Royal pov:
I heard a light knock at the door hearing a female voice Prince suicide please get up or else you'll be late for school. Also your father would like to speak to you before you go. As my one red eye opens I let out a soft sigh I wonder what he wants to say to me this time. As I swing my legs over to the side I rub my eyes to become awake. Even reapers need to sleep at times as both my eyes were now open you could obviously see how one of my eyes were red and the other one was blue my father told me I was a very special reaper. Even though at times I did not want to believe him. What's so special about a reaper that had scars on his face were my blue eye was and having to wear a face patch around the area so others won't see it. It's not my fault that I was born with these scars. And what had happened to me though years ago luckily the guards got there before anything physical happened although I still wear a choker about my throat the feeling of it keeps me safe. As I was putting it on now with my Ruby diamond on it all the towns reapers looks at me differently but if they knew what I'd been through they would have done the same yes I'm a prince so what I'm wearing a choker because of what happened to me when I was 64 and reaper years I was still practically a kid and wasn't even a teem yet but in human years that'll be more likely an elders years. Taking in a deep breath and sighing out heavily I took one last look at me in the mirror looking down as I flamed hair that was purple and red tipped looked less light and begin to fade.
I knew exactly why it was fading the light inside me was draining even though humans believe that reapers do not have emotions when we are depressed a flame will show I was depressed because of those years and how other reapers were now treating me if I could only find one reaper or even a human at this point to not see any differently perhaps my flame will come back. I quickly slipped my white yet broken up cloak with red splashes on it on my body and grabbed my thighs and walked out my Royal bedroom doors the hallway was glittered in gold wood and reaper silver it looked quite similar to my own site the only difference is that I had more silver and I had rubies covering it the blade was also silver but it had something in the blade SM for my own initials. As I walk through my mother's and father's Royal throne doors both of the thrones were gold while others were silver my father looked down at me in his own grim form slowly shrinking down as he walked down the stairs. He looked similar to one of my brothers although his horns were more curled he had black flamed hair and he wore all black his skin was pale yet his eyes were green the size that he hold was all black the blade was a smoke as black can be.
So father what is it you want to say to me today. Your mother and I has been talking you're getting to the point of that age now along with your brothers since you are the youngest that's your crowning will be soon past your next birthday of course which is coming up in a few months he said this in a high shrieking voice that was also somewhat deep we have gotten these voices through generations mine was a bit of a glitch I can go from high to deep to low anywhere my emotions take me. Yes Father I know about my crowning what exactly do you want me to do about it. Looks at me to my mother then back at me we want you to find a female friend around the school I know exactly how your flame is since it's also behind your feathers on the tip of your tail you have been depressed lately haven't you. He said that from a high to a very very deep voice meaning he was serious, yes father I am depressed but you know why. Suewa can you just let go of that past already it's been 120 years already he said in a very deep grumble just fine a female any kind I don't care if she's a darker I don't even care if she's in a poor class find a female and that's it. I lowered my head nodding very slowly and heading out the door not to be late nor to disappoint my father anymore.
Normally I do skip breakfast but not like this in all honesty I was too depressed to even eat but my mother makes me I quickly checked in the doors window to see my reflection making sure my face patch was on correctly and neat once I was satisfied every reaper saw me and the only eye color they saw was red no one but my family knows that I have one red eye and the other one was blue but I normally cover it up because of my scars I ran to catch up to my brother Dark and started to have a conversation as we headed to the schools
Back to feathers pov
I can hear a massive bang as I jolted up from my sleep. As black fire from the other side screamed wake up you're going to be late for school flames at this point I looked over at the clock it was only 6:00 in the morning what do you mean by we're going to be late I can hear someone laughing in the background saying that their school starts at 7:00 while the mortal school starts at 8:00 meaning I only had about 30 minutes to get ready for school I rush to get out of bed did the things that I normally do at first I thought that I didn't have enough time to even eat breakfast. But the mother reaper had already put breakfast on the table as my so-called other siblings and father started eating. Breakfast actually started to look normal it was nothing but fruit and toast but I was fine with that although the father looked at me. Flames you're not ready for school I asked what do you mean where's your cloak where's your scythe I mean at least you have your backpack I looked at him saying what do you mean we don't carry that stuff back at my old school. He then looks at darker did you give her her stuff he looks at me and did a nervous chuckle oops forgot Dad sorry as darker got from the table and rushed back to his room running back towards us here we go sorry about that flame oh it's okay he hands me a black cloak and a scythe. The mother tells me that the scythe is only a hand-me-down or also known as a training scythe since I was never born with reapers I had to use this but she said not to worry some of the reapers in high school still had to carry a training scythe most of them do. I didn't even dare to question what she meant I was more likely worried about why the scythe wasn't burning me a lot of people say if you touch a reaper's scythe it will burn you as I finished my breakfast me and my other siblings left the house I had a bit of difficulty putting the cloak on but dark fire helped me she was a bit strict than the others but a good sister after all.
