As I was packing my bags to leave the building I cough a blue spark of light in front of the mirror. There I saw a wisp or at least I thought I saw one as soon as I looked it was gone. Shaking my head thinking that I was just imagining things I decided to finish packing. As I got my bags and things I opened up my front door looking back taking one last look at the orphanage that took me in within months after my parents died. remembering the green glow from my house that I used to live in the power that I felt when I was sad and heartbroken. I felt my heart skip a beat wondering if that would happen again thinking about my disorder my mother always told me not to worry about it but I'm scared what will happen to me what will become of me. what kind of disease did my mom and my dad not want me to find I found myself thinking about this as I was going down the stairs to meet the reaper family. I heard them and the staff talking about why they wanted to adopt me they said that I'm not a normal human and saw a spark in my eyes. I hang my head low wondering what do they mean by a spark in my eyes. Maybe that's just how they adopt they see something in and the people are rippling's eyes and they want to adopt them maybe that's just how they pick them. I heard footsteps coming near me it was the male reaper I caught a little glimpse of smoke coming from his robe that was on his head the hood was slightly shifted from the horns that were on his head I saw him smile at me with a sharp teeth saying that everything will be all right and that they'll raise me as one of their own and not to be afraid of them. As I was walking out I had to admit I was a little scared more nervous than scared actually but I couldn't help but Wonder was it my glowing eyes is that why they picked me. As we were walking out the door with my new so-called family I saw skeleton horses with a carriage I gasped I never seen one up close but they always fascinated me. Their eyes was glowing they were both the same color although one of them had a red Amber like glow to their eyes well the other had a blue cyan. Both of their main and inside of their rib cage glowed with a blue and purple flame I've never seen any anything like them before I've seen one with red eyes and orange and red ones but I've never seen these colors before. They grabbed my bags and put it in the back of the carriage The carriage was Brown and black with silver handles that looked like skulls they opened up the carriage and helped me in. For the box it looks small but has for reaper magic it could fit 20 reapers inside even though it looks like it could only fit one reaper. The magic and spells always fascinated me in how they can make a simple small box could look like somebody's living room. As the wife got in the carriage the husband took the front seat of the carriage driving the skeleton horses back to their home I could see sceneries go by the beautiful than what I could have thought I've never been this far from home before nor have I been this close to the reapers gate their gate looked old and rustic with a silver color from a old skull rested up on top of the gate completely made of silver and gold. As the royal guard stopped the male reaper a simple staff recognition or in this case scythe did the trick and he was let through these reaper weren't exactly high class but they were middle. As you were going through the gates I watched out the window people thought that the reaper is home would be covered in fire but it wasn't it was just like a normal symbol village like the one that we live in although the houses aren't exactly made out of wood they were made out of petrified crystals a lot of houses were blue red purple and green. I could see your riplings play and laugh now some had their training scythe and pretending to take the soul of their other siblings they weren't exactly real the blade was merely made out of wood and so was the staff they're normally made from gold silver reaper gems and a special metal blade the reason why these trainings scythe we're made out of wood was because they were not ready to become a real reaper sadly some reapers died because of this if they do not find their powers or find their wings of flight there's a small percentage of a chance that they will die. The feather and flame on their tails may go away some will keep their flame some will keep their feathers or they'll keep both some won't even keep them at all they believe having nothing on their tails would work more thoroughly and not be detected although some of that is true it's not quite a good benefit for their health as I hear giggling and laughter I saw the palace of where the Royal reapers lived even the grim himself was living there sitting on his throne and the middle of the palace entrance was a beautiful fountain that wasn't normal from our fountains instead of regular water it was elemental water from red to Green the blue yellow purple black it would go in and out like this. As the carriage begin to go faster the mother reaper asked me what my name was or in this case I was a reaper what would my name be I looked at her like she said a bad word and told her that I was not sure she just gave me a small giggle saying that I'm going to have to change my name sooner or later since I was living in a reaper family now. I would have to get a new name a reaping like name I told her that I would come up with something soon and unless she saw something in me she could give me my reaper name I wasn't so good with names in all honesty. As it was somewhat silent during the rest of the trip to their home the female reaper jumped up and said your name can be flames I looked at her and confusion and told her can you say that again I didn't quite understand you she was speaking and reaper tongue she can't go and said in English your name can be flames it'll just go without the rest of our family I look to her and said sure you can call me flames at least it kept the first letter in my real name which was feather I still didn't understand why my mother named me that or wasn't my father I wasn't too sure but I went with it. As the carriage went to a stop the female reaper got out of the carriage and took my bags from the back putting it inside of the little house the house was like a crystal the door was made out of a dark material that tends to shimmer whenever it's open or closed. The outside walls of the house was black as the door but with little white crystals hanging