I was always down to the ground after Jenifer had pushed me slowly looking up behind me with tears still in my eyes I could hear Cordelia laughing in the background while all her little gang members laughed as well they called me a crybaby and that I was nothing but a orphan now they were still laughing in the background I got up as quick as I could running out of the door just to go home by the time I got there it was already 4 in the afternoon I went inside and stop police tape everywhere I went out to my room to start packing as I was trying to call my breathing down I started getting frustrated and even more sad knowing that I have to go to an orphanage or be foster care why some people I don't even know as I was looking inside of the mirror so the Green Smoke particles pull around me almost as if it was shaping horns wings and tail I was so scared at this point i was thinking this was some stupid prank that a Reaper had left I got my bag and went outside waiting for the police or the orphan carrier to come get me as I was waiting outside I must have fallen asleep cuz it was already night time I was woken up by a young blonde haired female she said that she was going to be taking me to an orphanage that was mixed with Reapers and Mortals I told her I didn't care as long as I had some place to live as I got in the car and stole my baggage in the car I watch as my old house was drove away all my childhood memories came back in my head when I was living with my mother parts of where I see my father my father had always told me that I was something special but I didn't believe it but I was looking outside of the window I saw a little bit of a glow in my eye I've always had this disorder I believe well that's what my parents told me what it was they said it was some type of bug in my eye well eyes we must have been driving for what seemed like hours will you soon get to the orphanage place what says Foster for all Reapers and Mortals alike what does that even mean humans and Reapers we weren't like whatsoever yeah sure their human forms look like it but in their original Reaper or Grim Reaper form they're Nothing Like Us as the young lady got my bags I slowly walked in the building opening the door till old looking building it had cracks and plants all built around it I guess is maybe this was to make the Reapers seem more like at home or this was just a very old orphanage when I walked in the door it was nothing but a quiet old place the young lady who took my bags inside gave them to me telling me that my room would be on the top floor on the right my number was 55 I took my head and slowly went up the stairs still side of the state Vince I could still fear the tears going down my face as I made it up to my room I noticed that on the left side of my door was another room filled with a young Reaper it said poison Emerald guess that's one of the elements of one of the Reapers but I only heard of a poison Reaper an emerald Reaper but never poison Emerald maybe it's a crossbreed of the to Reapers but if so why is it here it doesn't it have Reaper parents that I can take care of oh well as I open up the door I had a very loud Screech that startled me it's booked almost as if it was my old bedroom but slightly different it had a huge mirror in a dresser drawer my bed seem to be in the middle of it complete with two windows the lookout I had empty White Walls it was very spacious in there as I was getting unpacked I felt as if energy has been drained from me I closed my door and got ready for bed
Time skip to two months
It's been about 2 months now I've seen little Reapers getting adopted and Mortals getting adopted but today seems a little bit odd there was a very bad or around the place by at least a strange one a Reaper couple had gotten read it at the door by Miss Lance she was one of our caretakers here she was Immortal yes but she took care of the Reapers in US after a while the Reaper couple started saying if they could adopt a mortal. Miss Lance looked at them as if they were saying a bad word in front of the children Miss Lance asked them to repeat what they said as if not believing what she had heard them said the male Reaper which was a shadow Reaper repeated what his wife had said which was a jewelry Reaper I heard stories of of couple likes this but they couldn't even have children but it was so common that they had to adopt even if they did it was either that their eggs wouldn't hatch or if it did hatch the baby would die in about a week but once again the two of them had to repeat with what they had said to miss Lance that they wanted to adopt a human thing that they had already gotten permission from the grate Grimm himself Miss Lance Was Defeated and said sure but please don't try to scare them the couple nodded and I agreement saying that they wouldn't scared The Mortals it was a little while as they were looking around seeing who they wish to adopt finally one of their eyes caught me I didn't see who it was male or the female but either way they went to miss Lance and said that they found who they wish to adopt she nods her head and the three of them nods their head in agreement and went to her office I could hear them talking about adopting a female me knowing that there was a lot of young girls here they probably couldn't have chose me since I was the last one they saw as I was just on my phone trying to see if my friends were online like normal they weren't after all this happened to my family and being in a Reaper and Mortal orphanage my friends weren't the same as before as the interview had finished Miss Lance called my name I jumped in Surprise there was no way in this world that are Reaper couple would want to adopt me as I look back at her Miss Lance called me again saying to get my stuff packed and ready to go since I was being adopted that day I do. She said me not really wanting to go considering they had took in the life of my father and my mother the last couple months.