Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The shaman

The Altai are a mountainous system in Central and Eastern Asia, in an area where the political borders of Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan converge, and in which are the sources of the Irtysh and Ob Rivers. To the northeast it continues with the Sayan Mountains and its altitude decreases towards the southeast until it merges with the Gobi Desert. It is limited by a quadrilateral formed by parallels 45º and 52º north latitude and meridians 84º and 99º east longitude.

The population is sparse and is made up of an ethnic cocktail that includes Russians, Kazakhs, Altai and Mongols.

"I have to admit that the Altai Mountains were one of the presumed areas selected for our search," said Jack.

Arkady leaned over the map and extracted a compass and rulers from his backpack and with them began to draw on the paper.