A new helper?

Everyone has an unfulfilled wish they want to be fulfilled. Money, Power, Fame, even love - what a person desire is never specific or elementary.

Just a single glance can never tell you what the deepest wish of a person might be.

Then the question which begs to be answered is - just what would you do to see your wish being fulfilled?

Most people give up halfway, their minds and body battered from the harsh journey. But there are some who prevail and fight for their wish. Who consider their wish to be more than their desire.

If you are willing to do anything, willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of your wish, there is just one place that would welcome you - the last wish-granting shop left in the world.

The bet is straightforward, every wish has a price. Anyone can wish for anything as long as they can provide. And hence those most desperate make this journey in desperation.

Perhaps, for them, the sacrifice is worth it.

“Another one left. That makes it eight this year. You really need to get a permanent worker soon Xiao or managing the shop alone would become difficult” The one speaking was a man well into his twenties. Glasses covered the marine blue eyes of the man. Brown hairs framed an oval face, a little rugged with time.

“He was a part-timer. Since school started again, there was not enough time to look for another helper” The one addressed, Xiao said. “Besides no one want to work for a person who looks like he’s in high school”

The owner of the said shop was a teen, no a young man. However, the looks could very well fool anyone. The face was clear of most imperfections, a soft heart-shaped with big, blue-green eyes with a mole near the right one. Long silver hairs framed the face. The most misleading thing about the person was the slight build of the person’s body.

5’7” was not a tall height, but around the local people, it was not short either. Just an average build. The hair, however, was very peculiar. If the silver colour was not eye-catching enough, the length of the braid they were kept into would certainly do. It reached well past the lower back of the person.

“Take this seriously. I’m busy enough as it is. I can’t help you all the time. Especially when you have ‘that’ side of the business to take care of as well” the still-unidentified man said. In response, Xiao leaned his front part on the desk in front of him, his hands migrating to play with a small braid in his hair.

“I am taking it seriously. I can’t help it if people are busy and no one lasts long on the job. Besides, weren’t most of them recommended by you to work here? You should take responsibility Noah” Xiao’s voice had a whine in it which caused the person in front of him to flush.

However, there was not much he could say to argue his way out of the situation. It was true that the elder has suggested most of the people who had previously worked here. He was convinced that after working a relaxing job, most students in need of money would stick around.

Yet it had not happened. Not now and not in the past. Even their more ‘special’ workers had only stuck around as part-timers.

“Understood. Since it’s my fault I’ll do something about it. You, just focus on your work” as soon as the words exited his mouth, Noah regretted it. He was really busy with his regular job. There was no time to spend anywhere else.

However, he had already foolishly opened his mouth already, so there was no going back on his promise. It looked like it was time for desperate measures. He would have to call in his favour. Xiao even that too and an unholy grin emerged in that androgynous face.

It scared Noah more than he would like to admit.

However, much to his relief there was no teasing from the younger. More likely due to the doorbell of the shop ringing. A customer entered and began looking around the shop. An ordinary customer.

Located in one of the more ‘tourist heavy’ places, their shop bordered on a local hill station shrine. To capitalise on the profit and not to raise suspicion, the front face of the shop was nothing more than an ordinary souvenir shop.

Named as ‘The wishing shop’, theirs was a well known local attraction. After all, the shop had been there for centuries. There used to exist other branches at other places, however, that was a long time ago. Now, there was only one shop left - the one which they currently occupied.

The shop was average-sized, and as time passed, the place gained more attractions and shops. So, the shop did not have as much traffic as one would believe it to have. However, seeing customers inside was not much of a shock, since the local fame still stood.

All this was, however, the more ordinary aspect. There was a more ‘magical’ aspect of their business. And the major factor which made it possible for a minor from the branch family to be able to take over the family business.

The business of granting wishes to those who could afford it.

“I would like to buy this. How much would it cost?”

The person who had earlier been browsing the stuff made their way toward them. One look at them and you could tell that their customer was not an ordinary person. Black hair framed a face that one can only call a superstar worthy. Fox-like eyes started back at him. The skin had a fair complexion, contrasting nicely with the black silky hair.

The person in front of them was a teen, a young one at that. Around fourteen-fifteen years old. Tall though, nearly taller than Xiao himself. And donned in pure black clothes with beautiful blue-green work embroidery on them. The design is similar to Xiao’s own silver robes with golden work.

Well, Xiao was not in his official work cloths, but to see a child wearing his colours made him take a look.

A rich tourist no doubt. Either that or an exchange student.

“Local or International?” Since this was a tourist attraction, there were many people who visited from outside. The international exchange system was a must. Besides, money exchanging apps made this transaction much more convenient.

“International” the teen replied simply. The translation was instantaneous. What the teen had picked out was a pair of jewellery boxes. Their paper mache was expertise which was not available locally and hence was an exported good. Although it was lovely to look at, it was not a local speciality.

Was this person not a tourist? Or had he not researched enough to actually buy a souvenir that was local. A mistake perhaps? Well, it was no harm to him if the customer purchased a local speciality or a foreign one. That was business to him anyway.

That should have been the end of the transaction, but for some reason, the teen stood still there. Was he a lost tourist in need of help? Just as Xiao opened his mouth to ask the question, he was interrupted by the teen in front of him.

“Actually, I came here because I saw the sign for ‘part-timer needed’ and wished to apply here for practical experience. Can I?” another one of those. From time to time, they received teens who thought that they could work there. The work was easy enough, so they had a couple of them in the past. However, the child looked to be rich enough to afford his own standing.

