Haute trahison
Ribeiro led the difficult ascent followed by Luiz which widened with machete the path opened by the former. Marcelo permanently helped Teresa to climb the steep slope. Amalric was up the rear.
A large monolith suddenly appeared before them. They had not seen it before was because the rock was literally covered with all sorts of shrubs and vines hiding its surface.
“ Well. We have to find a way to circumvent this obstacle.” Said Emil.
Teresa focused her attention, brought her index fingers to her temples and her eyes narrowed; she stayed a while in that position.
“No, No.” She finally said. “ We must not go around this rock. We have to try right here.”
Teresa´s statement produced surprise and a bit of confusion in her companions, but she insisted on her position.
“Until now we have followed her instructions and have done well.” Emil told the Brazilians. “Try to clear the plants of the rock surface to see what´s underneath.”