SKY 18: Fireworks

After the awarding ceremony of the night was the after-party.

To be completely honest, I wasn't even excited for the after-party. Why? Well because I don't party and have never even tried. So truthfully speaking I don't know how to dance freestyle or what do you call that dance during an after-party.

The song was upbeat and I just sat at our table and watch my friends dancing on the dance floor like drunkards despite no alcohol were served. Caylus went out for a moment to take a call- his phone has been ringing like crazy since a while ago but her refuses to answer it. I told him it might be important but he said I shouldn't be bothered about it because it's not important, but I couldn't help it and convince him to finally answer the call.

And so he did, and I was left alone at our table.

I also haven't seen a shadow of Delice afterward and I couldn't be so thankful in my entire life. I literally don't know how to face him. I was lost in my thought and I didn't realize that Caylus was already standing in front of me.

He didn't say anything and grabbed my hand to drag me out on the dance floor, " Are you crazy?! I don't know how to dance?"

"Pfft, come on just move your body like this," Caylus said and showed me some simple easy moves to dance on the dance floor. It was easy to follow but I refuse to dance such monkey style in public, especially not in front of people who knows and I see their faces almost every day of my life.

"Come on, give it a try," Caylus said and continued dancing but this time it was more of a complex step? I don't know! Don't ask me, I don't have the Michael Jackson groove in my body.

"No, because it's embarrassing," I said and turned around heading back to my seat but Caylus doesn't know the word surrender. He held my hand and pulled us in the center of the dance floor- this time he was doing all the moves, guiding me here and there, spinning me and so much more. He was in control of my body and I just let him be because I find it fun later on which I didn't expect I was having fun with what he was doing.

Then the upbeat music suddenly faded to a piece of slow and romantic music. The lights were also playing along with the music which makes the surrounding a lot intimate. Caylus automatically wrapped his hand around me while the other held my right hand on shoulder level.

" And you said it was embarrassing," a smirk was painted on his handsome face.

"Okay fine, I do admit was, er fun."

"Fun? You were basically enjoying it,"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I take back my words."

A soft chuckled escaped from his kissable lips and I couldn't help but just stare at him. This man standing in front of me is the definition of God's perfect creation, a masterpiece indeed. I have never seen such a handsome man in my whole life, celebrities, idols, or even those top bachelors in the magazine can compare to this beauty.

God surely took his time to build him.

The music was slow and I was tired. I leaned onto Caylus' hard chest and closed my eyes, just letting this moment sink in.

I promise I'm not flirting, I swear!

I can hear his heartbeat.

It was loud and fast.

Is this the normal heartbeat of a person?

"Are you tired?" Caylus asked as he gently sways our body together with the rhythm of the music.

I nodded my head because I was too tired to even speak a word.

All that hard work and sleepless days just to make this event successful all paid off. It wasn't a single man's job but a great team in order for this to all work out according to plan.

We stayed in this position for a while.

I felt safe and calm when I'm with him. He just has this energy that takes the bad energy I have in my body and magically disappears every time I'm around him. I have grown attached to Caylus being by my side and I don't know if it's a bad or good thing. I mean what if I crave for his attention so much and he, you know. Finds himself someone he truly likes and he doesn't spend time with me anymore. I'm scared that he might forget about me.

"Gorgeous," Caylus called.


"I have something to show you."

I slowly opened my eyes and look at him, "what is it?"

"It's not with me right now, but let's head out first so you could have a better view about it."

Without a reply, Caylus guided me to the exit of the venue and to the nearest elevator. It didn't take long for the elevator door to open and we hopped in, he pressed the highest floor available.

And me the overthinker was thinking that he would bring me to a hotel room and show me the thing he was talking about. Maybe his well-toned body under that suit or maybe he wants me to check his broad shoulders if there is any pain for something because your girl is thinking something I shouldn't be thinking at the moment.

