SKY 9: The Proposal


My voice can hardly utter words from everything that is happening.

"Hey are you okay? Are sick?!"

Their was a hint of worriedness in Caylus' voice and I couldn't help but smile of the thought that he sounds worried. The day without talking to him made me down the whole time, like there is something not right. As each day the sun went to sleep and the moon rising from it's sleep to beam it's light in the dark skies. My day didn't seem complete if Caylus was not around.

"I-I'm alright"

I said in a soft voice and out of relief.

"Are you sure you're not feeling well?"

"I'm alright, don't worry. I was just sca-"

I wasn't able to continue what I was about to say when I remembered why I was mad at him at the first place. Ghosting me!

"HEY!" I stomp my foot and crossed my arms.

Their is evident anger in my voice and I made sure he can sense it well.

"Could you lower down your voice? My ears hurt," a sense of annoyance in Caylus voice.


It was terribly quiet in the other line; but I know he is there, listening.


I was cut off when Caylus suddenly appeared by my window with a mini balcony. My room is in the second floor, my window facing the right view where trees are situated. The car's headlight can be visibly seen because my room is also by the street view but I have no window for such side of my room. My question is, how did Caylus got in?! Moreover how did he climbed such tall fence and come up all the way here in the second floor. I don't remember telling him where my room was.

A sound of a knock was made by window as Caylus stand there tall and smiling with his white polo, which three of his upper buttons are unbuttoned. Paired with a black slacks and black formal shoes. His hair was kind of messy but it was neat in some ways, where his curls covered his eyebrows slightly. Over-all this man standing in front of me is perfectly dressed.

"Are you going to open your window or I break in?"

I just stared at him still stunned by this handsome man.

Caylus chuckled softly and said," I prefer you open your window to avoid unnecessary noise babe."

Brought back by my thoughts I hurriedly open the window and let him in.

"Caylus what the hec-"

A tight warm embrace welcomed me as I turned around after closing the window.

"I missed you."

Soft and calming.

The atmosphere didn't feel awkward, in fact it felt comforting and peaceful.

My hands moved by it's own like it has it's own brain that my arms grasped Caylus' waist. I inhaled his manly scent and there my heart beats like crazy. He smells good, a strong mans perfume. I was never a fan of man's perfume but if Caylus wears them I love how it smells.

Caylus pulled out from the hug and asked me, "Did you miss me?"

Stunned by his sudden question I was left off words and looked away with burning cheeks unable to meet his eyes. I felt Caylus hands under my chin and he made me make eye contact with him. Their was longingness in his eyes, "Because I do, so much. It was just a day yet I felt like I was going crazy that I wasn't able to talk to you." He gently brushed the back of the head with his soft palm.

"Tell me, did you miss me?" a soft tone and gentleness paired with cute round sparkling eyes tickled my heart.

"Mmh.. It won't hurt if you tell me that you sincerely missed me," he said as he pulled a strand of my hair that escaped behind my ear.

"So tell me, did you missed me?"

Giving in and swallowing all my embarrassment I admitted, "Y-yes"

My face feels hotter than usual with my sudden confession.

He squeezed me tighter and rested his chin on my head. It was silent but the atmosphere wasn't weird or awkward at all, it was something I couldn't explain.

"C-caylus," a soft voice came out from my mouth to break the silence.

"Hmm" it was soft and gentle.

I slightly pushed him away so I can face him even with my tomato skin painted on my face.

"Where have you been? Why didn't you make contact and now appearing so suddenly?"

Caylus let out a sigh and brushed his hair with his left hand.


No Hersheys, you are not a pervert!

"The last time we talked, you said something about prom date"

Caylus averted his gaze and lightly scratched his right eyebrows. I can't see his face clearly because the room is dark; but not too dark because of the luminosity my lamp gave off. One thing that I do distinctly see is that his ears were bright red.

"A-nd you said that you needed a prom date, so I took the liberty to prepare."

I wasn't able to comprehend what Caylus is trying to say.

"Eh? I don't understand you Caylus. Can you speak more directly?"

Caught off guard, Caylus quickly stood up straight and faced me with eyes full of determination. But his ears were still bright red, how cute.

"What I'm trying to say is, can you come down with me for a moment?"

"Eh?! It's late, and what if my family wakes up and sees you?! What excuse will I ma-"

"Who said we're going down using the stairs?" he confidently said with a smirk on his lips.

I looked at him in surprised not sure what he is thinking, until the thought sink in.


Caylus pressed his pointed fingers into his lips, "shhh, they would find out if you keeping making loud noises babe."

My eyes grew wide with sinking in and I instantly became aware and toned down my voice.

"Do you expect me to sneak out in this?! And what if I slip?! Stupid!"

"I won't let that happen"

"I'm a clumsy person you know so no matter how hard I try to be carefu-"

"Do you trust me?" Caylus cut me of with a serious look.

Stunned by his sudden interruption, my mind and heart didn't think otherwise with the answer.

"Yes, I do bu-"

"Than that's good enough"


"But before that" A thick warm blanket was wrapped around my shoulder to cover my revealing skin.

"You certainly can't go out with that outfit not on my watch. Plus it's cold outside so wear thick sleeping wear next time so you wouldn't catch a cold."

