Chen’s Troubled

Chen suddenly hugged Jihun and started crying like a baby. Whereas Jihun stood there completely shocked but after a few minutes Chen started to wail harder so Jihun having no choice just wrapped his arms around him and tried to calm Chen by say in a calm manner "Shhhhh~~ Everything's ok hyung, just calm down, hm?" After what felt like forever to Jihun but was actually just an hour, finally Chen’s crying had turned into small sniffling and hiccups. In this process Jihun had a big stain of tears and snot on his t-shirt which was caused by Chen hugging the latter for his dear life and crying his heart out. He cried out of frustration for his life, anger at himself, guilt for hurting Jihun, shame, etc.

Jihun had never seen this side of Chen before and was very worried about it so now seeing that Chen had calmed down, he took this chance by asking "Chen-ah, you ok?? You know just let all of it out or else it will frustrate you, I’m completely ok with you crying for hours if that’s gonna help you, huh!! So just please cry and be ok again!!" Chen on hearing what Jihun had said felt as if all his worries had just been washed away with the tears that he had shed in the youngsters embrace.

Chen then finally looked up at Jihun while wiping the remains of his tears saying "Thanks Jihun-ah, I feel that now I’ll be able to perform without any worries. I’ve been trying to hold it in for a long time now but just couldn't control all of those feelings and because of that I was constantly hurting you by refusing your help, also with hurtful words but after seeing your angry face I felt so broken that I just couldn't keep it in any longer."

Jihun was completely lost here, he just had this confused look on his face but was also happy for Chen as he was no longer crying and again had a smile on his face. Jihun then asked the latter with a confused look "Chen-ah, did something bother you?? If so then you should’ve told us or if not the hyungs then at least to me, don't you trust me?!"

Chen then smiling said "NO PABO-YA!! That's not the matter, you see I had been struggling with the dance practices and didn't want to disturb your practice because it felt like I was burdening you with myself when you already had your own solo performance to practice for and also felt shy to ask of the hyungs. So I tried but still didn't have that self confidence to perform anymore. I even thought that I would embarrass myself by stupidly falling or making some big mistake on the stage in front of our fans as well as the hyungs and you." On hearing what Chen had just said Jihun started to think how much Chen had to go through all this time by himself and keeping all those feelings covered behind his perfect smile that made Jihun’s day or to say anyone’s day perfect but he bottled it all up, that he just ended up breaking down and crying like a baby. (pabo- means idiot in Korean)

Jihun after some thinking said with a serious tone "Chen if you want to practice more we could just practice now and I'll help you if you need any help, OK!!" Chen with his now happy smile but actually smiling a real smile from his heart after a long time replied "Yay!!! I wanted to and you just said it. Thank you so much Jihun-ah!!" Because Jihun thought that the reason Chen lost his confidence to perform on stage was no one complimenting and encouraging him for his little improvements or correcting his little mistakes thus the younger wanted to take this chance and just sweet talk the hell out of the elder so that he never has to go through this phrase again.

They both started practicing which went on for about 2-3 hours, when done they just fell face first on the bed which was a double bed to catch their breath as they had been practicing non stop.

"Jihun-ah, distract me." Said Chen

"Want me to tell you a scary story?! Yuka hyung told me this himself!" Jihun suggested. Chen eagerly sat up already interested in the suggestion.

"OK! There were fans who liked certain singers. Let me call them our fans and these two were students, they were best friends. One day, they went to see our concert together. Now since the concert was at 7 so to take pictures, one of the friends brought a tablet and that friend was waiting. But he kept on waiting, the friend won't come and won't even pick up the phone." Jihun started off with his story

"Argh! Spooky...." Chen commented hearing the twist in the story, too focused on the story.

"So the friend had no choice but to film the concert and show it to the friend later. Thus, he went to the concert and filmed it. After the concert, he went back home. But on the way back home, he got worried about his friend. The friend won't pick up his calls and didn't even come to the concert he so wanted to go for!!" Jihun narrated creating even more suspense.

"Right!" Chen agreed with the friend worrying about the other one.

"So he went over to his friend's house, he went there and knocked on the door *knock knock knock*" Jihun continued, glad to see that he had successfully distracted Chen of his worries.

"Food Delivery!" Chen added making Jihun laugh at his joke but Jihun was fast at sulking.

"Excuse me....This is a bit.....I'll stop then!" Jihun sulked because he knew Chen was getting scared thus, he had interrupted him but Jihun still being a kid at heart wanted to scare Chen even more with the climax of his scary story.

"Please! Tell me, what happened? What happened? I'm curious!!" Chen insisted, feeling bad seeing Jihun sad. Thus, pretended at being curious.

"Is anyone there? Nothing was heard. *knock knock knock* Can I come in? No sound was heard. So he went inside. He went in and asked again....Anyone home? No sound at all. He went to his friend's room and no one was there. So he said I'm leaving now, still nothing. Then he went back home. He was at home and got very sleepy. He had a long day, you know?! So he fell asleep while watching the video of the concert he filmed. Then he woke up but he forgot to stop filming with the tablet after the concert. He had filmed himself at his friend's house too!" Jihun went on seeing Chen insist so much.

"Oh my goodness!" Chen reacted rather deeply too focused on the story.

"So he kept watching the video and it was at the point when he went to his friend's house *knock knock knock* Anyone there? I'm here! *knock knock knock* Can I come in? Yes! He went inside and asked again...Anyone here? I told you I'm here! He kept looking around but no one was there. Then can I go home now? NO!!!!!" Jihun ends his story, scaring Chen at the climax by screaming NO at the end.

"OH MY GOODNESS!! What was that about?!" Chen screamed, making Jihun successful in his plan of scaring Chen.

"This is the scary story Yuka hyung told me." Jihun concluded his story.

"Do you know whether this is a real story?" Chen asked curious again but this time in real.

"No, I don't! But now let's sleep. I'm tired." Jihun answered yawning at the end showing his tiredness.

Jihun was tired but also happy when he thought about sharing a bed with Chen which literally made him giddy just thinking about the picture in his head. When Jihun turned to look at Chen, he was already asleep. No wonder he had gone through a lot these days and just needed some rest as he was pushing himself to his limits. Jihun just kept on staring at Chen’s cute sleeping face, his soft round face was as cute as a new born baby.

Soon enough Jihun felt sleepy and went to sleep together with Chen. Later when Young came to call the two for dinner he saw the two youngest members sleeping cuddling together and he just stood there admiring this great site. As having a leader's heart and an motherly instincts for the younger members he wondered how much they had gone through and were this tried despite being young and full of energy 24/7 that they had just fallen asleep after falling on the bed but he had no idea what the two had actually gone through so deciding to not disturb the two he closed the door behind himself as he left their room.