As we near the floor we are supposed to hop off, my hands started to get sweaty thinking what we will do up here this high in the hotel. My mind was running crazy of rated 18 jokes which the naughty side of me doesn't mind and is anticipating. While my angel side said to relax and don't expect too much, because Caylus is a good boy and I have nothing to worry about.

But frankly speaking, Caylus being just a little naughty is hot. Imagine him laying on the bed with the blanket slightly covering his lower body but enough to see his defined thighs and messy bed hair.

Caylus is tall, got big hands, feet, a nice toned body, and long legs, arms, and fingers so technically E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. about him is long and big. Who knows I might end up choking.


You really are crazy thinking about it and it got a lot worse when you just stare at his handsome face.

Oofff this is spicy

I was so lost in my crazy-rated thoughts that I didn't know we were already in the hallway of the highest floor. We headed straight to the dead end of the hallway which there was a door steel door that said "rooftop". Caylus opened that door and there were stairs leading to the rooftop, we climbed up, and finally, another steel door met us at the end.

The door slowly opened and the cold wind brushed my warm cheeks. I wasn't expecting anything but just a plain city view but the rooftop was well decorated and clean. There were fairy lights and flowers. Heck, there was even a picnic blanket and pillows, "And here we are."

Caylus arranged the pillows for me to sit, "Come sit here," he patted the seat right beside him. My feet moved and sat beside him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the cool air.

"And is this the one you meant to show me?" I pulled my knees closer to me and wrapped my hands around them to warm myself up and rested my cheek on my hand facing him.

"Well, not quite," he replied and removed his coat and hang them on my shoulders.

"Not quite? Then what is it?"

Caylus smiled and looked up at the sky, "and now."

And as if on queue, something in the sky made a sound, and bright lights scattered illuminating the dark skies. I looked up to where he was looking and there were fireworks in the skies.

It was beautiful.

"Do you like my surprised?"

I faced Caylus and smiled at him. Who wouldn't like this surprised? It was simple but was perfect.

A sigh of relief escaped from his mouth, "What? Were you this nervous?" I teased him.

"Yes," he honestly admitted.

His honesty was cute that I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Why were you that nervous? It's not like it's the end of your life if I don't like it," I said but that made Caylus silent.

Wait don't tell me it's his first time to surprise a girl?!

"Wait..." I covered my mouth with my palm and Caylus couldn't keep eye contact and avoided my eyes as he scratched his ears.

"Is this your first time?!"

And Caylus ears were burning red and he was still silent, but it was cute and I ended up teasing him the whole time he couldn't look straight into my eyes.

"So what if it's the first time I surprised a girl?!" with his gathered courage he shouted and look straight at my eyes, but you can definitely see his embarrassed look.

"Nothing. It's just cute how you gave it a shot."

"Stop teasing me," Caylus said and crossed his hands on his chest pouting like a little baby.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop," I said and tried to get up but I accidentally stepped on my dress making me lose my balance.

"Watch out!"

I thought I'd be falling face-first on the ground but rather I felt a soft pillow behind my back instead. I opened my eyes and Caylus was on top of me. He was so close that I can feel his breaths brushing my lips. We made eye contact for a few seconds and he was getting closer to me. I closed my eyes anticipating what to happen next but Caylus' phone rang like crazy breaking our awkward position.

He hurriedly gets off me and picked up his phone and I sat straight gaining back my composure.

Caylus faced his back on me to take the call, I looked at his broad shoulders and touched my lips. We almost kissed! Holy Freak!

After Caylus was done answering his call he went back to me to help me get up, "I'm really gorgeous but there seems t be an emergency with Elzay."

"Elzay? What happened?"

"I'm not sure but her parents called me asking me for help, so I have to rush to them."

"It's okay you can go, I'll take a cab home," I said

"No gorgeous, you are not taking the cab. I'll take you home safely," he said in finality and grabbed my hand.

"But you said there is an emergency with Elzay?"

"Yeah but you're priority gorgeous. And it's late, it's dangerous for a lady like you to go home alone."

"Thank you," was all I can say because my heart was beating so fast and butterflies filled my stomach.