Chapter 23

Chapter 23

According to what was anticipated by the guide, the road was effectively gaining altitude, which was perceptible in the foreigner’s ears. The distant line of summits became visible on the horizon first as a dark segment that with the passing of the hours began to emit flashes of bright white as they slowly approached the snowy peaks.

“Look at them from here.” Yeshe said.” You are contemplating the roof of the world.”

Dennis, the navigator of the expedition, was permanently monitoring the course followed with his GPS, his compass and his maps, in which he was making notes for future reference. Both he and Jack were silent in order not to distract the driver's attention from his path, which was becoming intricate.

On the contrary, Martín talked animatedly with his new friend Dieter, who asked him questions about life in Argentina and at the same time satisfied the curiosity of the young man by telling him about his experiences in Tanzania.