SKY 10: SaturDate

8:00 am


How do you style hair?!

Caylus is picking me up at 11 and I'm up since 6:30 in the morning to get ready for this lunch date. Wait no, it's not a lunch date.



Yes just lunch nothing more, so why am I so pump up early in the morning just for lunch? I drop flat to my soft and comfy bed facing the ceiling. My hands extended up to the ceiling as if trying to reach it.

I heard a knock that disturb my thoughts. I sat straight hearing my cousin's voice coming from the knock, "You're up early," Rainer said leaning by the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. Rainier is 2 years older than me, and he's the type of guy who isn't into social gatherings so during my aunt's farewell party he was just somewhere there. Hiding from the crowd, and he is in fact one of the most reliable among those hooligans.

"Well yeah, I have somewhere to be later at 11," I replied.

"Is it a date?" Rainier asked with a smirk.

"Well no, it's just...

A friendly lunch," I said.

"A friendly lunch huh. It doesn't seem like it since you're all so dressed up trying to impress a guy." Rainier said trying to hide his laughter from me. I rolled my eyes inwardly and drop my back on my soft bed facing the ceiling, "Shut up, can't you just say that I'm trying to look better today?"

I heard his footsteps drawing closer to me and I felt a weight added on the bed: Mike laid down carefully and faced the ceiling too. "So who is this guy that you're trying impress dear cousin?"

I felt hesitant to tell him for a moment because this is the first time I'm liking a guy and I don't know how to react to it. Rainier is my closest cousin among all of them, so I know he can keep my secret.

"His name is Caylus."


"Yes, Caylus Sky Hidalgo."

A few seconds pass and I heard nothing coming out from his mouth. So I turned to him just to see a very serious Rainier. I haven't seen a serious thinking Rainier before, he's always the calm gentle looking guy, "Hey are you okay?"

That seems to bring him back from his reverie. "A-ah yeah I'm alright."

He said trying to brush off the feeling, "Where'd you met this uhm Caylus guy?"

" Well he mistaken me with someone else in snapchat, and then unexpectedly we met in Aunt Theressian's farewell party. Although we didn't get to talk in that party and I didn't recognized him that time. Then one time I was about to go home, in commute, we accidentally bump to one another in the bus station. And that is where we started our friendship."

"And when did you develop liking that guy?"

Thinking where and when it started made my cheeks burn, I couldn't help these emotions running down my nerves. I got my Pikachu throw pillow and covered my face to hold back a screaming trying to escape my mouth.

Rain laughed at me, loudly. Like he is about to die out of laughing.

"Could you shut up?"I peeked out the pillow and faced with a deadpan look.

Trying to surpass his laugh he said, "I'm sorry but I couldn't help it." I end up getting annoyed and pinched his waist, hard.

"Aw! Shi that hurts!" He complained while gently rubbing the area I just pinched.

"You deserve that for laughing at me."

"Well, you liking someone is something new because I thought you were the 'no boys, school first' type of girl."

"Can't I like a guy?" a tone of sarcasm coming out from my mouth.

"Hm you can, but take it slow okay? Get to know him first before you decided to you know."

"I know what?" I asked confused with what he said but Rainier just winked at me.

And the thought sink in my mind.


Rainier's loud laughter filled my room, " Before you two decided to be a thing. Why? What is my naughty little cousin thinking?" His lips forming a smirk and that irritates the hell out of me for leading me to a different thought.

"YOU!!!!" About to attack him but his swift move was able to get away quicker before I could even sit up straight. "Come back here you jerk!"

Unmoved from what I said another laugh just escape that devil's mouth, "One piece of advice for this 'friendly lunch' you called. Be yourself, dress the way you're comfortable in. And just enjoy the moment," Rainier said with a sincerer smile.

Speechless of Rain's sudden advice, this guy never gives me advice but sarcasm. Did he ate something weird today? "Thanks."

With that he closed the door and I stood up to face the mirror but Rain suddenly appeared by the door to say something, " And you're too for that glow in the dark stars, bye! And oh don't forget to bring me some food!"

"RAINIER!!!" grabbing the closest thing, my comb, to throw at him but he hurriedly closed the door before it could even reach him. I let out a frustrated sigh and examined myself in the mirror, thinking about Rain's advice.

