SKY 7: Ghosting

The next morning came and it was hectic.

Sign here, edit there, submit to the principal, and more. My day was consumed doing all these for this year's prom. And stress is swallowing me up due to I have no prom date yet. All the guys in my school found one already and how am I supposed to get one?!

I was about to give up when a new announcement was made.

"Since all the boys has a prom partner already and we still have a good number of girls who doesn't have any pair yet. We have decided to allow you to ask someone out, outside of our school campus. But you still have to dance with your dance partner for the performances. "

There was a sudden light that brighten up the darkness in my mind.

I have a chance!

"Submission of your prom date will be this friday. And if you still can't find one then say hello to failing marks in most of your subjects. That will be it, you are all dismiss."

Ms. Marjie said and left the classroom.

Everyone was excited to go home that after ms. Marjie left they all packed their things and rush home. It was just the three of us left, Nere, Emery, and I.

My hope was all up after the announcement, but I still have one problem. Who will I ask to be my prom date?

"Shi, have you found a prom date already?" Nere asked.

"Sad to say but none." I said in a sad tone.

"How bout you Emery, found one already?" I asked Emery

"I'm planning to ask my cousin out since I can't find a guy who would agree to be my prom date."

"Urghh, life of 2 loveless people." I said and let out a sigh.

"Do you believe we will find a guy someday? Who would like us for the way we are?" Emery asked.

I faced her to see if it was a joke, but she looked serious. Did something happen? Emery wasn't her usual loud self today/

"Well, I don't know. Most guys now are just after the looks and body," I replied

"Hey not all! Rain isn't like those guys!" Nere defended her boyfriend..

"I didn't say your boyfriend is part, I said most guys. " I defended my answer to Nere but she still wasn't convince.

"And among the three of us, you're the one with a blessed look and body." Emery added.

"Hey I do have flaws too you know." Nere pouted and crossed her arms.

"But I think, one day it will come. Who knows how unexpected will it be." Emery said while she focus her sight on the book she is holding. I can't clearly see the title of the book she is holding but there was an emotion painted in her face that I can't seem to understand what she is feeling.

"That one day, you walked under the sunrise colours that painted the whole sky and you felt that connection you don't know how to describe. That maybe this is love. That maybe he is the one. But of course, life has it's fair share of drama. "

Nere and I looked at her worried that maybe something is wrong.

" Life will play between the both of you. On who will break the bridge first." Emery added but we didn't quite hear what she said.

"Hey Emery," Nere asked worriedly.

Emery turned to Nere and there it was the emotion that I can't describe.

"Are you alright?" Nere approached her.

Emery nodded her head as a respond that she is alright. But her eyes said the other way round.

"I don't buy it Emery. C'mon you can tell us about it." I said and went to her.

"If you have any problems you can always count on us, don't keep things all by yourself Emery," Nere said trying to console Emery.

And just like that Emery broke down in tears.

Nere and I wrapped her in her arms consoling her.

"It's alright, we're here." I said patting her back.

The room was filled was nothing more but Emery's sobs, her heart crying to it's content. All we could do was be there for her, that no matter what happens she can always count on us.

Evening came and I got home tired and still frustrated who I will ask someone out. I can't ask my cousins because they're all busy on that day. This is so frustrating!

All those frustrations and worriedness disappeared when a familiar name was displayed in my phone's screen.

Caylus: Did you get home safe?

Why is it with this simple text he can make my heart beat like crazy?

"Yes master, I'm home safe."

Oh did I mention that mom didn't picked me up today so I need to get home all by myself again? After telling mom what happened last time she gave me a clear instruction where and how to get home taking the bus. I had to take down notes because your girl here isn't direction smart at all, and Caylus might not be there again to save my ass.

Also Caylus texted me before head asking what my favourite movie was and my mouth slip that I was going home alone. He was about to come over and drive me home but I insisted not to bother. I mean dude is at home already and I am all the way here, far from where he is staying. By the way if you're asking how I know where he lives, I checked his snapchat location time to time. I'm not a stalker, I promise.

At first he protested but eventually gave up after a couple of convincing.

Caylus: That's good to hear.

Caylus: It's getting late are you not going to bed yet?

Me: I can't sleep thinking I have no prom date yet.

Caylus: Prom date? You need too ?

Me: Well yeah, my school just announced we need one or else we can see a parade of failing marks in some of our subject. Although we have dance partners, we need a date to get in.

Caylus: Why don't you have a prom date when you have a dance partner?

Me: Well, the teacher matched us up and in my class there are more boys than girls so I have 2 dance partners.

Caylus: If boys are dominant why don't you have one?

Me: Well they decided to ask other classes out so here I am single for prom, on February the 14th. The sweetest day of year! Ugh single life.

Caylus: But do you like your dance partners? Or do you show interest in any of them? Because it seems to me you liked one of them and he didn't ask you out.

What's up with this guy? Waittt a minute, is this guy jealous? I giggled thinking how his reaction is, maybe I should play it a little.

Me: Well, both of them are pretty good looking and hot though.

Caylus: So you like one of them?

Me: I mean Delice is a really great dancer. He knows how to guide a lady.

Caylus: I can dance too you know, in fact bachata is my forte.

Bachata?! Interesting, this guy seriously knows how to dance bachata?

Me: And Noah is ugh

Caylus: Is what?

I giggled knowing that his last text sounds annoyed and frustrated. It may just be in my head but I'll keep my interpretation as it is.

Me: He is a definition of sexy. The way he moves and dance is definitely smooth and hot. I'm pretty glad he is my dance partner, all the girls do be giving me that death look.

I sent that to Caylus but seconds turned to minutes! I was just deadpan waiting for his reply. 30 minutes have passed yet no sign of Caylus but I still waited. What if his battery died, or maybe his internet connection was unstable, or like there was a family emergency that's why he wasn't able to reply back.

I waited and waited that I didn't notice I fell asleep waiting for his reply but their was no Caylus.

Did Caylus just ghost me?