As we walked back home I couldn't stop thinking about what I said to sue and what he told me. That I didn't even realize that black fire was talking to me. So Flames how was talking to one of the prince's I jumped and blushed iii- t-t was fine we just t-talked that's all. I could here her laughing you like him don't you. umm before I can finish Dark fire I hope you two aren't taking about the royal families sons are you especially out in the open plus more than father wouldn't be so happy about that. But in this case why are you talking to Prince suicide I looked at her and said I didn't know he was a prince I don't know anyone from the royal family. Blackfire hummed you know Prince Sue looks a little colorful today after you talk to him please tell me you didn't do what we think you did.
What do you mean like I said we just talked
You did didn't you you promised him to be his friend that's the number one whole in our family we do not become friends or even mates with the Royal princes or anyone in the Royal family what how am I supposed to know that the decides he looks so depressed. That's when darker spoke up you do know that he's always depressed ever since what happened to him black fire gave him a stare as if not to bring that back up dark then spoke up as well hey if it was for me I wouldn't mind being a friend to him heck it's not as good as the people here anyway never Reaper hates him because he wears a choker but he wears it for a reason I don't understand why no other Reaper understands that. As I was about to ask what they meant mother and father walked up towards us so how was school kids the mother replied we all froze and slowly turned around saying hi Mom hi Dad both in sync. So what were you kids talking about heard something about a choker does someone in the family likes chokers or something as they were waiting for a reply I sighed I might have the number one family rule by mistake.
The both of them looked at each other what do you mean the first family rule that's when it hit them both of their eyes went wide and their flames became more risen don't tell me you spoke to one of the princes and if so which one. Looked mad but also someone calm as to not harm me I gulpted. I may have became friends with Prince suicidal the both of them blew their air out and they're flame on their hair until went back to calmness for a second there I thought you were talking to the other princes on the other side of the Kingdom that's when I looked at them what do you mean by the other side of the Kingdom let us calm down for a second before telling you.
As we continued our walk to the store the father told us about story of the other Kingdom and why we hated them so much other than the fact that that is all about the change meaning a rule in the family will have to change so you're telling me that a long time ago this Kingdom broke on Royal rule about not Meating with humans. Yes and because of that we believe that the world is crumbling down if we don't find this hybrid soon this world will become to an end of all reapers and mortals.
I was confused did they really believe there is a hybrid on the world and if so why haven't they came forward maybe they don't know if that the hybrid maybe they're in a human's home with human parents but then that got me thinking I've been asked the two of them if the hybrid might be able to have glowing eyes and if their powers was hooked on their emotions the two of them looked at each other and they both nodded saying that if the hybrid did have glowing eyes that would give out a big getaway and if their power is were to ever come out with emotion it could be a big blast of energy which would also be a big getaway. I remembered when I was crying that energy of smoke the thing that I thought a Reaper was playing a prank on me it hit me like a train wreck I was the hybrid I was mortal and I was a Reaper when I stopped all them stared at me.
Are you all right sweetheart the mother came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder all I did was nod saying that I was all right the mother went from a smile to a frown knowing that I was lying sweetheart I know it's hard to adapt especially going to a new family but if there's anything you need to tell us we're here I looked at her with tears in my eyes and hugged her she was shocked at first but hug back I suppose reapers hardly even cry she started rubbing my back and saying they are there just calm down. Like five minutes I stopped crying and backed up and then looked at them saying that there is a hybrid but if I told them they might not believe me when the two of them looked at each other my siblings were also kind of confused dark fire and laughed what do you mean you know who the hybrid is who I looked at her and said you're looking at her everyone looked at me confused darker went up towards me and asked how do you know that I looked at him saying has anyone noticed that my eyes glowed green at night or anywhere in the dark not to mention at school I had a big meltdown to know when I heard that my mother died. And some type of green blast knocked down my bully and when I ran out and looked in my old room's mirror some type of Green smoke magic came out for me and it looked like I was a Reaper. As I was saying this I didn't even realize that the mother and father were crying the mother put her tail around me as well as the father and wrapped me in their wings sweetheart we didn't know we were hybrid we didn't even think that a hybrid is even existed but at least you're here and home now well somewhat at home and being friends with Sue I'm pretty sure you just saved universe I looked at the two of them and asked what do you mean the father spoke up and said well remember when we told you the world would explode if they didn't find the hybrid soon I nodded well the guard still haven't found you yet even though the wisps have kept on flying around you the two of them giggled we saw one in your room dancing on your head last night. We all walk to the store to finally gain my scythe and cloak.
