Jin Kyu


Inside of the Hunter Association headquarter, one man was running while carrying a sword on his waist. He was completely out of breath, he seemed like he just ran a marathon. After some time of running he finally made it to his destination, he stopped in front of the Captain's office. After arriving he stopped to catch some breath, after he was done, he knocked on the door.

After he got the confirmation to enter, he entered the office. When he entered, he seemed like totally a different person, his back was straight, he was in attention position, he didn't dare to breath loudly.

"SIR!" he bowed and greeted the man who was smoking while sitting on a chair, it seemed like he was very relaxed from afar. But if someone looked closely one could see the seriousness in the man's eyes. The man was none other than Jin Kyu.

"What's the situation on the ground? Any new update on the situation? Is the evacuation over?�� asked Jin Kyu with a serious tone. The tone of his voice gave the other man chills, he had never heard the captain talk in that way.

"The evacuation is over, every non hunter has been relocated to a safe place, until the situation calms down in the North district, they will be in full supervision of our troops. Their every need would be taken care of. We were successful in deploying the essential supplies and made a temporary encampment to house them. We will make sure no one suffers.

On the update about the situation on the market of Choi guild, there seems to be huge movements going around. There are two major factions, one led by the first hunting team of the Choi Guild and the other seems to be led by Crow Guild. they managed to gather up a lot of troops, it seems they are about to clash any minute. There are many guilds supporting the crow guild, it seems that this fight is going to be a big one as every guild have sent most of their fighting strength.

Both of the factions are face to face right now in the market, they have not started the fight yet, I think the crow guild are waiting for our confirmation. I think they will start after all the civilians are evacuated." Said the man carrying the sword.

"Maybe, maybe not, they might even be waiting for the masked man, we can't be sure of the fact. Anyway, call the Crow guild and inform them of the situation. Have you found out about the man who destroyed the south market, were you able to find out which faction the man belongs to?" asked Jin Kyu in a very serious tone, one man managed to destroy Choi guild's 30% of fighting strength in just some hour, this was a very big news.

There were many possibilities of the man's origin one, he could be an expert sent from Seoul to destroy the Choi guild, which was unlikely. Jin Kyu knew what the people from Seoul felt about places like Busan, it was very unlikely that they would have any interest in this type of place. Usually the maximum level of dungeon found in Busan was limited to 3, there would some time appear higher level dungeons, but the chances were below 0.1%. So, Jin Kyu was confident that the possibility of High/Middle level guilds being involved in this was very, very slim.

'Tsk, let alone dungeon, this place doesn't even have "Those" things.' Thought Jin Kyu dishearten.

The second possibility was that there was a new power rising inside of Busan under his own eyes, normally Jin Kyu would not believe in such possibility, but his recent encounters made him think twice. Jin Kyu wanted to bet his money in this possibility, as he would be rewarded if he managed to recruit such highly talented hunter. He might even get a chance to join the HQ in Seoul. He wanted to find out the origin of the masked person and try to make him join the Hunter Association.

"No, sir it seems the man appeared out of nowhere, no one has any information on the guy, not even the black-market. It seems he had hidden his identity well; we don't even know what the man looks like, the only thing we know is that the man might have connection with the man who cleared the hidden dungeon today. Even that is not proven it's just a speculation." Said the man with a fearful face, he knew that Jin Kyu didn't want to hear this kind of response, even so this was his job to inform him of this.

"SIGH!" Jin Kyu, sighed and continued. "Keep searching don't give up. Why are there so many masked ba**ard roaming around the city?" Said Jin Kyu in disappointment, he didn't have the strength to scold the man.

"Sir, are you sure this is a right choice? If we don't interfere in the fight, it is very difficult to estimate the damage Choi guild would cause today." Asked the man with a serious expression, questioning Jin Kyu.

"The order is straight from above; I don't have a say in this matter. It seems like They have started to start trouble in the capital, so the Hunter Association doesn't have time to deal with these small disputes. All we can do is watch from side-lines for now at least. After situation gets calm out there, we might have a city-wide purge in the Busan." said Jin Kyu with a very vicious smile in his face. If another person saw his face now anyone would think he is a lunatic.

"Just make sure none of the civilians are hurt in this, that's all you may go now." said Jin Kyu after which the man bowed and left the office. After the man left Jin Kyu once again started to think about the stuffs that were ongoing.


In the North District, the houses were empty, there was not a single person in the place right now, it seemed like the place was deserted. Kang-Ho made his way through the place that looked like abandoned, he didn't have any idea what caused this. He was oblivious to all the fact, so he was carefully advancing to his destination.

Kang-Ho was a little anxious as he didn't know what was going on here, after some time of walking Kang-Ho starting using his skill Void walk. After using the skill Kang-Ho started sprinting towards the Market. After some time of running the market was finally visible to Kang-Ho. He stopped to analyse the situation; it seemed the entire market was shut down.

Kang-Ho knew the enemy were prepared so, Kang-Ho became even more alerted. He didn't want to be too careless, he first wanted to check out the strength of his enemies. So, Kang-Ho slowly started to search for the Choi guild's troops.

When Kang-Ho reached the middle of the market, he was surprised by the scene. There were a lot of people gathered there, but more importantly from far it was quite clear the hunters were divided in two faction. Kang-Ho was confused on what was going on here, so instead of attacking, he started to observe the situation and learn what was going on here.