The origin of new life - part 3

The atmosphere of the council room had already reached a peak when the duo entered. It was so thick that you could take a knife to it and it still won’t make a dent in it.

The council consisted of representatives of different parts. Many capable figures cut, but those were the ones who preferred action above useless decisions.

Hence, those types of people seldom showed up and far between.

The major chunk and the one they were to face was the other useless box of chatter. Already Xiao could feel his ears ringing with their complaints and he closed his eyes to mentally prepare himself for the upcoming battle.

He could feel a soft touch on his clenched fists. Kei held them in his hands and raised them when he realised that he had his attention.

“Don’t be so tense. I’m here for you and with you. If anything happens I’ll take the blame” from the tone of his voice, Xiao did not doubt that the guy would actually do it too if it came to that.

The feeling was both flattering and horrifying. Such devotion, what he did to achieve it. The teen crashed his life a few days ago, yet the ripples he made were violent enough to shake him to his very core.

The feeling was similar to when he was around. But as Kei unfolded his clenched hands, he realised that although the feeling was very similar to him, it indistinguishably had something so uniquely Kei to it that it touched him.

It made him feel as if he and Kei were different yet similar people. It made him want to protect Kei, a feeling he had not felt with him.

But what was his name again? All the years after he took this post, he called him by his designation. But did he even remember his name anymore?

“Don’t be foolish. I’m your employer, so all the blame should shift to me if anything. Plus, if you went down now then who would accompany me going forward?” there was something fragile in Kei’s starstruck eyes.

Something he wanted to see again and for a long time. It was precious beyond measures.

“Now that you’re done with your flirting, can you hurry up inside? The longer you delay the worse their mood gets” Noah broke the mood with his sharp voice which caused both to flush a little.

They had gotten so involved with each other that they missed the place and timing.

“Sorry, I was just trying to collect my thoughts. The news is not that great so brace yourself” Xiao warned as he finally stepped inside.

The room was arranged like a conference hall, with the council seat being at the focus of the circumference. The seats were arranged into different steps and the number of seats was divided into 5 fractions.

They made up the four quarters as well as the central branch with each head having a joint seat in the middle. However, much of the hall was empty as the most cowardly of the bunch had already made their escape.

As soon as they made their way inside, Noah separated from them and went to the central branch head seat.

Now it was two against the council.

“Sir wish granter, what is the situation out there?” as it was universally agreed that anything that was associated with the world tree would be exclusively handled by him, he was naturally the one who would be grilled on the matter.

Better to have attention on him than his companion.

“We managed to take care of the main part of it. But unfortunately, it was not a stem but a root” scandalous gasps emerged all around him and from the corner of his eyes he saw Noah’s angry face.

Should have told him this before he announced it to the world then. Well, the information was already out anyway.

“What does that mean?” a female voice question and for the life of him, he could not remember her name. Her serpentine eyes and pupils and her seating place marked her as a part of the easter's parts.

“It means that although the main body is gone, the tree would continue to regenerate as long it maintains a connection with this place” He explained to the people present as if they were a bunch of children he was teaching.

Most of the people who were present here were promoted due to their connections and not actual credibility and it showed. And those people generally popped up to highlight their own importance.

“Weren’t you supposed to take care of it? Didn’t the remaining pillars lose their life for the cause?” he almost flinched at the accusation and also coils feel a really intense pair of eyes burning into his back.

He only caught a glimpse of beady black before his vision was obstructed by Kei’s movement. He was blocking the eyes from looking at him.

“We’re taking care of it. But even we need time to do our work and not face such meaningless interruptions” he could see the tempers flare at his words, but he needed to get this in one go, “As for the part that pillar’s played? Yes, they made a wishing contract with us so we’ll do our best for the same. Their death, however, had nothing to do with the wish made by them”

“Meaningless interruptions you say?” There were a few angry shouts from people who clearly thought of themselves as important. Most of the people here had held the seat for a long time now and it showed on their proud faces.

“Clearly that is lying on your part to cover up the price. You should come clear on it, no one will fault you for it” another elder said, his voice filled with pride and righteousness. It caused Xiao to frown.

“I have no reason to lie. There is no evidence that they died as a direct result of this wish. The likelihood of an assassination or contamination is much higher in this case” he knew what he voiced would cause a lot of controversies and he may even turn the court away.

Especially those who were no doubt involved with all this, but he still had to defend himself here.

