SKY 5: First Dinner

I thought Caylus said I picked where to eat, end up he did.

We're currently somewhere high, where we can overlook the city lights. On how amazing the view is above here.

I turned to Caylus and to my surprise the waiter is marching his way to our table with food. We just got here and I didn't even get the chance to open the menu and we get serve just like that. Caylus ordered my favourite food, lasagna with garlic bread. Although there are other dishes served but it's the lasagna that caught my attention. Does he knows I like lasagna? Or was it just a coincidence? Maybe he likes it too that's why he ordered it, well who knows, this guy just randomly popped out of nowhere and it doesn't seem like a coincidence but planned.

"Eat up," Caylus said.

"Alright, food taste better when it's free!"

I heard a soft chuckle and didn't mind him and started digging in my food. I took a bite in my lasagna and it just melted in my mouth, and vision of younger me started to play in my head.

It was my mom and I. It was Christmas, and she made me my favourite dish. We celebrated together, just the two of us in our small home after migrating back. Small, yet we were and contented with what we have, as long as were together than it's all good.

I noticed my eyes started to get blurry, so I wipe them off as quick as I could. But I think Caylus noticed that abnormal moved I made and looked up at me. He gave me a worried look, it was sincere and warm.

"Are you okay? Is there something wrong with the food?"

But I didn't answer and just stared at him. How can this man think there is something wrong with the food.

"We can order another one, something you would pre-"

"No need."

Caylus paused and looked at me to see if I am hiding the true emotion I am feeling, but there isn't.

"Are you sure? It would really b-"

"I'm sure. And the lasagna taste great don't worry, it's to my liking."

Caylus sighed in defeat and continued eating, the atmosphere wasn't weird. Silent, yes but I somewhat felt comfortable.

"Hey... Caylus?"


"You said I picked a place to eat but we end up eating here and got served as soon as we arrived."

"Did you perhaps... Planned this?"

That question got him and his ears started to turned red.

There was a long paused between us.

"You could say that," was what he answered.

"Why would you?"

"Because my heart said so."

"Huh?!" I responded in a confused tone.

"At least would have a reason why you did this. I mea-"

"Does everything needs to have a reason just to ask someone to dinner?"

"Well..." my voice fading away not sure how to answer his question.

"Sometimes we don't need reasons to do something. If our heart wants to do it, it's up to us to listen or ignore what our heart craves. And I decided to do what my heart wants this time."

"this time?" I whispered.

"I have delayed the things I want to do for a long time, I wanted to make a change this time. So I vowed to follow what my heart wants."

My follow what my hearts wants...

Is it even possible, for me?

"Enough with this dramatic talk, let's talk about you."


"Yes, who else would I be talking here? The food?"

I gave him a deadpan look yet he just laughed at me.

"You're cute."

I rolled my eyes, "whatever".

"But question."


"How'd you know what school I attend?"

"I saw you from your aunt's farewell party."

"But I wasn't even wearing my uniform in the party."

" If there's a will there's a way," he said and winked at me.

Ghad what a flirt.

"You said you're a future pilot yet you're taking finance?"

He carefully placed his utensils down and looked at me full of ardent.

"Well... My family owns a business, it was their choice for me to take finance."

"And let me guess, they don't want you to be a pilot huh?"

"They... They were against my choice. But-"

"But you end up doing their bidding."

Caylus chuckled.

"You're smart, but I did it for my younger sister."

"You have a younger sister?!"

"Yup! Her name is Esmeralda, Esme for short."

"You must love you little sister that much that you are willing to do something you don't wish to be."

"Of course!" a smile was painted in his face but soon faded slightly as his eyes shows a different emotion.

The love he has for his younger sister melted my heart. I wish to have a brother like him, but that is near possible for me.

"My sister is really innocent to the world, as her older brother I wish to protect her."

"But you can't always protect her."

"I know, that's why I'll protect her as much as I can as long I am breathing. I won't let anyone hurt my sister," Caylus said as his grip in his utensils tighten. I can't determine what it is but there is something I can't explain bottling his strong emotion.

The eagerness he have is burning in him. So much passion and love just to protect his sister.

"I like that of a guy."

I said which he didn't expect that coming from me. Caylus' face soften and slowly his grip relaxed and looked at me, examining if I'm lying or not.

"You do?" He asked softly.

"Yup!" I said popping the 'p'

"I like guys who protect their love ones at all cost. Guys who are loyal, caring, kind, funny, smart, and those whose love is clearly seen by the sparkle in his eyes. Funny isn't it? Me setting such high standards for men and not even having the beauty to be liked at."

"Why do you always call yourself ugly?"

I was shock with Caylus sudden interference, that I didn't know what to say at first.

"Because it's true."

"No it isn't. Who said you are."

"People. Society. Standards. I don't have clear and fair skin like other girls. I am not skinny like other girls. All I have are some pimples and scars. Fats, in parts of my body where you call disgusting or ugly. "

I looked down at my plate. Embarrassed with what I said and took a bite on my lasagna, swallowing every inch of it. And it took me back to my past, my dark kindergarten past; but it was disturb when Caylus broke that darkness building inside me.

"I don't know who those bastards are who left a huge scar in your heart, but let me tell you this honestly. You are beautiful Hersheys. Regardless of the beauty standards you think you couldn't fit in."

I faced Caylus and his smile was very warm, warm like the sun in summer that touches your skin. He reached for my cheek and caress it gently like how a mother handles her newborn. His touch is soothing, enough for me to find comfort and hugged with love.

"I don't wish for my future wife to hate her body or herself, I wish her to love herself. So don't hate on yourself, Hersheys. You are more beautiful than you think you are."

The words he said slowly sink in and my blood felt like it all went to my face.

Time stopped and all I could hear was the sound of my beating heart that is pounding loudly.

Is this even true? This doesn't make sense! I faced him with doubt but it wasn't painted on my face; and as if he read my thought, " What I am saying is true, you are more beautiful than you think you are."

I hate to admit but slowly Caylus is entering my heart. He is entering with every heartbeat of mine.

The atmosphere was broken when my phone rang, it was mom.

Oh shoot, I totally forgot to tell her that I went out to grab some lunch!


With that the phone call ended.

Caylus might have heard what my mom said and ordered the waiter in an instant to wrap up the food.

"I'll take you home and explain it to your mom."

"Thank you but it's totally alright, I'll explain it to her."

"No. I will," he said in finality.