SKY 19: "This is not how you treat a lady"

Shit, how do you do this?!

I read my physic homework again and tried to figure out how to answer this alien language but nothing came to my mind. It's all mixed up words and numbers that I can't put together and my exams are fast approaching.

I crashed out the solution I tried and crumpled the paper, Ugh!! This is so frustrating!

I hate physics and I define physics as an alien language and those who understand the subject are born alien.

I'm so done trying to understand the lesson. I could ask some source from my friends though but I still wouldn't understand a thing and how am I supposed to answer my exams with an empty brain? Sis doesn't want to be grounded for failing a subject on her exams. I wish God will drop me some blessings, maybe some brain cells to answer this thing.

And it was as if God heard my prayers and drop me good news.

My phone made a buzzing sound and Caylus name was printed on my lock screen notification, "Good morning gorgeous!"

Messaging me good morning or and goodnight every day became Caylus habit and since then he never failed to greet me. Although sometimes I don't respond Caylus still continues to send those messages to me every single day.

"What you doing?"

I got my phone and sent a reply to Caylus, " Trying to understand alien language."

"Alien language?"

"This damn physics got my brain dead. I wish I can just go to a store and buy some brain cells for this."

" You got this gorgeous"

"No, I don't. I don't understand a thing and my exams are coming up, I'm so dead. Might as well be grounded for a week for failing."

I sent my reply yet Caylus didn't reply.

He just... seen zoned me.

The fuck. So I turned my phone off and tried to concentrate but before my concentration spirit kicked in Caylus finally replied, "Gorgeous come over my place."



"I'll teach you physics"

"Wehh. You're lying."

"No gorgeous, I'm serious. Come over and I'll help you."

"Are you even good in physics?"

"Ouchh. "

I didn't mean to hurt his feelings but I need security alright. I don't want to waste my time and fail the test.

"Gorgeous you're talking to a science high graduate and science, mathematics, and english are my forte."

"You're not lying?"

"I'm not gorgeous."

"Here, let's make a deal.

If I teach you physics and you passed the exam then you have to do everything that I said for the whole day."

"And if I don't?"

"Then I get to do whatever you want me to do for the whole day."

Everything I said for the whole day huh?

And suddenly an image of Caylus wearing a cute maid costume came to my mind and I couldn't help but smirk at my crazy idea.

Oh my gosh, he would look so cute in a maid outfit!

"Okay, that's a deal!" I said and Caylus not knowing what I wanted him to do once he lost the bet. But I could intentionally fail the test just to make our bet valid but it's too risky momma would probably ground me.

"Alright I'll pick you up."

"No, just send me your address I'll be the one to go there."

"You sure gorgeous?"

"Yeah, just send it to me while I go prepare."

I turned off my phone and left my study table to go and prepare myself up. I didn't think much about my outfit and just grab something comfortable and pull my hair back. I grabbed my wallet and bag left my room, "Mom I'm heading out for a while!" I shouted before leaving the house.

"Be home before dinner and take care!"

"I will!"

I pulled for a taxi and headed to the address Caylus sent me, Marco Bay Condominium. I didn't pay much attention to his address and just enjoyed the scenic view from my taxi window. There was no traffic so I got there earlier than I anticipated and it was just there I realized what condo Caylus is living in.

He is living in the most expensive and luxurious condominium in the country.

I know this guy is rich but I never knew he was this rich. This condominium is only available for the well-known families or artists in the country, VVIP people, and maybe corrupt government officials. This is insanely rich.

"Ma'am excuse, we have arrived at your destination," the taxi driver called out my attention and it was then I realized we are by the entrance of the hotel already. I grabbed some cash and paid the taxi driver and got off the car.

I looked around the luxurious designs of the building, it was filled with gold and other expensive materials and decorations. Maybe the tiles are even worth more than my kidney.

I stepped into the building and I was greeted with two security guards checking my bag and my pockets before I could enter, "May I have your ID of residential ma'am?" The security guard asks.

"I don't live here. I'm just here to visit a friend," I said but they looked unconvinced.

"Do you have an appointment for your prior visit of today?"

"Umm no, he just texted to come over to this address."

"We're sorry ma'am but we can't let you in."

"What?! Why?"

"You don't have a residential I.D or visit appointment and we strictly follow the rules here ma'am."

"I-I know someone who lives here! His name is Caylus Sk-"

"Ma'am please just leave you're causing a commotion here." The two security guards grabbed my wrist that slightly hurt and tried to drag me out but a man suddenly stopped them from dragging me away, "This is not how you treat a lady," said a man with a stern voice.

The two security guards stopped and when they meet the eyes of the man who stopped them, their faces turned white as if they saw a ghost. They couldn't keep eye contact and their body was trembling scared of the man standing in front of them.

It was Caylus and his eyes were sending death glares to the two security guards, far from the Caylus I know. He held my hand gently while looking at the security guards warning them to be careful next time because he is not letting this pass, "This lady right here is my visitor and not a stranger. I expect you guys to remember her and treat her well next time she comes over."

"Y-yes, sir!"

"I'm not taking your rude behaviour lightly today. I hope you reflect on your actions."

"You may go," Caylus said and those guards left.

Caylus faced me and examine my body if I was injured or not, "gorgeous are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"How can I not worry when they drag you like that. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't listen to you and insisted to pick you up," he said blaming himself for such an incident.

"Look I'm not hurt," I stepped back so he could see that I'm alright and he would stop being paranoid. "I'm fine so don't blame yourself. They're just doing their job okay?"

"But they hurt you."

"I said I'm fine Caylus. So let's go, hmm?"

Caylus let out a sigh before intertwining our hands together, "Alright, but if you feel any discomfort please let me know immediately okay?"

"Yes sir!"

"So let's get going shall we?" Caylus said and guided me to the elevator with our hands intertwined and everyone looking our way.

I can't explain how they looked at us and I don't care, I'm here for good intentions and not something they think I am here for.

I'm not cheap.