SKY 4: Bus stop + Caylus

"Hersheys," Emery called me while I was too focusing in putting glitters on the sash.

"Yes?" I answered without making eye contact.

" Are you done with the invitation? Ms.Crista needs to see it to be approved by Ms Eve."

" Oh shoot! I'll get it done in a sec."

"Please hurry we don't have much time to screw this up."

"Yes ms president!" I gave Emery a joking salute and got my laptop to edit the invitation design.

Ms. Crista is our Student Governing Body head and everything we do must first pas through her before we get the final approval from our principal Ms. Eve. Ms. Crista is pretty strict at outputs, because according to her, we must present the best, but only the best for the principal. So the pressure is on in pleasing out dear principal. Did I mention that our principal is pretty into details?

You might be wondering what all these thing are for, well as yearly high school activity the SGB will be the one handling one of the biggest celebrations in the high school department!


I'm not really into prom, because first of all I can't dance. second how do you socialize? third I'm shy, and lastly I'm not confident in myself.

But this year is quite different. I am enjoying the preparations of it because we get to choose what we really want things to happen, BUT!!!



I mean I don't mind not coming but all my subject teachers seem to read my mind and announced that whoever attends with a partner in prom will be exempted for the diagnostic test for this quarter. I mean I would rather attend prom then study my ass off to get good grades !


I mean who would ask me to prom?! :(

I was dead worried that we girls can't ask a guy out and it should be the guy to ask you out. It would be pretty embarrassing if no one would ask me out and then that guy would be forced to be with me. That sh*t hurts.

"Starry Night"

As I decorated the last piece of design in the invitation card. Well it looks decent somehow, I hope they will like it.

"Emery! Could you check this out if it's alright?"

"Wow!" Emery said with a huge smile imprinted in her face.

"That's great Shi! C'mon let's show this to Ms. Crista hoping she will approve this!"

School ended just like that. It didn't even feel like it ended because I have to stay in school quite longer to help with the sash lettering. Yes, I'm helping them in making the sash for winners in different category like " Best dressed" "Head Turner of the night" " Best Smile" and more. I somewhat wish to be a boy for now, because this task was given to all the ladies in SGB because of " Ladies care" thing. Urghh.

" Wow!!" Ms. Christa's voice echoed behind my back.

"Girl's I think it's quite late already, clean up and get some rest. We'll continue this tomorrow."

"Alright ms. Christa, take care !"

"I want to get the best dressed!" Belle, our SGB auditor, exclaimed with excitement as if she will surely get that award.

" I want to get the best smile!" Same with Cherry, SGB P.R.O, full of excitement.

And there they go with what awards they want to get during prom night.

"How bout you Hersheys? What do you want to get?"

I paused in packing and looked up the ceiling thinking, what do I want to get?

"Umm, nothing I guess? I mean I'm not even sure if I am going yet. I don't have a prom partner yet so that means no entry."

"Oh come on! Don't be nega! I'm sure some guy will ask you before the end of the week, who knows maybe tonight!"

"Yeah right and who would that be?"

"I don't know, God will send hid angel to deliver you one of his best creations ! You'll see." Nere said as she got her bag and ready to leave

"Oh how I wish he will send me an Adonis looking man for my prom date, or even better my future boyfriend."

"Oh, advance thinker aye? " Emery said with a smirk.

The girls and I just laughed it out and head home.

Mom isn't picking me today so I had to g home all by myself but the problem is..



I mean if my home is near, I'd walk it out but cheezus! It takes 45 mins my car without traffic to get home from here! There are schools nearby where I lived but my heart picked West Bridge International School, it's a small school but with great people, so I don't totally mind.

I stepped out the school gate and walked to a nearby bus station, hoping there is a bus that would lead me on my home. But as I head towards the bus shed, a tall figure caught my eye. I examined him and slowly my eyes grew bigger and realizing who I just saw.

It was that gorgeous man I saw in my aunt's farewell party!

Yes, It's definitely him! How can I forget a handsome being that way, of course not!

He was standing under the shed with his white polo quite crumpled up. His sleeves folded to his elbow flexing his arm muscles on how defined they were. His polo 3 buttons from the top are opened, enough to define him a sexy man in the waiting shed. His left hand was tucked in his black trousers and his left holding his school blazer that is hanging on his left shoulder. Over-all he is definitely the definition of


other known as " Sexy Man in The Waiting Shed"

When I said sexy, I am not exaggerating because I know for sure I am drooling. And how all these ladies turned their head and stole some shots of him, man! Makes me want to be beside him and leave a sign " THIS IS FOR MY EYES ONLY LADIES,NOTHING TO SEE HERE, GO ON WITH YOUR LIFE". But of course we can't do that, because who am I in the first place.

