As my mother told me about this new job I didn't know if I want to do it humans well mortals as they call us weren't supposed to go to their territory at all of course my mother accidentally walked into their but didn't make any sense why would one of the royal guards asked my mother this sighing I turned to one of the books that my father had gave to me before he went off to war. There was always something about it it gave off of an eerie tone that I never really wanted to read it but today was different my father told me that it was from my ancestors and that there was something about the book of me having a connection to it I wasn't too sure .I went to my dark cherry wood shelf I picked up the book lying in dust I've always kept it there not really wanting to pick it up and see what it says or see what was inside I reach for the book hesitating to open it as soon as I did I started reading about the folklore about the reapers there is some brutal things about them and other things I just didn't want to say I really didn't believe they did all this but it was hard to tell I decided just to close the book get ready for bed and go to sleep.
I woke in in a field of white flowers some of them seem blue and glowed I found it strange why were they glowing I never really seen any flowers like this before have I. I wasn't too sure but these colors reminded me of something although beside the the white ones there was a glowing gold one or yellow I wasn't really to found of the colors although they did seem to Glow more brighter sooner or later 3 Royal reapers seem to circle me one of the reapers was a female and the rest of the two were males in my mind I came to wonder who are they why were they in my dream there's a blue one with a purple eye she seemed to be within the colors of ocean or a wisp the other that glowed in the white flower wasn't all snowy white he looked as if he was a monster from the ink of a well that leaked he had a red eye that glowed almost said darkness the other was a skeleton although his bones glowed he reminded me of the one that was in the documentary of the one I saw in the class video three of them looked at me the all chanted some rules can be broken but others can't why did they all say that in Union I began to get a little bit frightened the gold one lean toward me he looks with me with his dark and black eyes with only seem to be a little bit of white for his pupils he talked to me saying that it is the time the hybrid to be shown I was wide eyes at this I didn't know what he meant by hybrid I asked they all seemed to freeze the female blue walk towards me saying that I was the hybrid I was trying to process what she meant I asked what do you mean that I'm a hybrid my mother and father are both mortals they all looked at each other and laughed then they looked at me with a serious faces of what I can see the dark one the one that looks as if ink is all over him tower over me saying that someone within my past family was indeed a reaper
I bounced awake in my bed too scared to even move I felt sweat coming all the way from my forehead down to my lip I quickly wiped it away and try to calm myself down by breathing in and out why were those reapers saying that I was a hybrid I had no way of knowing if I was or not I looked over at my bed stand that hold my alarm clock as it went off sighing once again I press the off button for it I decided to go take a shower and get ready for school but what I didn't know what will happen when I went into the school today will be nothing but a mystery