a reaper had dropped I began reading it, it was the tale of a human being a reaper almost as if it was hidden it was a nice book of the tail but I just couldn't understand it there was some words in there that must have been the reapers language of spells and other things that I couldn't really understand or get when I walk through the door and my mother said how was school sweetie as I always reply it's fine Mom just a lot of work as I go upstairs to my own room I open the door almost seeing a shadow I was kind of scared and shocked but just played it off as my own imagination sometimes reapers like to play games but I don't think that was a reaper like I said it was probably just my imagination playing with me as I was doing my homework that my teachers had gave me I kept seeing this glimpse of a shadow nearby me of a person but I just shake it thinking that it was just some trees that was by my house as I finished up my homework I begin to hear the same thing that I heard at school some rules can be broken but others can't I look behind me thinking that someone was standing beside me or if I was just imagining things my mother called me downstairs to dinner I told her that I'll be downstairs as soon as I can as I went downstairs and ate my dinner my mother was quite concerned of me asking me if I've seen anything or heard anything unusual I didn't really like lying to my mother but for her to not be concerned for me in the worried as she was already being stressed from work I told her that I was fine and that it was probably just School stressing me out she seemed to buy it and said okay sweetie she asked me if I wanted to get a job since I was 17 and was about to turn 18 I told her sure I would love to get a job Mom said good there's a job that you may like I asked her what kind of job she asked me if I ever wanted to work beside reapers I open my eyes wide thinking to myself why did my mom asked me if I wanted to work beside a reaper my mother told me that you'll get paid a quite good some by the Grimm if you're want to work buy them I asked her what the job was about she said that she went into reaper territory and one of the reaper guards had cought her although they did ask her what she was doing she told them that she was trying to see if they had a job offering and must have accidentally walked into their territory the guard had said are you looking for a job miss, my mother caught him off quite nicely and said no sir it's for my daughter my daughter turn 18 this coming month the guard looked at her he said there was one job offer that is if your daughter would be all right with it my mother told me that the job offer was to be a maid for one of the Royal reapers I told my mother that I would think about it after that my mother told me that she would do the dishes and that I could go to my room and rest as I went upstairs and got ready for bed I heard the same voice again some rules can be broken but others can't I was still trying to figure out what that means although I turned off my lights I went to sleep