I'm not a fan of pants because it's too hot for a tropical country, but I do own a few. So I got a sage coloured long skirt that's just above my ankle with a white cotton crop top blouse; paired with a white snickers and of course a little jewelry. I face my vanity table and put on some powder, mascara, lip balm, and a light blush. I'm not a fan of heavy makeup and I don't do my eyebrows since they're thick enough: I brush my medium length wavy hair and let it just drape down my shoulders.

Nothing much change with how I look, I don't have that big of a confidence but I do prefer being the way I am.

I told Caylus to text me if he's here so I can go down to meet him but to my surprise mom came in to my room to tell me that Caylus is waiting down stairs. I got my pursed and rushed down, "A lady doesn't run dear." I heard my grandma from the back so I paused and turned around.

"Good morning La," I approached my grandma to give her a kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning too dear. Are you off somewhere?"

"Ah yes, my friend is downstairs waiting for me."

"And who is this friend of yours?"

"His name is Caylus, La."

"Caylus? Haven't heard of his name, where'd you met this boy you're going out with?"

"Well.. We somewhat met in Aunt Theresian's farewell party."

"I see, well have fun dear."

"Thanks La!" I turned my back and just two steps from the stairs my grandma spoke, "Have fun dear, but not too much fun."

"Lola!" I faced her with my cheeks burning, my grandma is a jokester.

I rushed down stairs and there is that man I am waiting for. He's wearing a white long sleeves polo which two of his upper buttons are open. Paired with a light brown trousers that's quite loose by width and a white vans and black wrist watch. The sun's ray touching his dark permed hair and skin that made him glow like an angel.

Sitting on the couch waiting with a bouquet of a flower.


Caylus sense my presence and turned to my direction. His mouth partly opened and his eyes were amazed? He didn't say anything. He was just there standing looking at me with that expression. I don't know if it's because of me, the outfit I'm wearing or is it my face? I don't know. These thoughts consumed my mind so I lost my confidence and my face started heating up. Do I look weird?

"A-h hey." I couldn't face him so I looked at my feet while I'm playing with my hands behind me.

Brought back from his lost thoughts he instantly moved closer, so close that I can feel his breath touching my skin.

"Hey," he greeted me with a gentle smile.

"A-ah U-hm Ca-"

Caylus cut me off before I can even say something,"You look gorgeous."

Wait what did he say?

I quickly looked up and his bright smile is enough to make my heart hammer so loud.

"g-gorgeous?" the word hardly escape my mouth with my cheeks burning like hell.

Caylus chuckled, and it sounds nice. It was like music to my ears for some reason, and his cute smile is an added points to handsomeness.

I felt a warm touch touching my cheeks later on a soft pinch as replaced, "You're so adorable when you blush, tomato."

"A-h I'M NOT A TOMATO!" I stomped my foot and crossed my arms over with my eyebrows meeting each other and a pouted lips.

The h*ll I'm not a tomato!

Caylus seems dense and it looks like it was a joke to him. I guessed you probably can tell what his reply was.

Yes he just laughed at me.

"Why you jer-"

"Flowers for you gorgeous."

The bouquet he was holding awhile ago is now right in-front of me. White tulips, my favourite flower. How does this guy knew my favourite flower?

"H-how did yo-" I wasn't able to continue what I am about to ask Caylus when mom suddenly cut me off.

" I thought you guys will have a lunch date? What are you guys still doing here?" Mom ask spontaneously that made me turn to her direction.

I'm not sure if she was excited for me to go to the lunch date or she just wants me out the house.

"We'll be heading out now tita, but before that." Caylus went back to where we was seated awhile ago and got a paper bag and another bouquet of flowers.

"This is for you tita. Thank you for entrusting me with your daughter for today."

My mom's eyes sparkled and her smile is wide enough to see her well formed white set of teeth.

"Oh my, you didn't have too dear," mom said trying not to sound so delighted with what Caylus gave her.

"No tita, I insist. This day means so much to me, I can't thank you enough for allowing me to take your daughter out today."

My mom chuckled softly as a response, "C'mon, start moving for your lunch date."

"Ma it's not a lunch date!" I told my mom while my cheeks felt so hot and my heart won't stop hammering so loud.

"C'mon gorgeous, I got your mom's approval already. Let's go," Caylus grabbed my hand and we rushed out the house and into his car. He didn't waste another second and immediately started the car and off we go.

I have no idea where we're going.

All I know is we're having lunch together.

While my heart can't keep silent with all these new emotions I am experiencing.

Caylus, what will you do if I accidentally fall for you?