I see nothing wrong with what I'm wearing, it's a nighty.




It was like a limbo that kept repeating inside my mind until it sink in, I realized that this nighty I'm wearing is showing more skins than usual.


My face instantly started burning out of embarrassment.

How did I forgot I have no bra on?


Mentally I am punching myself and I deeply want to hide under the my blanket.

This is so embarrassing!

Earth-chan swallow me!

I was too busy with my embarrassment in mind that I didn't notice Caylus already opened the window and extended his hand towards me.

"Let's go" he said with a smile.

Without hesitation I accepted his hand.

Caylus did what he said awhile ago. He guided me so I can carefully come down safe. We head out the gate, trying to not make any noise. A light blue Mercedes car was parked near the gate, as Caylus approached it with our hands interwind.

So it's Caylus car. How many cars does this guy have?!

We stopped at the back compartment of the car. Caylus let go of my hand and opened the compartment. As it was opened fully I was left with in open mouthed.

" Hersheys, I know this isn't much or you expected anyone to ask you out. "

What does he mean that this is much?! This is perfect in it's own way.

"But can I ask you to prom?"

I faced Caylus, and there he was standing with a huge bouquet of white roses.

"Will you go to prom with me?" His red ears didn't escape from my eyes and I turned back to the compartment still astonished with what he did.

The compartment is filled with white roses that is well decorated. Fairy lights perfectly placed to give light to the roses. A huge medium sized illustration board was placed in the middle with a gold calligraphy writing 'will you go to out to prom with me?'. And surrounding with lots of all kinds of Hersheys chocolate there is with a touch of a koala stuff toy by the side of the board.

"Did you do all these?"

He slightly turn away, "Y-yes. It's not that beauti-"

"Are you kidding me? It's perfect!"

Caylus abruptly turned to face me with a shock look painted on his face.

"Y-you liked it?"

"I love it!"

I heard Caylus sigh in relief , that all the handwork he did just paid off.

"S-so what's your answer?" he said with a shaky voice.

I moved closer to Caylus and leave a small distance in between us.

" With all the effort you gave to prepare all these, I don't have the heart to turn you down. So of course I'll go to prom with you!"

That didn't seemed like it digested in Caylus for a moment so I got the bouquet and gave him a soft smile, " Yes, I'll go to prom with you."

When it finally sink in he rushed to give me a really tight hug.

"Thank you!" a sound of jubilant evidently heard.

He let go and punched the air,

"Yes!" He shouted but I quickly pinched his side to quiet him down, my family might hear him.

Not bothered by the pinch, Caylus just laughed it off.

"Today is the last day of you finding a prom partner, I hope everyone found a partner already. If you do please write down your name and your partner's name on the paper I will stick it in our reminders board. With this announced, I hope you guys find time to fill it out."

Our adviser stick the bond paper in the reminders board and left the classroom, off to her first class.

Everyone rushed in to fill the bond paper with their name and partner. Febonee, Emery, and Nere are done filling in but I stayed quite behind to let everyone fill out first. When there was no more crowd I got my pen and stood up to fill in the paper.

'Hersheys Dior Mercadejas and Caylus Sky Hidalgo'

"Caylus Sky Hidalgo?" a soft murmur from my right.

It was Nere.

"Caylus? Who's that?" Emery but in.

"I'm not familiar with this Caylus guy you wrote down shi," Febonee added.

"That's because you haven't met him yet. Plus our first encounter was not something common? I don't know b-"

"EH?!" the three of them said in unison.

"Wait! Hold on ! Where'd you met such guy!?" Nere asked.

"Hersheys Dior Mercadejas! Don't tell me you met him through mixed dating!" Febonee said scolding me.

"Can you even trust this guy?! Please tell me this isn't a sugar daddy Shi!" Emery said with worry.

"If he is a good looking sugar daddy Shi, go for gold!" Nere cheered.

Febonee and I just laughed at Nere's idea.

Emery didn't sound pleased with the joke and raised her eyebrow, "We deserve an answer Shi"

I let out a sigh and looked down on my feet, so I have to explain everything? Also the part where I started to like him?

"Shi if you won't give us an explanation you owe us food this Saturday!"

"Saturday?" I asked. I don't remember having plans for this Saturday except the lunch date with Caylus.

L-lunch d-date with Caylus?!

My cheeks started to burn with the thought.

"Did you forget? We agreed to watch a movie together! Although we haven't decide what to watch yet but we'll decide once we get there."

"Oh I'm sorry I got a sudden appointment this Saturday," I said.

The three of them looked at each other with confused and surprised.

"What appointment?" Febonee asked.


C'mon Shi! Make up an excuse!

"T-to the dentist! Yes to the dentist!"

"Dentist?" Nere asked not convinced with what I said.

"Ah yes! My dentist called me up to inform me about my long awaited cleaning this saturday," I said hoping to be able to convinced them about my excuse.

"Hmm" Emery examined me making sure I am not lying.

"Very well, but you still have a lot of explaining to do Shi."

"Alright," giving in to their nagging.

"Ohh story time!" Febonee excited with the story quickly pulled out a chair to listen, same goes with the two of them.

This will be long story telling, ughh my saliva.

"So it started with..."