on the tips or edges around the house as I went inside the house looked as if it was completely made out of wood which confused me I was about to ask when male reaper almost calls me to fall back all I had was a glimpse of a blur black him laughing and apologizing I didn't see you there he said within a raspy yet dark voice the names darker what's yours I looked at him and said well my human name is feather but your mother called me flames The young reaper looked at me and smiled his teeth were a sharp as his father's well it's nice to meet yeah I suppose where brothers and sisters now huh well I think you'll like dark, blackfire, and dark fire as well. I looked at them wide-eyed there is more here I questioned he nodded had as almost as if he was a little kid who ate the whole entire candy store although when I looked at him I didn't know what kind of reaper he was . But I'm sure I'll find out soon he told me that the others will come home soon since they're working right now from school he had to stay home because he felt a little sick I was quite confused if he felt sick why was he so hyper then again he was a reaper I need to remember that this is not a human home that's a reaper home I hear the reaper father talking to the mother saying what to do for my room I looked around seeing that I was in the living room it was almost the same as a normal one within my human home the only difference is that the word that was made for our own couches was replaced with stone not the type of stone like concrete but a stone that represents for construction and they call it dark stone one of the strongest materials that they can build with or at least that's what I think I walked over to the couch and sat down I was really nervous I didn't know what to think was it really happening did I just get accepted into a reaper family I had so much on my mind I remember my mother yelling at me saying to never go past the woods that was at my old home and now I'm here in a reaper's home in the reapers territory that the grim has allowed. I felt something sharp tap my shoulder I jumped up looking behind me it was the mother reaper she giggled and said sorry didn't mean to scare you sweetie but your rooms ready. Getting up from the sofa I followed her to a room the hallway was dark and only lit up by lit by demedlights where I stopped at a dark oak wood door that had a flower on top I opened up the door I had a reaper bed that was in the corner of my room the sheets were black and the bed boards was made out of material that always shimmered and glowed within the dark I had a mirror next to my window and the walls were black I turn to the mother and thanked her for the room she smiles at me and says that she'll let me unpack as soon as I was finished unpacking I heard the front door open and kids yelling about how bad their school day went there was two female voices and one male the female voices seems to have a high pitch and a dark voice the other male seems to have a very dark voice that had boldness to it I walked out noticing that the two females were both dark magic kinds of reapers and the other male I had no clue he looked similar to darker I believe that the two of them were twins since they looked at the same age and almost the same height one of the females were talking about how one of the princes at the school looked so cute and hot I cringed at the site they were just like goofy teenagers I heard the father trying to hush them up and saying that they needed to get on their homework as well to meet the new member of the family he turned to look at me and motioned me to come in the father said this is the new member of our family her name is flames which your mother had renamed her and yes she is mortal so please play nice with her and perhaps show her a few reaper tricks I was confused when he said this reaper tricks what was that some type of game that they play darker looked at me and smiled grabbing my arm he rushed outside dragging me with him his tail was wagging underneath his black cloak but I heard his other siblings coming out side as well they said that they can do their homework later and the play real quick and show me some tricks darker went first he took his hand out of his cloak and held up a magic orb it was black and blue dark did the same thing but it was black and red the female that had the squeaky voice introduced herself and said that she was dark fire she showed me her orb it was purple pink and silver the one that I guessed was blackfire did the same except hers was a dark purple and black they said that this is their elements of what they use and their magic as soon as we stop playing games and then stop showing me some tricks I actually had fun for once they weren't mean to me they were actually being nice but when we got back inside and to eat dinner I was nervous because I knew that reaper food wasn't anything like humans as the mother was bringing out the plates the father set up the cups for water the mother bought out the food and put portions on our plates the food didn't look unusual as I went to go pick up the mashed potatoes with my spoon something crawled out it looked similar as a scorpion next thing I know the food decided to move I was creeped out and dropped my spoon everyone looked at me and giggled saying not to worry that the food isn't poisonous I looked at them thinking that they were crazy saying that the food was moving and that there was some type of bug in the mashed potatoes the mother and father looked at each other and laughed saying that the food may look a little weird to me but not to them since they've been eating it the whole entire time saying that the items that are on my plate wishes to be eaten I took a deep breath took another scoop out of the mashed potatoes that had scorpions in it at least I think they're scorpions and put it in my mouth the mashed potatoes didn't taste bad but it was the crunch that got me I swallowed it and jugged the water that was in front of me feeling sick to my stomach. As dinner was done I went straight to my room opening the door and changing into my pajamas going into bed and putting the covers around me I decided to go ahead and sleep hoping to get the dinner out of my head as I was closing my eyes and getting ready to sleep one of the reapers came into my room I can feel them smiling kissing my forehead and hearing a female voice good night my little mortal sleep tight you have a long day tomorrow ahead of you.