NoRen Special

Just like Chen and Jihun, even Jino and Ren were now sharing a room. Although they were already dating, they had not yet revealed anything to their hyungs. So out of all only their youngest brother, none other than the great Lee Jihun knew about them. They were caught by him making out in their dorm room which they shared with Jihun.

Flashback~~ Summer of 2015

It was their summer break in May when the members were given a holiday for 4 days to relax so all the other members had gone to their hometown leaving only Ren who had just come back from China, Jino, Yuka, Win and Jihun.

That morning Yuka and Win had gone out for a date. Yes! They were officially a couple so that left only Jihun, Ren and Jino behind. That day Jino was unreasonably weird or to say horny for his boyfriend who he was secretly dating for 2 year since he was 14 years old to be specific and his eyes were sparkling with this shine of mischief. Ren had just returned from China that morning and was very tired, maybe that was the reason why Jino was overflowing to shower Ren with his undying love.

Ren was just lying on his bed, tired, almost at the edge of falling asleep when he suddenly felt someone playing with his hair. Thus, he gently opened his eyes to be met with Jino who was now sitting next to him and smiling gently. Jino definitely has some beautiful eye smiles but playing with others hair was like a code for the couple and Ren just knew what that meant.

Ren got up tiredly, saying in a gentle and soft voice "Yah Lee Jino!! Let me sleep, I’m very tired."

But Jino had other plans then just letting Ren sleep the day away. He smirked and shifted to laying down fully on top of a very tired Ren who hugged him in return locking his hands around Jino's neck, Jino said "Babe~ I’ll remove all your tiredness. Let me show you how much I love you, huh?! I wanna pamper and take care of you whenever you're tired you see??" Thus, Jino kissed Ren hard, showing how much he loved the latter.

That's when Jihun just barged in. Staining his innocent eyes and being traumatized for life, he was undoubtedly shocked to see what was happening. Ren just pushed Jino off himself when he heard the door being opened and stood up immediately whereas Jino who was annoyed for getting interrupted scolded seeing that it was Jihun "YAH LEE JIHUN!! At least knock before you come in!!”

Jihun who was still shocked, asked the very first thing that came to his mind "Hyung~ Why did you never say anything about your relationship!?”.

That's how Jihun got to know about the NoRen couple.

Flashback Ends- Back to Present Time~~~ 27th November, 2016.

Ren who was sitting on the bed lazily said "Jino-yah~ I'm bored and thirsty!"

"What do you wanna drink? Soft drinks? There's cola and sprite here!" Jino immediately went for the mini fridge beside their bed in their hotel room being the oh so sweet and kind boyfriend, when he heard Ren complain about being thirsty.

"I'll go for a sprite! Thanks Jino-yah~ Also pour it in a glass with ice for me, please~" Ren requested and Jino did exactly as told by pouring both their drinks into glasses with ice.

"Do you know that game? Hold your nose. Close your eyes and then guess which is cola and sprite. Wanna play that?" Ren suggested seeing Jino having cola.

"OK! Anyways it's boring just waiting in the hotel room. Let's play!" Jino agreed knowing Ren was bored out of his mind and Jino would do anything to bring a smile on Ren's face. Ren was now excited.

"OK!! Then whoever loses will have to one shot down their drink as punishment! Hahahahaha~~Then if you don't do it, you lose. Rock, paper, scissors!" Ren started catching Jino off guard. Ren won being smart.

"Yes!! Now close your eyes and hold your nose!" Ren instructs and Jino does as told. Ren after some thinking, hands Jino his glass of sprite to guess and takes back his drink after Jino had a few sips.

"Sprite!" Jino answers, correctly guessing the drink. Shocking Ren, but Ren had other plans.

"Wrong! It was cola! You can't taste it?!" Ren tricks Jino into thinking that he guessed wrong.

"For real?!" Jino asked, sure that it was sprite that he tasted.

"Sprite was correct! I was just playing around~" Ren tells the truth this time making Jino laugh at his childish actions. This time Jino thought of taking revenge, thus he mixed cola and sprite together. But he took too much time deciding to mix them and got caught by Ren, who opened his eyes to see what was taking Jino so much time.