“Hey kid, we don’t hire minors without a work permit and your student ID. Now scam and next time bring your parents with you if you wish to work” Noah who had been silent till now decided to open his mouth. That was rude but necessary.

“I have my ID and work permit from my school. My parents are no longer there, but I can call my guardian. I really need to get the work experience points. Please, will that work?” Xiao could see Noah feel sorry for the kid. He himself felt a touch of grief. But the situation was not uncommon. Most of their part-timers had something or other going on.

Of course, their business helped them as well. And when their wish was granted and their price paid, well - they generally left. Some before their wish, some after. This child most likely also had an unfulfilled wish.

The child took out the permission letter and his ID from his bag. The one who accepted the letter was Noah. technically, the shop was under Xiao’s name, but legal work was handled by his cousin from the main family. That had spurred his relationship with his father and elders, but Xiao was grateful for the support. After all, his own knowledge of legal affairs was negative.

“Seems legit enough. At least they are not forged. It's from the local private school, so I’ll confirm thereafter I have a talk with his guardians” Noah called out. The child, meanwhile, had already taken out a phone from his bag and was busy dialling at it. While the child and his cousin were busy at the side, his attention was diverted to the side.

In his peripheral vision, he could see a crystal butterfly. It has a clear obsidian sheen to its crystal glow. However, in its wings, one could see a margin of colours shining. He extended his hands toward the butterfly.

If anyone saw him at that time, they would think of him as a mental patient. Of course, this was because, for normal people, this butterfly was not visible. A shame that its beauty was not something which could be admired.

Even in the supernatural world, this butterfly was a rare sight. They were rumoured to be born of the world tree and one could only find them there. There was news of occasional sightings of these butterflies at other places.

Never a good sign though. Generally, touching one could lead to one’s death - they were just that dangerous. Of course, sometimes they also spared their prey if their mood was good. There was only one universal exception - the wish granter who’s curse originated from the world tree.

He was the only one who could touch these magnificent creatures anytime. It a shame since these butterflies were adorable.

“We’re done. What are you doing?” his cousin’s voice was full of alarm. The butterfly which was sitting on his hand flew toward his cousin who shrieked and jumped back. Understandable, since no one could guess how they would react.

In his hurry, his cousin had almost pushed the teen in front of him who was looking straight at his hand with a complicated expression. The face looked to have aged a few years which made him feel uncomfortable.

The butterfly was still flying around at a constant speed. The teen did not even pay attention to it. However, Xiao could see his eyes shift toward the butterfly for a brief second. Was it his imagination or was this child not normal?

The butterfly for its part was completely ignoring the teen. It lingered for a few more seconds before disappearing into the smoke. A harmless one - generally they are likely to cause an explosion.

“So, can I work here?” the child asked. Since the butterfly had disappeared, his cousin had actually managed to gather his own wits and stand on his own two feets stable again. Since his cousin had overseen the whole process, it would be better for him to take over. However, Xiao could feel something fishy going on with this child.

He had not reacted to the butterfly much. But his gaze had been on his hand when the butterfly had landed. And that one second of eye shift toward the butterfly unnerved him. If it was not a coincidence then this child was most likely not normal.

“Well the paperwork seems normal enough and your guardian explained the situation clearly. Your school asks for some work experience hours, but I'll confirm with the school in any case. You’re hired for the time being, but since this is another part-timer, I'll work out the employment situation for a more permanent solution Xiao” Noah replied, as he walked back toward the pair. The earlier nervousness in his steps is gone. The child gave a happy smile at the words too.

Having the child under watch, for the time being, would be good. If not for anything else, then for the help he would be getting.

“So, I'm hired? What do I need to do? When do I start?” the teen asked, clearly excited. It drew a chuckle out of him. Clearly, the young child was excited for work just like any normal child would do. Maybe he was mistaken about the child.

“Well first thing first, you need to fill up the employee form. Take that to your school and get your facility’s signature. Also, your guardian’s too. Most importantly, can you tell me your name?” Xiao asked a teasing tone in his voice and the child got visibly red in the face. Children got embarrassed really easily.

“I’m Kei, nice to meet you master” the teen, Kei said. His voice was almost shy matching his age. Xiao chuckled a little at that, extending a hand to the child.

“You can call me Xiao Kei. It’s nice to have you around” However, the child did not take his extended hand. Instead, his caramel eyes burned their stare into his hands. Was the child staring at his tattoos? It should not be possible. Those cursed tattoos were visible to the normal eyes, just like the butterfly from before. Xiao unintentionally tensed.

However, that only lasted for a minute, as Kei extended his own hand in return clasped it into the handshape. The grip tightened for a moment on his hand before it was let go of.

“Bring me the papers tomorrow along with all the formalities. Have a nice day” seeing the child move toward the door, Xiao called out. Kei nodded and he was out. The smile on Xiao’s face turned serious when the child left.

His guess was most likely right. That child was not normal, most likely supernatural. Was there a purpose in him being here? Or was it a more whimsical approach? The attitude to his tattoos and the butterfly earlier was not normal either. Also, the child had no aura of supernaturalness.

The only explanation was if the teen’s power originated from the world tree itself. That again was not possible since a world tree could hold only one contract at a time - a binding to its power. Xiao’s very existence in this world meant that there could not be another who had the power of the world tree.

Something fishy was going on here. It was a good thing that he could keep an eye on the child for the time being.