Tine water drops dips down to a glowing blue water room were a rock and water passage has opened reeving a female ancient grimness Which stared to wake. Opening her one large eye that had a purple pupil and a blue border around it she fell small shacks in her cave. Sighing in annoyance she's slowly got up being careful not to hit the spikes in her cave. As her flaming hair turn purple and blue with a mixture of pink flow just like a river in a river bed. she noticed the white cracks around the wall of her cave walking out she saw the same cracks around the dark wall little white streaks through the ancients cave. As water swirl noticed Gold beak looking at them and shaking his head looking towards her with dark eye sockets and only a little bit of white has pupils so I was walking towards her with his bone like structure how much longer are they going to take to find this hybrid we don't have all year to do this they don't find them soon the place will crumble in the earth will fall. Patience gold beak the wisps are trying their best to show the way you try to be in there foot once in awhile it's not much they can do they can't go over and start shouting hey they're over here.is the two of them for bickering about how they were going to find the hybrid ink was watching the crystal ball with his red glowing eyes as darkness consumed him even though he came from a white flower and he wore all white as the grim inside of him was nothing but a dark empty hole which is why he looks like the way he does he looked as a creature similar to a dragon with no wings his teeth and body made of dark ink leaving residue everywhere he goes inside of the crystal ball he watched as the guards tried to find this hybrid for they are the missing link deep in the shadows he saw something one of the wisps on a sleeping human at first he growled the notice that she was in a reaper's home humming he tried to figure out why he turns to the others water swirl and gold beak and shouted in a dark deep voice found her the two of them stopped their arguing and look straight to him for she did indeed go into their world for a bit but wasn't too sure if they hurt a female or male voice the vision was also blurry so that didn't help gold beak and water swirl walk to the crystal area filled with only one crystal ball to see the outside world well the rest of the cave was total crystallized rocks and gems and sometimes even Crystal bone. As all three of them looked into the crystal ball they noticed the girl sleeping I wished dancing around her head making little calling sounds to follow water swirl smiled so we finally found his little one if only the guards can find you and this place should not come down nor does the Earth gold beak looked at her with an interest looking at the two and saying are you sure this is the hybrid cuz she doesn't look like a reaper to me and looked at him as his eyes glowed red even more just because she doesn't look like a reaper doesn't mean she doesn't have reaper magic in her these things can get triggered you now. Gold Beak shook his head and growled but how can you be sure ink. Ink looked at him with a red glowing eye snarling just because you were the first Grimm doesn't mean you know everything it's been years since a hybrid had came into the world her reaper parts must have disappeared because of it things do take time and if there is a wisp on her head it could possibly mean it's trying to get her to follow to go to the castle and meet my son Zachary. Water swirl smiled still watching the girl that she sleep noticing something green like a light coming from her chest as the two of them were bickering she gasped which calls the two of them to look at her looking down at the crystal ball they saw a green light coming from her chest lowering down to the ground where the bedside was a looming over her as three horns showed on her head a pair of wings and a tail gold beak looks down in disbelief as ink laughed in the background at his foolishness saying I told you so and his own way of looking at him gold being stared at him with his only white pimple and said maybe I was too quick to judge where is she what are so looked as if a location was near she's in a reaper family with mixed breeds two parents who cannot reproduce they must have asked the grim to adopt a mortal. As they were staring and studying her their home of the ancient starts to crumble a huge cracking sound was Heard the three of them rushed out of the crystal cave I watched how they're home was turning more white as some people believe light is better than the dark but in this case a light is worse this means if they don't get her a staff soon and show her the way of a reaper and at least get her in the castle at least one time the Earth will crumble ink looked at the two of them and spoke up how are we going to get her to marry a reaper Prince before this all happened water swirl looked at him and said she doesn't need to marry a reaper Prince but befriending one yes we don't want to force anything on her that she doesn't want to do she is already out of her mortal place and will be going to reaper school the next morning as gold beak goes back to his cave without saying another word water swirl goes back to her place an ink went back to the Crystal cave watching how her magic still worked from the chest of her heart as all of them tries to plan how to get this missing Link not to be missing anymore.