After the sweet, and satisfying lovemaking with Hinam, King Liyal meticulously cleaned up his treasure, then left him snugly covered with the thick bed covers.
He took his bath, wore a change of garments, stepped out and subsequently left instructions for no one to enter his bedchambers to tidy it up yet, until he returns and calls for the servants.
The Palace Head Eunuch had bowed, responded accordingly then diligently led the way out of the King's quarters, with a train of servants coming behind them, all bearing gifts, to the part of the Palace housing one of the King's beauties; the Jasmine Pavilion.
The Jasmine Pavilion was so named and lavishly decorated for Consort Tazea, a Princess from the Kingdom of the Muls.
Their Kingdom bordered Kirith on the North, and they had an old alliance with King Liyal's late father, King Adnit.