I felt a bit nervous walking down the Town Street's wondering if anyone knew that I was a human but no I was carrying a scythe black fire looked at me she smiled and said don't worry you're not the only reaper that is carrying a training site mother and father says that they're going to stop by after school to get you a new scythe. I looked at her and smiled it was hard for me to even see in this we were walking I didn't even notice that we were there to the school's entrance the stairs will build out of reaper silver and the building was made out of all brick the doors were a fancy as the royals Castle doors or any of them really as I walk towards them I noticed that the bricks wasn't even a brick they were petrified crystals to make them look like bricks I was a bit fascinated by it I suppose the teacher was keeping an eye on all the reapers the teens that is we all walked into the building as a building looked exactly like almost my old school the only difference is that the floors the roof and the building itself was made all by crystals.
At first I thought I needed to go to the office to get a new schedule but instead of going to the office blackfire grabbed me and told me into a library I looked at her and whispered don't I need to go to the office to get a schedule or to get into the school she just laughed and looked at me in the eyes at first I wanted to pull away but then I thought again she was now my sibling she told me and someone of a dark Manor that I should never go to the office unless I got in trouble. Also Mom and Dad has already put me in the school as my name was now flames she walked up to the library and desk and asked to get a new student book The librarian looked at her and nodded noticing me thinking that I was a bit shy I was nervous not really shy as a black and brown book with gold lace around it and as well on the title was thrown on the desk blackfire took book and I think the librarian she then walk back to me and handed me the book. This is all you need to be in the school all the stuff in here talks about reapers and what you need to act like or somewhat like just don't piss anyone off and you'll be fine after that she left the library leaving me dead in my tracks I look back at the library doors noticing that this place looked like an old library but with more of a crystal color there was gold linings everywhere even on the wall and the ceiling as well as the floor they somewhat swirled as if someone was doing a spell. The librarian spoke up Miss do you know where to go exactly and a very calm yet sweet voice I look back noticing what she was saying umm yes I don't know exactly what classes to go to I'm new here the librarian smiled and giggled as well don't worry if you just needed a new schedule I could have gave you one she rips out a schedule in her hand walking over to me I noticed that her feet wasn't really feet it was hooves she had antler like horns as she was wearing a golden cloak she had wings that were white they had golden Sparks all over them she was really a beautiful creature but I wasn't too sure she was a reaper or something that the grim hired as a librarian. You're a sweet thank you and left right out of the crystal doors as I was looking around I noticed that the school front was filling up with reapers some of them looked a bit strange but everyone cleared away for them I didn't know why but some part of me said to do the same one of them caught my eye though it was a reaper that had a patch and one red eye where he was able to still see half of his face was covered with the patch on the left side of his face he looked at me just a bit and immediately looked down seeing a blue spread across this place and his cheek area I believe that this was a blush I immediately looked down at my feet although this close was great and all it was way too big for me as soon as they entered was as soon as they left to go to their classes I looked down at my schedule noticing that we had a few things to do I did not have wings I didn't even have horns how was I supposed to do these things. My schedule literally read out flying practice horns dodging and one of them that I don't think I was able to do magic practices I got knowing that I didn't have these things or these body parts per say I didn't know what I was going to do. So I went to my first class that read reaper language I was thinking that perhaps it was an English class but just in a different form. As I entered the room that literally said reaper language I saw a few other reapers in the room just taking their seats I gulped entering slowly I chose a seat in the back hoping not to get picked.
Although normally I would sit in the front to learn more and to hear more but this time I just felt like going in the back hoping not to get called on I also have to remember that my name is flames here and not feather. As I saw other reapers entering the bell rang just a few seconds before the doors closed the teacher entered she looked similar to The librarian the only difference is that her horns were curled like a goat her wings are black and had red spots she had claws like a bird her fingers were all so quite similar to a human but had sharp claws in the end of her nails her skin wasn't as pale as the other but was actually quite grayer she cleared her throat and told everyone in class that a new reaper has shown in the school her name is flames and we will begin our lesson if she needs help please do not be shy to help her now with this being said let's begin our lesson she told everyone to turn our books to page 100 I did exactly what she said seeing old language as in reaper tongue I knew I was doomed.
