Chapter 18

Chapter 18


"So in the Altai Mountains?" Bodniev thoughtfully scratched his beard.

"Have you been there before?" Lakshmi asked.

“Of course. Few places in Eastern Siberia I have not been. “In the Altai region I have lived a couple of years, in the Russian sector, in Mongolia and in Kazakhstan.”

Jack had unfolded the vast geographical chart that Arkady Turgenev had left with them. Aman looked at the marked area.

“ It is a very rough territory although not of great height. We will probably not be able to ride all the time in the truck that you say you have. We will have to continue walking part of the way.”

“You say it's not a high mountain.” Dieter repeated. “Will we find water on the way?”

“Water will not be our problem.” Bodniev answered

“And what will it be?”

“The Mongolian bandits that roam the area. Do you have weapons?”

Boris gave a summary of the pistols they owned, while Suzuki kept for himself the information about the special weapons he had.