Brewing Storm (2)

Pak Kyung started to think if it wasn't Hunter association who could it be? This was even more stressful situation because the enemy was unknown and with immense power. If the enemy was known they could have formulated a plan to subdue him/them. But in this situation, it was like shooting in the dark he couldn't be calm even it wasn't the Hunter association.

The more pressing issue was their hands were tied if they were to move a big army it would be like provoking Hunter association. And if they didn't move a huge army, he knew for sure their guild would suffer a huge loss. While he was contemplating on what to do the phone suddenly rung up again.

"Who…." Once again, he was interrupted. But this time he had shock written all over his face.

"Move all the people you have available, there's a huge storm brewing in Seoul. The Hunter Association wouldn't have the time to address the situation in Busan as they have their hands full. But remember the situation should be cleared up in one day at maximum, the Hunter Association is busy doesn't meant that the big guilds are busy too, here in Seoul we have a minimum say in anything. If you get noticed by the big guilds, we will have nothing we can do to stop your destruction." Said the mechanical voice.

"Tha..." he tried to thank the man, but the man cut the phone off not hearing what he had to say. That didn't make Pak Kyung angry he felt better this was the first time they called him themselves after all.

Not only that the man gave him the green signal too, he felt like the shackles binding him was unlocked and he was finally free. He had never felted so happy in his life like he did now.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH" He started laughing like a maniac, but even while he laughed, he had a very vicious look in his face, it was almost disgusting.

After a bit of laughing he picked up the phone and started dialling a number again.

"Hello, the where are the first hunting team right now?" Asked Pak Kyung.

"They are in the Blue Moon Bar right now." said the woman on the other side.

"Good, Good there are nearby. Call them and send them to the market located in the north. Tell them to reach the location as fast as possible, tell them there is a war situation. the market will under come attack any hour now. tell them to be prepared and seal off the market for the situation. Also tell every available personnel to go to the market, no need to inform the guild master its straight order from him. the situation is dire I want the results in minutes, every available force should start moving right now." said Pak Kyung. As Blue Moon Bar wasn't too far from the market, he wanted to them to move in the market quickly, he had no idea when the enemy would strike so he wanted to be sure they had everything they needed to face the enemy.

In the war time situation, he had the right to make the decision but he wanted to make sure no one called guild master in the situation or else everything would get complicated.

As for the guild HQ he wasn't too worried as for them this building was temporary, they didn't plan to stay here for long anyway, they were doing illegal businesses and they knew that one day they would eventually have to move if they caught the attention of Hunter Association. And as for his own safety he wasn't that worried as he had confidence in his strength.

The most important thing for the guild was to protect the market, markets were Choi guild's lifeline, he knew without it there would be no Choi guild.

"Yes sir, right away." Said the woman, she didn't have the right to ask question she had just one work to follow the orders, so she didn't delve in the situation.

"Also, call of our affiliated guilds and tell them to deploy troops as well. Tell them this is an order and if anyone does not follow the order their guild would be destroyed by tomorrow night." Said Pak Kyung, he wasn't afraid of the retaliation from their affiliates as he knew even if they came together, they won't be a match for the strength of the Choi Guild. After getting the confirmation from them he also wanted to test the loyalty of the guilds under them. He wanted to destroy the enemy along with that weed out the bad apples.

After saying all that Pak Kyung didn't bother listening to response he just hanged up. Pak Kyung right now had a solemn look on his face he believed this much of force would be able to subdue the enemy whoever that was. Again, he started to wonder which guild could it be that attacked them.

After that call was made, phones started ringing in all over Busan, most of the guilds who got the call started to prepare for a war, there were also those guilds who didn't do so they wanted to watch the situation from the side lines. By now every guild were aware of the fact that there was a storm brewing in the Busan, and Choi guild was smack in the middle of it.

Those guilds that hated the Choi guild that hated Choi guild from the guts even started to get together. This small issue of someone killing someone's son was quickly turning into something very huge, something that the most of Busan was unaware of. Most of the Busan knew that these undercurrents were not small, after tonight the power balance could turn anyway. Every guild who were aware of the situation wanted to profit from this situation, even those guilds that didn't align themselves with any sides until now started to have call with other guilds.

This was for the first time there was such big undercurrents in the city of Busan. In the past Busan was singlehandedly ruled by the Choi Guild.

The Hunter Association were not unaware of this fact rather even they had their hands tied. All they could do was send troops towards the said location and evacuate the area, all the non-hunter people were evacuated by the Hunter Association, Black Market along with some of the local guilds those who believed In the principles of Hunter Association.


Meanwhile all of this as happening, Kang-Ho made a stop inside a restaurant and started to have some food. He was really hungry, and he didn't want to fight a battle with empty stomach. While he had his food, he wasn't really aware of the commotion he had created.


While Kang-Ho peacefully had his meals, Most of the Busan's Guilds started to arm their members from top to toe, to prepare for a war. Every guild involved in this didn't spare any expenses and started to gear up every member of their guilds.


"I hope Busan isn't destroyed today, I have planned so much for the city, I hope it remains intact." A man was mumbled this to himself and started to laugh like a maniac, in the shadows it wasn't that clear who the man was.