As a lesson continued some of the stuff I have actually learned most of the reaper tongue was pretty much backwards and Shadow talk but mixed in between I was starting to know some of the language but not a lot of it luckily she didn't call anybody to talk or to read the passage if this was a passage I've also noticed that other reapers has had training scythe as well perhaps that's what she meant. As the bell rang saying that the lesson has been over everyone immediately left the class to go to the next one I did the same way but the teacher stopped me I jumped and looked back trying not to anger her. She smiled and told me not to worry and that everyone knows that I am mortal the only ones that do not know is the princes now tell me did you learn anything about are language I saw it and relief they already know that I'm human ha I told her that I learned just the bit but not much she smiled and nodded saying that I need to read the book tonight for homework and to get someone of my siblings to help me or perhaps a reaper friend that I'll be making one of these days as she goes back to erasing stuff on the chalkboard I exit the class to go to the new one I didn't even realize that we've been in that class for 3 hours. I didn't notice that my schedule said that for today we only had two classes for the rest of the next 3 hours I had to go to magic practice I go and started walking to the class that said it. Once I found it there was a professor instead of a female it was a male he looked exactly what the other reapers were and was working on a potion. He was pure white although the cloak he was wearing was red it had black markings on it as a swirl although he only had small horns. He looks at me with gold and eyes and smiled so you're the new mortal huh it's nice to meet you the names flake what is yours and please tell me your reaper name not your mortal I nodded and understandment saying that my name was flames he smiled and said well all right flames can you please go to the reaper with a patch and the only red eye I looked over and noticing it was the reaper that looked at me and was blushing blue. Once he heard this he put his head down I nodded to the professor and went to my seat I put my book down on the desk but he looked at me and told me to put it in my bag and that we will not be needing the book today as he said this in a high yet deep voice I noticed that his voice glitched I did what he said trusting his words putting it in my bag carefully and neatly I noticed that the room was like the same room as I was in before the only difference is that it had science like equipment me thinking that this must be a science room and it was quite different from the rooms from school.
He looks at me and said so you're flames right I looked at him and said yes and you are I'm suicidal but you can probably call me Sue for short. Which I don't say that often so be honored I looked at him and wondered I also noticed that he was wearing a choker with what looked like a red diamond he noticed that I was looking at the choker and putting it away underneath his cloak so instead of judging I asked him why he was hiding it he looked at me and said he was too embarrassed to tell I just figured it was something from his past life he used to do or had done something to him since I've noticed no other reaper but females wearing chokers. At the class started the professor flake started to teach the class about how important it is to follow the instruction from each potion as I watched him closely doing a potion that was supposed to bring healing to other reapers or even mortals I can hear suicidal tapping his claws on the desk as if he was impatient with something I also called him looking out the window instead of paying attention to the professor it could also hear him do a very soft sigh I was wondering what was on his mind so I tapped his shoulder he did a bit of a jump and looked over at me as soon as I did he gave me a look as if I did something wrong he said again and asked me what I wanted putting his hand on his forehead I asked him very silently and carefully what was on his mind he grumbled a bit and looked at me saying that in a few months his birthday will come in sooner or later he will be crowned as an official Prince although he told me that he would be nervous since his father has asked him to become friends with a female reaper. I looked at him afraid to tell him that I was a human but just went with it well I can be your friend if you want I mean I am a female after all he looks at me and shakes his head I couldn't ask a beautiful reaper like you to me my friend after all and no one likes me and I plan to keep it that way even though it would be a disappointment to my father and my mother. I didn't know what to say after that but I also noticed that his hair was almost Gray I did something that I shouldn't I touched his hand he seemed to looked at me like he was shocked I gave him a smile. I saw his hair lightly changing a dark purple and a burgundy red. I can also see a light blue across his cheeks he sighed and said if you think it's all right with you and your family then I suppose you could be my friend. As 2 hours past I started to write down notes since he told us to pull out a piece of paper we were writing different type of materials materials that I never heard of like toxic gold or mercenary silver. I could also feel Suicidal's tail slowly wrapped around my ankle my eyes went wide when I felt his flame flicker around my leg and that his feathers was also tickling me although I also saw that he was still writing his notes I just tried to focus on mine as well maybe he doesn't know that his tail is wrapping around my ankle. I tried to focus as much as I could but I couldn't help the fact that his tail was tickling me I tried to hold in my laugh in small giggles and I was able to because his tail stopped moving I could feel a light flame flicking around as I continue writing my notes to finally looked over and looked down noticing that his tail was around my ankle tapping me and whispering a soft sorry because he didn't even know his tail wrapped around me. Give him a soft smile and said that it was fine. He looked at me and surprised but went back to writing down his notes I could even see more of his hair flickering more turning into a more light purple and his tips turning bright red I feel like the things that I've told him made him feel better in a way as the bill rang so a quickly on wrapped his tail for my ankle putting his notes in his bag and everyone waiting for him to leave first that's when it hit me he said crowning in a few months I was talking with a prince reaper I covered my mouth noticing what I was saying to him as soon as he left out the door everyone else was dismissed we were all heading back home when I heard him say goodbye and run back to one of his brothers that was wearing all black darker run up to me scaring me from behind asking me how my first day of reaper school was I told him that it was quite similar to my old school the only difference is that we only have two classes per day he laughs and says yep that's exactly what we do after that I got back up to my siblings we all walk back home as I watched from afar as sue was in the distance.