
I stood seething I cut my eyes at him. He finally let go.

‘Why are you here Caleb ?’

‘Your parents invited me.’

Of course they did.

‘Come in Caleb.’

He smiled and stepped in she closed the door.

‘Hello Caleb it’s nice to see you could make it.’

‘Wouldn’t miss it for the world.’

Bet you wouldn’t.

‘Come on the food is done we can all sit down and Hope can tell us all about her time at the camp.’

‘Sure mom.’

We all sat down to eat and Hope talked about the camp and what they all done there it so indeed like torture but she was smiling like she really enjoyed it. I’d already heard about the camp but I chose to listen again. Caleb slid his hand in hers squeezing it making my blood boil I sure hoped he didn’t want to pick up where things had ended with her.

I excused myself telling everyone I had a head ache. They smiled and I leaped up the stairs closing my door jumping on my bed why did they have to invite Caleb over.