As we got to the store I looked around to see what I believe was small figurines of scythes and cloaks the reaper that owned the shop came out and greeted us welcome to my shop how can I help you out today the father went up to the Reaper and said yes we're here to get our new daughter a cloak and a scythe. The shopkeeper nodded and let us look around the store as I was looking around the parents told me I could pick out anyone of the cloaks or the scythe of my liking so I picked out a few black cloaks and I was looking around the Scythe rack. When I noticed a dark navy blue scythe I picked up the little scythe and headed over to the desk or my mother and father was waiting to pay for the stuff has a shop keeper rained it up do you notice what kind of scythe I chose and looked at me he knew these two would always pick different types of reapers to raise considering they couldn't have kids of their own but was confused on why they accepted me but rang them up anyway with my scythe okay that'll be 20 Reaper gyms the two of them looked at each other and noticed how cheap my stuff was the two of them paid him and we all left to go back home.
As he got home the two of them hand me scythe. And told me what to do in order to activate it I looked at the tiny blade that was on it a little scared to pierced myself on my hand with it I breathe in and out and close my eyes feeling the blade on my hand I cut myself with it I was bleeding more than what a Reaper should but since I'm part mortal I guess it was normal for me I opened my eyes as I felt the sting in my hand I looked down to see my hand cut down the middle of my palm the two of them told me to stand up and to twist the scythe they also told me to wear one of my cloaks as to activate what color my cloak will be I took the black Cloak in my hand and put it on and then grab what seemed to be a handle and part of the blade and twisted before I know it the small like scythe turned into a big one the gems were a purple like Crystal on top of the blade and the handle most of my handle was covered and white little diamonds almost like a star everyone looked at me quite shocked noticing what the scythe represented as my cloak decided to change a color to a Ombre black blue and purple with small glittery colors to match my scythe. Everyone had their jaws open and dropped my eyes seem to Glow more as I was holding scythe I look to them and said what is there something wrong as I fully turned around my scythe was a little bit heavy but I think I could get used to it the father stood up and took a deep breath before speaking sweetheart you're a dream Reaper everyone is going to be a bit afraid of you when you go to school tomorrow I looked at him quite confused what do you mean I'm a dream Reaper dream reapers is what used to be a myth of ours put to actually see one in real life it's a little bit how can I put it overwhelming as I said that I begin to wonder how was I a dream Reaper
Royal Provo
As we all got back home dark couldn't help but noticed that my flames were brighter and higher including my tail Sue did you meet a girl today like Father asked you to I was too busy thinking about her I know I just met her but she was cute there's just something different about her I can hear my brother dark calling My name multiple times that's when I snapped out of my head and looked at him what was the question dark I was asking to see if you met a girl like father has asked you oh yeah I did why his eyes went wide he knew I never really did what father said but to be honest with you the girl was accepting me for who I was not for who I am. As I was walking in my room I put my side down back when it's rack taking my clothes off and laying down in my bed I just couldn't stop thinking about her not to mention she had a training scythe and a cloak cuz I didn't fit her. Her family is probably taking her to go get her stuff now I wonder what kind of Reaper she is for Reaper she didn't have wings tail claws or even flames that name of hers flames I had a nice ring to it. As I was thinking about her I didn't even notice I was falling asleep as my eyes got heavy I went to a deep sleep thinking about her.