“One death by contamination could be a mistake, two or three even a negligence on our part, but six is a little too much. The last two never came in contact with it” there was another loud and obnoxious noise which screamed it.

He knew this would happen as soon as he realised he would have to appear here. These council people were like vultures with prey, unreliant and unforgiving in their pursuit.

He wanted to defend himself but the last accusation made the blood in his veins freeze.

“Your companion is clearly able to reverse the influence of the contamination. If not stop, then at least slow it down. Someone saw the cat you saved around. But the fact that you didn’t help the pillars proves our point”

Their secret was out.

The glare he gave Noah was freezing but he himself looked too shaken. So, it was not him after all. But someone in was out to get them.

They were not safe here. Especially Kei, but if he kept quiet he could salvage the situation. He just needed to deny it and take the blame for everything.

But he was beaten to it by the very person he was trying to protect.

“Xiao had no idea I could do it. I saved the cat in secret, but even my power has a limit. And the death of the pillars happened after we went to bed, so their death was not preventable. Don’t shift the blame for your own negligence”

Xiao watched in horror as the courtroom turned toward Kei as one. What was the idiot doing inviting trouble like that? Did he have a death wish or something?

“Don’t interrupt the adults here child. It’s between your employee and us” the person who replied in a pampered voice was one of the oldest council members. Just the fact that he remembered her face meant that he had seen her often.

Maybe she was a past client?

And she had thought that Kei was a child, ignorant to all this. As long as he could make use of it, the situation was still very much solvable.

“Kei, stand back. I’ve heard the council’s view and would like to ask what you are suggesting in this situation? I have a solution for the black root problem but once again I will tell you that the death of the pillars had nothing to do with us” he concluded but by the looks of it, no one believed him.

But they would humour him in this, he was sure of that. His business was very much needed and his death would mean that they would lose the wish granter for at least a few years.

For such people as the council elders, that would be an unacceptable time loss they could save on.

No, they would much rather control his moments than allow him free reign for a few years.

“Before you arrived here, the decision was already made and we feel it’s still the best solution to this problem. Wishgranter Iussum, you will deal with this problem and then face solitary confinement where you will remain for the next 7 days. Your shop will be handled by us elders and all the important business would be dealt with by us”

Noah was almost fuming in his seat and behind him, he felt Kei tense and suddenly it all made sense.

This was a part of the power struggle after all and he was the puppet caught this time. Those council members didn’t want to find out the truth, but use this as an opportunity for their success.

His shop was a prime spot to make connections and having free access to it on even a good day would ensure a chance to establish great connections with forces that were outside the council’s control.

And there were many more than he could count there to be. Any party would be benefitted from such a deal and he was sure a tight fight would occur as a result.

He thought to fight back but one look at Noah reassured that he would fight to have the shop as much as he can. But personally, it was no loss for him at all.

“Alright, you got yourself a deal. Another thing, I’m keeping the cat with me for security reasons. We can’t be sure if it would pass on the contamination or not” Kei had already become a bargaining chip and he would not allow the cat to end up the same.

But the next words which came out really made him feel as if the world around him broke.

“The cat would not survive long. We had her checked as soon as we found out about it. Your first-aid job was amendable and it might have saved its life recently. But with a young one on the way, it would not last long”

That was the council head who had addressed him in the end. As soon as he had spoken a silence spell had descended upon the whole room.

“What are you proposing then?” his voice was weak and it took him far too late to realise that he was using Kei’s arms to support himself.

“The cat would not survive, but its kitten would. We just ask you to provide us with the dead cat’s body for examination as it might hold the secrets to dealing with black chaos and the infections that result from it”

Xiao could see the logic in it, but he didn’t want to consent to that. He didn’t want them to violate his saviour’ body in such a horrifying way.

But if he didn’t then what would happen to the kitten in her belly. He didn’t even know how long he had been with her and there was no time to spend with her either now.

She would die without him by her side.

“It’s alright, her soul would move on. Focus on the kitten for now as a penance” that was Kei’s voice in his ear. It sounded sensible but he wished it didn’t.

But at the right moment, he held with him a choice and he quickly made it.

“Alright” his voice was almost hollow, but only two people noticed. One with a guilty expression and one with a pair of sharp angry eyes.

Xiao remained oblivious to both, his mind much farther away in memories.

(Xiao: Do you like kittens Kei?

Kei: Yes, but I don't think they like me *trying to hold the struggling kitten in his arms*

Me: Rub it in my face why don't you. I can't even have them in case they harm my delicate sheets and plans for exams.

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