Chapter Sixteen_Contained

It happened that rumours were rife, that Lord Roka's concubine was a huge recluse.

Well this was because, apart from doing whatever it was that Lord Roka ordered him, and indulging in his other activities, Hinam had no time or interest in anything else.

But the Ranoman noble women and royalty, that had seen Hinam that banquet night wanted to know more about him.

This was mostly to soothe their gossipy throats or to find out any strange titbits about him that could satisfy them, especially since Lord Roka had zero to no communication with them, though he was very popular and well regarded by the Ranoman citizens.

So one fine afternoon, a bevy of noble ladies took courage and came looking for Hinam at Lord Roka's residence.

Lord Roka was already informed days back, by some of his secret elite men, that the ladies were coming.

He had wanted to make delicate excuses for Hinam, but the Elusive Wind declined his help, firmly stating that he could handle them.
