Further than the ocean - part 3

Waking up with a sluggish mind was not a new feeling for Xiao. He had gone through and landed in enough problems to guarantee himself a few bad periods of sleep and waking in the past few years themselves.

But never in those did he remember feeling pressure on his chest. It was not suffocating like before, but it was certainly noticeable. It also varied the more he tried to move around. And it was only concentrated on his chest part.

He tried to lift his hand to check out the weight but something was not making it possible to do so. Something had his hand captive, the hold both warm and restricting at the same time.

Xiao took the risk to open his eyes. As he had warned Kei before, there was no idea what kind of situation they had found themselves in and thus it would not be a good idea to do anything stupid.

But he could feel his connection to the world tree still blooming in his chest, so that was one problem out of the way for now.