Chapter 12


The Assembly

The morning light brought some calm to the area and to their minds as the thunder from the volcano, the shaking ground and missiles rain had stopped completely. A false fog limited vision to about a hundred meters, actually formed by solid particles floating in the air and carried to and fro by gentle morning breezes. The ash precipitated on the ground conferred a sad tone to the landscape, vegetation and rocks covered a dull beige color. Gusts blowing from time to time took away the dust of the branches and made it fall re-depositing it elsewhere.

The four travelers had no provisions for breakfast, so that as soon as they got up they prepared their belongings and set off. Thirst and the consequent risk of dehydration were present as a problem, until they arrived at a stream, in which the constant flow of water had dissipated the ash fallen in its waters. They drank cold water relying on its purity, since the spring would not be far upstream.