"No wonder! This is why you aren't giving it to me! Are you having fun?!" Ren said laughing at their childish acts and that's how their little game ended with no loser.

"Jino-yah~When are we planning on telling the hyungs about our relationship? I want to tell them myself. Because I don't want that situation to appear again like with Jihun. It was so embarrassing, not that I ever regret ruining Jihun’s innocent eyes but please with the others, I’d rather die before that happens."

Jino then says with a smile on his face "Ren-ah~ Don't worry and stress over it, huh? We'll tell them when it's the right time but for now I'm gonna take a shower!!" Jino said avoiding the topic while going towards the bathroom, making Ren sigh at the lack of attention. After exiting the bathroom being done with his shower, Jino saw Ren peacefully and cutely sleeping on the bed.

Thus, he went up to Ren and gave him a forehead kiss. Although it seemed that Jino was careless about their relationship he was actually scared that the other members would not accept their relationship. But not scared for himself, scared for Ren because he knew Ren would be greatly hurt and feel a great deal of betrayal if their relationship was not accepted. Ren though being sassy with his words was a sensitive person.

After a while Young and Ten came in to call them for dinner but being as chaotic as any member of their group, they came in yelling, having their loud mouths being shushed by Jino "Hyung quiet~....Ren’s sleeping!!" Young mouthed a silent sorry, whispering to Jino and calling them for dinner also telling him to wake Ren up and how the kid needed to eat more.

After their Hyungs had left Jino laid down besides Ren and cuddled Ren to himself. He whispered into Ren’s ears to wake him up saying "Ren-ah~ wake up~ Young-ie hyung had come to call us for dinner. So wake up now, huh?!" Ren tried but couldn't handle his boyfriend's cuteness, thus having to give in, they got ready and left their hotel room to go for dinner.

They were just a corridor away from the dining area when they saw Jihun and Chen coming towards them but still kept walking as they seemed fine with all smiles and happy vibe which relieved them as just in the morning their were fighting. Jihun yelled to stop his hyungs, he evilly smiled and commented "Good for a couple to share a room, right hyungs?!" Which caught all of them by surprise. Jino just elbowed Jihun in his stomach which got the younger to fall on his knees on the ground with pain as he held his stomach.

"You're looking short today Ren-ge!" Chen teases Ren speaking in Chinese. Upon hearing that Jino lifts up Ren by his waist to show that he is tall, just playing around for the younger two and also being there for his secret boyfriend Ren because he was again being teased about his height.

"I can understand Chen-ah!" Jino informs Chen who didn't know about the fact. Well just benefits of having a Chinese boyfriend you could say.

"Oh~ Good Job~Now put me down." Ren compliments Jino yet orders him around.

"Ah~ Hyung should've just carried Ren-ge till there! That would have been more funny!! Jino hyung is like Ren gege's pet. Always only listening to him." Chen complains about Jino not being funny.

"Chen-ah~ Don't you know, Jino hyung is our group's official No-Jam person! Like he is the least funniest person!!" Jihun informed Chen, teasing Jino in the process.

"Whereas Ren hyung is known as the Shoulder Gangster of the group!" Jihun was having too much fun teasing both his hyungs as he was making Chen laugh in the process.

"What!! Why shoulder gangster? From what I see Ren gege has the narrowest shoulders!!" Chen asked laughing yet confused about the new told fact.

"That's exactly the reason why Chen-ah~!! Because he has the narrowest shoulders we gave him that nickname to tease him for his narrow shoulders." Jihun reasoned making Chen burst out laughing at the explanation.

"Ani~(No in Korean) Doesn't his narrow shoulders make you wanna protect him! He's so pure and innocent." Jino complimented Ren, flirting secretly in the process.

"Jino-yah~ That's enough." Ren ordered feeling shy by Jino's unnecessary flirting in front of the two youngest members. But Jino being the obedient boyfriend immediately shuts up proving Chen's point of Jino being Ren's pet correct.

That’s exactly how the 4 reached the hotel's dining area bickering all the way.