SKY 6: 143

And on cue the waiter rushed the meal he just packed.

We left the restaurant in an instant and Caylus drove mad speed on the way home.

There was no traffic and hustle on the way home since it was already late and Caylus did drove mad speed but he was conscious enough to check on me if I was alright the whole ride. He would slow down and asked if he was scaring me the way he drives, and time to time he would check on me by taking sneaky glance in me.

We got home before the time my mom allotted for me to get home, thanks to Caylus.

I started to unbuckle my seatbelt when Caylus hurriedly rush out his seat and quickly made his way to open the door for me.

"Caylus" I said in soft manner as I got out the car.

"Yes" Caylus responded as he closed the car door and leading me to the gate's entrance.

"You don't have to explain anything to my m-"

"But I was the one who asked you to dinner," determined as he sounds.

"Yes but it was my choice," trying to convince him that it's alright. That I can handle this but he is so determined.

"But it was still because of me that you're home late."

"Caylus," I said begging not too.

"It's fin-"

Caylus wasn't able to continue with what he was about to say when a familiar voice echoed through my ears, my mom.

"You came home late and you brought a boy with you, care to explain."

Mom said in her strict tone of voice with her eyebrow arched.

I slowly faced my mom, " Mom this is Caylus. He is m-"

"Good evening, I'm Caylus Sky Hidalgo ma'am. And I am nurse Therese's client's son and a good friend of your daughter."

My mom's eyes looked at Caylus and back at me to see if he was lying. My mom hates liars. My mom was still not convince of what Caylus said so her unpainted expression remained.

"We happened to meet coincidentally by the bus stop near her school. It was already late and I didn't take my dinner yet so as how my mother taught me how to treat ladies, I asked her to dinner. It was totally my fault why she got home late, but don't worry Mrs. Mercadejas she isn't hurt and I didn't harm her. I would never do that your daughter, so please Mrs. Mercadejas don't get mad at your daughter, she did nothing wrong and I will take responsibility to whatever punishment you decide to give her."

Caylus said it pretty smoothly.

My heart jolted in happiness of what he said, but a pang hit my heart. So he treats all the ladies like this huh? I thought I was special for a moment but seems like I was just like his other ladies.

I know I have no rights to even feel this way but I myself can't even explain why am I even acting this way.

My mom's angry stare still did not relaxed and I'm worried what would happen next.

"Caylus" mom said in a calm stilled mannered

"Yes Mrs. Mercadejas."

"I want to speak to you."

I was about to bargain when mom gave me a sharp gaze that scared my soul out of me.


"Yes Mrs. Mercadejas."

Mom led Caylus to the balcony and I'm here waiting in the living room. Sweat drops dripping down from my temple and I can't help it but move back and forth in the living room while biting my nails.

I can't eavesdrop because mom closed the door to the balcony and mom gave me a warning look to better behave. So I have no choice but to listen to her.

Seconds turned to minutes yet they are not done talking yet. Worried thoughts consumed my head till I notice the two of them coming out from the balcony. Mom's face looked relaxed now, in fact she was even smiling! The same goes for Caylus!

Mom rushed to the kitchen and handed Caylus her specialty, tiramisu cake.

"Here, take this tiramisu cake I made. I hope it fits to your liking."

Caylus looked even more delighted receiving it. Hey! That tiramisu cake is for me! Why is she giving it to Caylus.

Of course I said that in my mind only.

"Thank you so much mrs. Mercadejas," Caylus accepted the tiramisu cake with care.

"Oh please, call me Tita," my mom's eyes hardly to be seen as her she smiled to Caylus

And Caylus smile grew wider, "Thank you tita."

Then Caylus looked at me and smiled, "Good night Hersheys, sleep well."

"It's getting late dear, drive safe," mom said.

"Yes tita."

"It's getting late and I'm tired. I'll leave you two alone and baby."

"Yes ma, have a good rest," I approached my mom and kissed her cheeks.

"Lead Caylus to the gate baby. And Caylus," mom called Caylus attention. " Drive safe," and she gave him a warm smile and slowly making her way to her bedroom.

I turned to Caylus and he was still smiling like an idiot.

"What did mom said?" I asked curiously

"Awh, is cutie patotie curious?"

"Of course I am !" full in determination and curiosity.

But Caylus just laughed at me and messed my hair.

"Hey stop it!"

I tried removing his hand from my head but he just messed it up more.

"Not spilling you any tea Cutie. It's between your mom and I Hersheys," and he winked at me and decided to head back to his car.

Who wouldn't be curious what they were talking about, I mean my mom's face when they were done talking was unexplainably happy or favourable with the whole situation! And for mom to ask Caylus to call her tita, something is definitely up. Plus Caylus looks like he also won a grand prize.

"Oh c'mon please" begging with my puppy eyes hoping her would just spill some hints instead a laugh went out from him.

He got inside his car but he brought the window in the passenger seat down.

"N.O. Final answer Hersheys."

"Please" not surrendering.

Caylus buckled his seatbelt, "still a no."

"Even if I ask you for lunch this saturday?"

That caught Caylus off guard.

Please, please, say yes already!

He looked at me and smirked.

"Whatever bribe you will offer Hersheys, I am still not telling you until the right time comes."

"Even just hints?" frustration invaded my voice.

Caylus gave me a nod," even hints"

"It's so unfair!" I crossed my arms and pouted with my eyebrow meeting each other.

Caylus really does laugh at everything huh, he finds this funny.

"Even hints. But lunch with you this Saturday sounds good. I'll pick you up by 10:30 then"

He said and was about to leave.

"Have lunch all by yourself. I'm not going" my eyes rolled.

"If you come to lunch with me, maybe I'll give you some hints what your mom and I talked about," and smirked at me knowing I would totally give in.

My face lit up with hope.

"You're not joking?!"

"Only if you have lunch with me."

"But you promise to tell me if I do?!"

Caylus didn't answer and just winked at me.

"It's getting cold, get in already. Don't forget to lock the gate as I leave, goodnight gorgeous!143!"

With that Caylus left and I was left there frozen for a moment. Did he just call me gorgeous?! My cheeks started to burn and I couldn't help it but cover my face with my palms and silently scream. There was butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't stop smiling ear to ear. The cold wind brushed my skin but it wasn't chilly, maybe due to this emotion that is spreading warmth through out my body.

I did my lazy night routine and lay down on my bed and scrolled down Instagram for a while before going to bed, but Caylus name popped out.

"Sleep tight, and dream of me gorgeous."

There goes my heart again.

I didn't bother replying and buried myself with my comforter rolling back and forth and forcing myself to sleep.

Goddamit Caylus!