The wish bearing tree at the bottom of the well

From ancient times, there existed a business that sold wishes if the customer paid the right price. It didn't matter if the wisher was human or not. The scale of wish also didn't matter and neither did the intentions.

You could ask for world domination or even to bring back a loved one. You could ask for the seemingly impossible and you would get it. Again provided - if you pay the right price.

These shops were run by a selected few families, a tradition of sorts. Generation after generation, the only thing which binds the successor of the shop was the faith in magic they had. And the magic contract with the world tree.

And had one have to do to become the master of such a profession? It had all started with a with from the start and will perhaps end with one as well.

However not all wishes are filled equally and perhaps one needs to understand that their own wish can break their world.

In the pitch-black darkness, soft footsteps echoed as the small body swayed. Barefooted, a boy no more than seven pushed forward. The feet made contact with the solid ground but the child could not feel anything.

The only focus in the pitch-black darkness was the soft light being illuminated from a hole in the distance. The mind of the child was blank and the body was moving on an automatic.

The setting was serene, yet one would only feel horror there as everything appeared to be muted. One could not even hear their own footsteps. It was like being in a vacuum, where you cannot hear, feel or even see.

Only the light in the hole mattered. That was the only salvation in this oppressing world.

As the child approached the hole and the light became brighter. Not so much as to spread, but to concentrate in a palace, making surroundings clearer. What could not be seen from the distance became clearer. It was not a hole, but a well that illuminated the radius of the glow.

The child looked down at the well, his movements seemingly automatic. Seeing nothing, he leaned forward. Climbing the small circumferential wall of the well was the next step to get a clearer view. Still seeing nothing, there was only one option.

Putting the head inside the well.

So, clutching the wall tightly, the child leaned the small body more inside the well. The upper portion almost disappeared inside. Just as the child's head crossed the threshold of the ground surface, the hold on the good wall slipped.

And the child fell into the well. Perhaps, here is where he will find his solace.

The only thought circulated inside the child’s head was an unfilled wish, a flash of petals and a feeling of yearning and sadness

And unknown to his eyes, the tree glowed brighter and brighter as the background faded away. Only the blues and greens of the crystal tree visible against the unsculptured background.

Unseen, one of the branches bloomed black, it's glow outshined by the light around it.

(Official page for communicating info, character sketches and designs will be at daygo.n on Twitter. Hope you will follow along on the journey. I'll take the suggestion to better myself there and post story related stuff there. Kindly follow there for more notes)