Floresta da Tijuca
The departure was carried on as quietly as possible. They took a flight to Sao Paulo and from there a local connection to Rio de Janeiro. In Rio they stayed at a discreet hotel in Ipanema, and after lunch and a short nap they went to the beach for a couple of hours. In April there was almost no people at sea even though the temperature reached 25 ° C. Cariocas- i.e. Rio inhabitants- having the ocean available all year only attend massively to the beach in the warmer months from December to March. When Marcelo went into the water and faced the short and frequent waves, the few passersby looked at him surprised.
“Is the water cold?” Asked Teresa.
“It´s warmer than in the Argentine coast in summertime.” Replied he as his eyes went after two sculptural mulatto girls who happened to walk past them.
“ Marcelo, you're going to be a father soon!” shocked screamed angrily the woman.