I walked to his direction and left a good 1 meter distance between us. His manly scent invaded my nose, damn he also smells good.

I looked around to check what buses are headed in this way, and to my dismay there aren't any stopping at my place. I started panicking because it's already 8 pm and I am not home yet! Mom will surely kill me and I'm starving! :(

I wish I can get food first but my money is enough to get me home today. Belly you have to hold on for a minute alright, we don't have enough money to feed you right now.

And as if on cue my stomach made a grumbling sound, I was hoping it wasn't loud enough because it was quite embarrassing for anyone to hear it but I heard a loud laugh to my right.

I turned around and there that gorgeous man is laughing to his heart out.

Even the way he laughed is sexy and gorgeous. Stop it Hersheys ! You sounded like a pervert!

I guess he felt my stares and slowly stopped laughing to wipe his small tears that were forming because he's laughing too much. He then looked back at me and I don't know why but I turned my back against him afraid to make eye contact.

"Ahem," he faked coughed.

But I refuse to look at him out of my embarrassment and I pretty much look like a tomato!

"Ahem," he coughed again but I'm not loosing this game.

"Hey," he said.

And with just like that I turned my head to meet his gaze: our eyes met and time slowed down. I was in my world until he spoke again. "I'm starving, want to grab dinner somewhere? Your choice of place. and no worries I'll pay"

Wait what?!

Did he just offered food?!

Kyahhhh!! This is the best thing some stranger said to me! But as much I want to be a free loader for now I can't because who knows what this gorgeous man will do it me. But speaking of what he will do to me, I honestly don't mind if I get kidnapped by such male like him. Rawr!

"I don't take offerings from strangers."

He let out a small chuckle and extended his hand to me.

"Hi, I'm Caylus Sky Hidalgo, 18 years of handsome and sexy existence ma'am."

Wait that name sounds really familiar.

"1st year college in finance, and your future pilot."

P-pilot? C-caylus?!

My eyes grew bigger as I realized who the man standing in front of me was.

Capt. Caylus...


The guy behind that snapchat is this gorgeous man I saw in my aunt's farewell party?! F*ck !

"So it's you."

He let out a small laugh, " Basing in your reaction, you must be Hersheys."

"Yes, that's right. But wait , why are you here anyway? Are you perhaps stalking me?!"

"With my looks and body, you think stalking would fit me? No ma'am. I am here because my bestfriend lives near by, maybe it's you who is stalking me."

"ME?! How dare you, I would never do such thing," I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Ahahaha, You were staring at me intently while you were walking towards here. If you're going to just stare at me, why not take a picture. It will last longer," Caylus then gave me a flirty wink.

Embarrassed of the truth he said my face immediately turned red as a tomato.

Caylus laughed again and I'm sure why, "what's funny?"

I said, my eyebrows meeting together.

"You just look cute when your face is red,"

Again, I think my face got redder this time. It's my first time hearing a compliment from someone else, I'm not pretty confident of my looks and body so hearing that is somewhat new to me.

"S-Stop laughing!"

"Yes ma'am."

I rolled my eyes, he didn't stop yet.

I raised my left brow and said, "I thought you said you will stop?"

"Ahahaha, a-alright, ahahaha"

"Whatever, keep laughing then I'm leaving," with that I started marching away the bus stop and decided to just walk all the way home. I'd be pretty sore but who cares I don't want to be stuck in the same place as that annoying gorgeous bastard! I mean annoying bastard!

"Hey wait up!"

I heard footsteps nearing me and later did I realized Caylus is walking right beside me.

"And now you're a stalker."

"No ma'am, I am simply following you because you didn't respond to my question yet."

I paused and gave him a confused look, "question?"

"Yeah, where do you want to eat?"

"Didn't I say I don't take offer from strangers?"

"But I already introduced myself and besides we talk in snapchat for quite sometime now."

"And you think that would make a difference?"

"Yes, and I know you're starving. I heard your stomach grumbling awhile ago," Caylus gave me a smirk making me remember what happened awhile ago.

"So what do you say? "

And there goes my stomach, making that ' feed me' noise or I'll your organs. This is enough humiliations happening to me in just a day. Caylus smirked again and I admit defeat, "alright fine then, but you're paying everything I order."

"No problem ma'am." he said in excitement and grab my hand, then we started walking to his car that was parked not quite far from the bus stop. He opened the door for me, oh a gentleman, and rushed to the driver seat and helped me with my seatbelt. His face was too close that I can feel his hot breath touching my skin, I froze at my place not knowing how to act at this situation.

"Safety first," he said with a smile and buckled my seatbelt then his. He turned the engine on and we started to move.

"I thought you were waiting for a bus awhile ago?"

"Never said I did," he turned his head at me and winked then his back to the main road.

And that leave me questioning, what the hell was he doing in the bus stop.