Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Aman Bodniev had replaced Suzuki up front because of his insights he could pick up subtle cues in the passageway that might be overlooked by others.

“There is something inside this tunnel section. I do not know if it is what we came to look for but these marks on the wall are not the result of the action of water. Here there are parts of the passageway that were enlarged by beak or other tools.” As he said this he pointed to linear notches in the lateral rock as well as pieces of stone pulverized in the ground directly below.

"Do you think this material is new, that someone has recently entered?" Asked Jack.

“No. These marks are old, what happens is that in this corridor no atmospheric factor acts, the rain does not arrive; the air, as you will notice is stagnant and everything has been preserved as the day they were made. Look here.” He added pointing to a kind of dug made in the wall, of obviously not natural origin.

“What do you think it is?”