As a rush to get ready for school at first I thought I saw one of those shadows from my dream. But when I looked behind me all I saw was the tree where my house has stood taking a deep breath and blowing it out I run to the bus stop as I got to the bus stop no one was there as usual as i waited I thought I heard those voices again as I thought I did my mine started to buzz . What did they mean by I was the hybrid I wasn't sure what they meant I just wanted to go to school and get this day over with as I heard the bus pull in its stop like always nothing really seemed out of the usual I smiled the best I could saying good morning to the bus driver never really got his name but at this point why did it matter I know I normally should walk to school but in the morning I always take the bus my mom thought it was always weird that I did this but in all honesty I hate walking in the morning although something was more off-putting and I just couldn't put my finger on it. Sighing as I get off the bus I can already see my bullies I rushed past them trying to make sure that they didn't see me and trying to stay clear when I make sure that they didn't see me or that I was nowhere near them I started to breathe sighing I went to my locker when I opened it I could already hear them laughing there's a note of course she had to do this if I catch you staring at my boyfriend again you will be sorry sighing I should have know
She always do this Cordelia I swear I am not in the mood when I turn around there she was face-to-face how many times do I have to tell you that rich is mine not you're maybe girls we should teach her a lesson
I really didn't like the way that this is going why would Cordelia think I was staring at her boyfriend because I didn't not only that but I was nowhere near her boyfriend so how would she know sighing I try to stand for my own self again for the hundredth time Cordelia I was nowhere near your boyfriend yesterday or this week so why are you going to put the blame on me that your boyfriend again tried to break up with you I mean even if he did he wouldn't be going out with me not only that but I can see why he wants to of course this put her in a more bad of a mood than usual the last thing I saw was a punch to the face ugh I mumbled as I find myself waking to a splitting headache I had to squint my eyes just to get ready for the light the nurse looked at me and said you have to stop making Cordelia mad like that raising up a hand to touch my forehead it's not my fault that could Cordelia hates me and her group of friends are nothing to help with me after a while the nurse who got in the phone I can hear some faint words over the phone but what I didn't catch was when I saw her face she looked as almost as if she was about to cry the nurse gave me the phone saying that it was for me I picked up the phone I said hello Miss I hate to tell you this but your father had died in the army and your mother died of a heart attack when I heard this felt as if time stopped in front of me I can already feel tears coming down my face I dropped the phone and looked at the nurse trying to believe that this was just some kind of dark joke my mother was the only thing that cared for me she was the only thing that was in my family along with my father knowing that both of them are dead I would have to be going to an orphanage why does this always happen to me first I was born in a poor family and now my family dies I can already feel warm yet what tears down my eyes to my cheeks I didn't know what to do anymore the reapers had already took in my mother soul as well as my fathers I did already feel that the nurse is trying to comfort me I had to go throughout the day knowing that when I return home I would have to be a foster child or so it seems I didn't take that offer that the reapers of gave me and I think my mother knew that this time was coming but why did it have to be now why now after school is over Jennifer pushed me